HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0250 i !I , ..., "._..__ ..<...____~....__ ,_' -. ._4.... ,-- . . b. oon.\r~ot8d by aald oeoon4 party In oonneotIon wlth ony resldenoe on any ot 801d land, a I.ptlo.tank In aooordanoe .1th epsoltloatlo08 npproTed by the party ot the flrBt part "in ( Wi' 1. Ung. ,1:. . 4,." Do 8ignl or blllboards of any klnd or oharaoter shall be exhlbltftd, dlsplayed. 000- Itr~oted or maintalned In 8nld subdivlBlon without the writton oonoent of the party ot the tlr8t part, Do lot or lots in Bald aubdlvlaloD 8hall be subdlvlded or re-Bubdlvided wlthout the wrl~teo oonsent and approT8l ot p.rty ot the tlrBt part. !hat the party ot the flr8t part, Its eUOO&8S0rS or 8ss1gns, .hell have the rlght, trom tlme to tlme, to r.lease .uyot the abOT~ or toregolng re8trl~tlonB, oOl1dltlonB. or Ilmltatlon8 by sealed InBtrument duly exeouted in aooordsno. .ith the law8 ot the Stete ot Plor14a tor the oonYe,.noe ot real eBtate, 'hls deed IB glven subJeot to any agre.ment made 'y the Vendor wlth eleottlo Ilghtlng, gas, .ater, tran8portatlon, or other publlo serTloe oorporatlon8, and the Vendor reSerY.8 to Itaelf, aud Its 8ss1gnu, the right to enter upon the property for the purpo.e ot oouBtruotlng, treating, aod maintalnlng along the rear line of Bald property oyer s strlp not more thu; flye (6) teet .1de, poles, .1res, uodergrouud oondl11t8 or pipes, neoesBory to transmit or tGrnlah to 881d lot, or any other lot ln said subdlTllion, .l.otrlo ourrent, telephone ser- l vloe, water and 8....r.g. plpe8, and to repair, remOYe o~ replaae suld poles, wires, oondults, pipes, eta., and the Vendor turther reserves th9 right, prior to aotual oaoupauoy of any lot, '0 .nter thereon aod at its 0.0 expense to out grsss, remove weeds. olutlvot. tlower8 .od shrubs thereon. ~h18 dee4 Is exeouted pursuant to ond in the exeroise ot the }lower and authority grented to and yested ln ssid trustee by the term8 of Baid deed or deeds In trust delivered to the 80111 trustee and In pursuanoe ot the trust agreoment above IDt'ntloned. '1'hls deed 18 made eubJeot to the l1en ot every trust doed or mortgoge (It any there b,) ot reaord ln 8814 oounty glTen to seoul" the payment ot money, .nd remalnlng unreles8ed at the dota ot the de- l1yery bel'eot. II WITlESS WHBR!Ol, 881d psrty ot the tlrst part has aaused-its oorpotote 8eel to be hereto atfixed, end has 0&u8e4 Its neme to be signed to these presents by lts Pre81dent and attested b, lts Cashler, the day and yesr tlrat above written. PORT PIERCE BAllK AlID TRUST COHPARY, a3 Truotee. By Carl H. Pay Presldent. Slgned, se'led end dellverod In the presenoe of: " ~. iatl1tt Attest: D. O. UoDougald C8shier .. " ",. J. S. Jookoon STATB OP PLOlj IDA COUnTY OP ST. LUCIE) u I HEREBY C!BTIlY, Th&t on this 'th day ot Hay A, D. 1928, betore me per80nally appe.r- .d Carl B. 781 .nd >>. 0, UODo~8ld, respeotiye11 Presldent and Cashier ot ~ort Pletoe Bank & !'rust Compaoy, . aorporation under the law. of the St&te ot 'lorida, to meknoWD to be the perlone de80ribed ln and who exeouted the tOl'egolng ~onTeJ8na. to lUl.lie Walter and 8eyorelly 8okno.ledged the exeoutioD thereat to be thelr tree sot and leed a8 8uoh otfloer., tor the U..8 and purp0888 thereln lIIent1ooed; and that they affixed t}Aereto the ott1aS..l seal of 8ald ~orporatlon, and the 8014 Inatrument 1. the .ot and d... ot Bald oorporatloD. W{TUBSS my Bignoture .nd ott101a1 yeal .t Port Pieroe, In the Count, ot St. Luoie and State ot ~lorld., the day and yeal' la8t storesald. . )~~~~~K~~~~~?i}~~~fff~!';~;~~~!1~tri " .-:. __ --:'~ ..:~:: --;' :?'~~i:lf~JTf;1~2)~}}