HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0348 ~ : i I I --.--~""'-'-". -'-.--....--.----.-.. -- --...-...,.,.... --. ..._-.. -.- -- -. . -. - - .....,- ------. ~27 "- [ be and eb_ll be aoo.pted aG oo~.nant. r~nning with the land herein oonveyed and whloh shall ba binding alike upon ~he heire, per80n.l r~ptesentati~ee aDd 8so1gns ot the part- o~ ~he ..oond part, who by thelr aooeptanoe ot thle instrument agree to abide by and pertorm 8aid fe.trio'lona, llmltatlone and oonditionl a. one ot the express ooneideratlOD' of theae pree.nta: 10 building shall be ereoted or oonstruoted on said land ot a le88 oost than $3600.00 and all r.aldano.. In .81d S.n Luole PIa.. shall be oonetruotecl o~ oor.l root, oonorete, stuooo, oonore'e blook, hollow tl1., briok or mh:ed oonetruotion, or ~eneered with 00...1 rook or briot, or ir... ~en.er.d with 8tuooO, and 8hall be along Spanish, Uoorish, Venetlen, Dutoh, or similar har..Diou8 types of arohiteoture, and the atoreaaid amount shell be aotually expended on oon- etruotioD and ereotion ot euoh building and not teen in oonneotion therewith. 10 bu\lding shall be oonstr~oted or ereoted on any of laid land until atter the plans, speoitioatlone and looation ot the same shall ha~e been approTed by the party ot the first part. ite 8uooessors representoti~e8 or assigns. Bo building other than one re8idenoe bulldlng and one private garage shall be ereoted on any resldential lot, without the written oonsent ot party of the tirst part aDd no bUilding 8hall be ereoted at a le88 distanoe than 26 teet from the front line of any lot, or at a le88 di8tanoe than 3 feet from the side line of auy lot, or af a le88 d1stonoe thon 6 feet trom the rear line. r That no unlawfu.l or immoral use shall be mad. of the premisee bereby oOll~eyed, nor ahall the 8ame nor any part thereot, nor a~y interest therein, be 801d. leased or otherwise oonyey.d to any per80n other than of the Caucasian raoe, provided that nothing hereln oontained shall pre~ent the keeping and maintaining of eervante on the 8aid property tor reasonable .I fallily 118e. E! .10 outsl~e toilet shall b. permitted in any part ot said sabdiyision but there shall be oon.tr~oted by said seoond party 10 oonneot100 with any reeldelloe on any of s81d land a s.ptio '.nk in aooordanoe with speoifioations appro~ed ,by the party of the first part 1n writlng. No s~os or bill~oards of any tind or oharaoter shall be exhi~ite4, displayed; oon- str~oted or maintained in said subdivision without the written oonsent of the party ot the ~irat part. .10 lot or lots in said subdi~ision shall be subdivided or re-subdivided without the Vi " ,- written oonsent and .pproyal ot party of the first part. That the party ot the first part, its saoo.ssors or assigns, shall have the right, from time to time, to release any ot the above or foregoing restriotioDB, oonditions, or limi- tations by sealed in8trument du.ly exeouted in aooordanoe with the law8 of the state of ~lorida ~or the oODveyanoe ot real estate. This oontraot is made subJeot to any agreement made by the Vendor with eleotrio li.-ting, gaB, weter, transporta~ion, or other publio ser~ioe oorporation8, and the 1endor resnve. to itself, and its aSBlgns, the right to enter upon the property tor the purpose ot oon,truoting, ereoting ~nd maintaining al~ng the real' l1ne of said prop8rt1 oye\' a strip not lIIon than fiye (I)) teet wide, poles, wireu, WldergroWld oOlld~1ts or pipil., ne088aar7 to tran.- 1II1t or ~urnish to eaid lot, or anl other lot in 8aid subdivision, e13~trio ourren' , te>>phone 8e~Yio., weter and sewerage pipes, and to ropalr, remove or replaoe said poles, .lr08, oonduits, pip.., eto., and the Vendor turther .eserTes the rlght, prior to aotual oooupan,y o~ any lot, to enter thereon and at its owo expense to out grasB, remove weeds, olutivate tlowero and shrub. thereof, the Grantee by the 8ooept8noe ot this deed releaeoe the Grantor ot bny and all obliga- tions or oODditi~D. a8 to the improvements of the above desorlbed property. ~~~.:~~:;;~M{~~[tf~l~~:~~~l~}l1.f~~I~~:~~ , . " . ..~:~ ~': ": :rir!~~r~~r(~Jr