HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0270 I;' -. ~--~- '>4' 9~~ _ t. ~ [ w11. OODTe,ed to eny peraon other th.n of the Cauoaslan raoe, provlded that nothlng hereln oontained 8hall preTent the keeplng and maintalnlng ot servants on tha 801d property tor rea- 80nable teally U8e. 6. Do out81de tolle' ehall be permltted In any part of .81d subdlvlsloD but there shall be oon8trlloted by sald 8eoond party In oonneot1on with 80Y re81denoe on any of 8ald land a sepUo tank. 1n aooordanoe with 8peoit1oaUon8 approyed by the party ot the tlrst part 10. writing. 6. No building oo..orly known as an apartmeot house tor oooupation ot more than one famlly, nor asylum. nor hospltal shall be ereoted or used tor euoh purp08e8 on 8aid land, ex- oep' '~at designated tor ba8in.B8 property b, par~of the tlrst part. 7. No slgn8 or blllboards ot any kind or ohnraoter shall be exhlbl~ed, dlsplayed, oonatruoted or malntained In sald subdlvision wlthout the wrltten oon8ent ot the party of the tirlt part. 8. No lot or 10t8 In Bald subdlYision shall be 8ubdivlded or re-Bubdivided wlthout the "ritten oonsent aud opproyol of party of the first pert. 9. The prlvllege aol e8a8m~nt is hereby toreyer reserved to Boid party of the flrst part, itB suooe8sors and a8s1gn8, to ereot and maintain poles, wlres and other 8~itable equlp~ ment tor .leotrlo llght, power, telegraph, telephono alld au!toble equipment for allY other utilitie8 and to 10. water malns on or In the rl'8r four feet of the laud herelu oonveyed, on or ID the 3 foot atrlp along the side lines thereof, when neoesssry to goln aooess to the tour toot 8trlp reserved along the rear lines of said land :tor utllity purpose8 Dud for s:.loh purposes a. well as to repalr, remove or replooe suid poles, equipment and melns, the said tlrst party shall hove the right tor itselt, Its agent and employees to enter upon s8id pre- I, miS8a in reasonable manner and at re~80nable tiMes. 10. That It the s8id 8eoond party her helrs, personal repraeentat1ve8 t;r assigns, or auy holder or holders of the property hereby oonveyed by vlrtue ot any Judioial prooeedings, sh.ll fall to oomply with any ot the above aad foregoing re8triotlona, oondit10ns or limita- tlo08 wlthln slxty daya after written not10e to the s8id seoond pspty,--- heirs, representa- tives or asslgns, or any of them at-------------_ or at their lost known address, by the sald party of the tiret part, its s~ooesBors, personal representatives or BBeigns. or elther of them, theD the ssid above desoribed Bnd oonveyed property ahall lrnmediutely revert to the 8aid. party of the tiret .-,art, Us sllooesaol'S or assigns, who shall be entitled to i~ed1ately enter upon sald property without notloe, and take pos~e8sion of the same with full title In tee simple, together wlth all Improvements thereon, and no waiyer of any of these oonditions, limltat10Ds or reatriotlons, express or Implied, or tailure for any length of tlme to enforoe the 8ame, shall OOIlSt !tute a bar to suoh entoroement at any tlme. 11. That the party ot the first part, its suooeS80ra or 8ss1g1l8, shall have the right, trom time to tlme, to release allY ot the above or toregoing restriotlOll8, oonditlon8 or limlta- tlon8 by sealed instrument duly exeouted in auoordanoe with the laws of the Stote ot ~10rid8 tor the oonveyanoe ot real estote. u II WITUESS WHEBEO~, tho aald party of the tlrat port hos oU~8ed theBe presents to be 'lgoe4 10 lts name by Its president, and Its oorporate seal to be afflxed, attested by Its Seoretary, the del and y.ar above wrltten. EXeo~ted 1n Duplloete, lWlAVILLA PLA~, IllC. ~~:~ ~~~~~~:~~~?&~~~~~~~:.~~I~~J~Y$~~~fili -- ._._____...__....4 By /='-- " ~ Atteat: o;~.~eal) .~ 1, I' 1,' / 3. T. Hoehn Pre8ident. C SRAL ) Slgned, Sealed and DeliTered in Presenoe of R. E. Brady R. S. rtalton Seoretary. (SX&L) Lene Cabl1sh ~.. . -':' ; ..:)..: :t/l!i~r~1\(~l~:~i;~,1