HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0272 : -', ---r~-' -- .-..--..------...-.--..-.....----..- - .....-..--.... --~-- ..........~ 251 [ Il~ ( '$3,500.00 on lOt8 frontlng on Sunr18e >>oulev8~d, and $3,000.00 on all othe~ 10t8 8nd all feeldenoe8 10 8ald Subdlvlslon shall bo oonat~aoted ot oo~81 roo~,oonorete, 8'~OOO, oonerete blook, hollow tile, briok o~ mlxed ~on8truotion, or veneered wlth ooral rook or brlok, or frame 'venee:red with staooo, :'.nd 8hall bfl along Sp8nlsh, lloor1.sh, Venetian ot' simUllr har- manloue type8 ot a~ohlteotl1~e, and the afo\'eso14 smount shall be aotually expended on oon- 8truotlon and ereotlon of suoh bulldlug and. not teee in oonneotion therowlth. 2. 1'0 building shall be oonstruoted or ereoted on any of sold land uut 11 ofter the plan8, speoltloatlona and looatlon ot the S8me shall have boen approyed ty the party of the tlret part, its 81100essor8, representatives or assigns. 8. NO bul1dlngs othe? than one re81denoe bulldlng and one p\'lv8te garage sholl be ereoted on any 008 lot, without the ,",ltten oonsent ot p8rty of the first part and no build- ing shall be ereoted at a less dlatsnoe thall 30 teet from the :front ltne ot any lot in 8ald Subdlvls1on, or trom any street, or at a lesa distanoe than 3 teet from the side line ot any / I t. lot, or at a less dlstanoe than 4 teet t\'om the rea\' llne. 4. That 00 unlawtul or lamoral use ahall be made ot the premises he~eby oonveyed, nor sholl the 89me nor any part thereof, nor any lnterest thereln, be sold, leased or other- wlse oonveyed to any person other than of the Cauoaelan rooe, provlded that nothlng hereln oontained shall prevent the keeping and malntaining ot servonts~on the sold p~operty tor reasonable tamlly ~se. 6. No outslde toilet shall be permitted in any part of 8ald subdivision but there Bhal1 b6 oonstruoted by sold seoond party In oonneotloll wlth any residenoe on any ot said land a s_ptlo tank In aooordanoe wlth epeoiflootlous approved by the party of the tirst part 10 wtttlng. 6. 110 buUdlng oommonly known a8 an apartment house tor oooupation of core than one tarnily, nor asylum, nor hoepltal shall be ereoted or used tor suoh pU~po8es on said land~ exoept that deslganteli. tor bueiness property by party of the tL'st part. 7, 110 _1gns or b111boards ot any kind or ohar8oter shall be eXhlblted, dlaplayed, oo08truoted or malotalned ln said subdlvlsion wlthout the written oousent of the party ot the tlret part. 8. No lot or lots 10 8ald subdiv1810n shall be subdlvlded or re-subdivided without the written oons~nt and approval of party of the flrst part. 9, The prlvl1ege and easement ls hereby toreve~ reserved to aald party at the flrst part, its 8:100eSSors and assigus, to ereot and maiuttllu poles, wires and other stlltable eqaip- lIent for eleotrl, light, power, telegraph, telephone and sclltable equipment tor auy other utUities and to lay water malus on or In the rear tOllr feet ot th~ land hereln oonveyed, on or in the 3 foot strlp along the side llnes thereot, when neoes8ary to gain aooess to the tour foot strip re8erTed along the rear lines of sold land for utlllty purposes and tor suoh purpoeee as well as to re,.ir, remove or replaoe 801d pOle8, equipment and malns, the said tlrst party 8hall have the ~ight for itaelf, ita odent and employees to eoter upon sold pre- m18e8 In rea80nable manner and at reasonable tim38, o 10. ~hat 1f tho uid seoond party her heit's, persoual representatlves or 8ssigne. or any holder or holders of the property hereby ~~nveyed by vlrtue ot any Jlldiolal prooeedings. ebsll taU to oomply with aD:{ ot the abon and torogolng restriotions. oonditions or 11l11ita- Hons withlD sixty day. after -.r lUeu notioe to the .aid 8eoond J&rty,--- heirs, represenh- 'lvea or a8s~n8, or any of them st--------_______ or at thelr last known address, by the 1114 pa~~~_~~ the tirst part, its suooeA80re, personal representative8 or assigns, or elther . \1 1 t ~~~'~~:;!.~:-f:?!f!/~~;~~~?::~~{tt~l:~i:~~~i ____.__ -41 ~ '-~ ~ , .' \ ,;' \:.: /:~~t;iltlfft~r;~~~'i~~