HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0257 236 - ~- _.-- -",~... -- ""-'--;.'~-".'" .------ G. D. C.dAWlORU, 8,PICIAlt KAS~BR TO w. )I. DRIVBB All>> LIlfBDE mUQR KASTXR' S DDD THIS IUDlmTURB, Kade the 7th dQY ot lIal. 1928, be\wecn O. D. CJIA"'~, as SPECUL KASTlB II CHANCERY, of the tlr8t part, and W. II. DrlTe~ 8nd Llo.... ~lYe~ ot the 8eoond part: u WBERElS~ the Ci~oult Court of the 21,t Judl01al Cirouit ot the State ot P10rlda, io and tor the County ot st. Luoie, 1n Ch8ooery, on the 31B1i da, of January, 19~8, among other thlnge ordered, adJudged and deoreed, In a o.rtaln oaUSI then pendlng 1n the 8ald Court, betw.en W. II. ~rlYer and Lln..I. Drlyer oomplalnants, and Sunrise LoDd Compeny, a oorporatloD detendant, that the mortgaged premiae8 mentloned in eald deoree, and he~.ln- after partloularly deaoribed. be 801d by sald Usster, at publlo auotion, the sald llaster tlr8t glyiog 'our weeka not108 ot the t\me 8nd plaoe ot 8ale, In a oewspaper publlshed at 'ort Piero. In the aold State, to-wit, the 8th, l'th, 21st, and 28th of llaroh, 1928. AlII> WBJl:BBAS, the Bald Speolal U8ster G. D. Crawtord aud party of the flret part to these pre8ents, io pursuanoe ot the 881d order and deoree of the said Court in Chanoery, dld, on the 7th day ot Yay, 1928, aell at publlo auotion the sald mortgaged premises, hereinafter partloulBr1y deeorlbed, having tirlt glveu previoU8 notl08 ot the time and plaoe ot 8ale, with a desorlptlon of the 8ald prem1se8, 8gTeeabl. to the order atores81d; at whloh 8ale the sald mortgaged premi8e8, herelnatter partioularly desoribed, were sold to the a&1d parties ot the seoom\ part tor the sum ot ONE THOUSAIID AIID 110/100 dollar8, that belog the hlgheBt sum bidden tor the aame. NOW, THERBPOBE, THIS n'Dm'T~~B WITUB3SETH: ~hat 'he~said Speclal U8ster.ln order to r, .J oarr, ioto etteot the 8ald 8ale 80 made 88 etore8ald, In purauanoe ot the said d.oree ot 4~ . th.~CoUft ot Chanoery, In oonslderatlon of the prem18es, aud of the sald sum of 01~ THOU- SAID AIlD HO/IOO dOllars, peld at the.tlme ot the exeoutlon hereot, b, the Boid parties ef the seoond part to the aaid Speoi8l IIBster. the r60eipt whereot he lOes hereby aoknow- ledge, h&a g~anted, bargained aud sold, aliened, rel88sed, oonveyed and oontirmed, and bl these present8 doe8 grant, ~arg81n and 8el1, alien, releaso, oonvey Dnd oonfirm unto the said par_ti e8 .ot the 8eoond part, aod to their heir8 and aBsigna forcTer, the oertaln paroel ot land In the County ot St. Luoie State ot 710rida, deaoribed aa tollows: The South Halt ot the Sout.hweat Quarter ot the Hortheast ~rter ot the Borthwest Quarter ot Seotlon Twenty-one, ~OVD8hlp ~hirty-flve South ot Range ,orty last. :.> . togGther wlth an and 81ngular the rlghts, member8, prlvllege8, heredltaments and apPul'te- nanoe. to the lame belonglng or ln anywlae appertalning. TO RAVE ADD TO HOLD all and singular the 88id premises, above m.ntloned and desorlb- ed, and hereby granted and oonTele4, or lntended so to be, wlth the appurt.nano.s, unto th. 8aid plrti..o~t~th.~.eoon~ part, thelr hell'S end 8ssign8, to the only propel' u8e, bene- tu and behoot of thl 8a14 perthlJ ot the aecond pert, thelr hell'S and aS81gn8 toc ever. 11 WITNESS WHlBBOf, the 8814 Speoial Kaet.r in Ch.noery aa atoreaald, has hereunto a.t hla hand and eea~, the iay and y..r tlrst aboTe wrltten. Sign.., sealed and dellTere4 In the pre8enoe of:) XYal1n Uontgom.rl E41th W, Huou ) ) o. >>. CrAwlor4 (3eal) A. Speols1 Kaster ln ChaDberl, a. aforeS81d. n STATE 0' rLORIDA, ) ST. LUCIB COUNTY. ) I, an ottlo.rdul, authorlsed to tate aoknowledgments, h.reby oertlty that O. D. '. :;:Atf:g~~;~f~~kf.i~.i:~~~,~1~~$3~'~(.~;11'~%~ ..-..4 . ' .' : ':.~. '.,;~, ::t.~:~;?r~ff,}1fi~tf~rt~: