HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0350 ,~-,.-_.__.---- --"'- , :1 ~"...;., <--.:.Jt.-_-~'....._._..;"&.""'-';': ;.~_.::w,-'-~ ~_'""_-..;,.......".~_.. ..,......"'-.....,.~~.......'_~-.__~_~...-_____....._...-__..._...___....,.J:_............--_-'__'. '_....._...........,."""._ 9)'>9 . _t ." [ toge\h.r wi'h all ~he tenement. and appurtenanoe8 thereunto belonging. TO HAV~ AND TO SOLD the 80me ~nto 8aid part~ ot the s800nd part, and to the p.oper use, ben.tit and behoof tore~er of eald part~ ot the seoond part. Thle deed 18 given up?n the expre8s'oondltloDEthat neither the p~rohaser, nor hie heirs or asslgn., will move, ereot or oause to be ereoted, on any of the lots herein desorlbed, aD7 building to be used for an~ other than realdenoe p.rpo.e., eith3r a detaohftd dwelling for uee and oooupano~ ot one tomily only or an apartment or flat building tor use and oooupanoy ot more than one f..il~, and no dwelling, or apartment or tlat bullding shall be e~eoted on , aD7 ot said lote at a dlstaDoe of leaa than ti~teen (16) feet from the street llne al~ no b~ild- in. or any part thereot. shall be ereoted on the rear ~lv. (6) teet of any lot not abutting OD an alley, whioh rear ti~e (6) feet 18 reserved for sewer, water, right ot way for oolleotlon of garbage, eto., and thot salt right ot way shall be extended ten (10) teet on suoh lots whoe; rear line abut8 on 8 lot platted at right angle, to 1t. It 1s au'''1l.7 agreed, that these presents are made subJeot to the following express oonditloo8, restriotion. and limltations, whion oonditions. re8triotions, and l1mitation8 are intended to be and shall be aooepted as oovenants running with the land hereln oonve~e4 and ~ . whioh ehall be bindlng alike UpOD the heirs, ~ersonal representatives and assigns of the part7 of the 8soon4 part, whQ b7 --- aooeptanoe of this instrument agrees to abide b7 and p.rfor~ said re.trlotioD8. limitation. and oonditions a8 one of the express oonsiderations of these pre.ent.: f , Bo building shall be ereoted ~r oonstruoted on said land ot a less oost than ~6000.00 Dollar. and all residenoes in s6id San Luoie Pla.a shall be oonstruoted of ooral rook, oonorete, stuooo, oonorete blook, hollow tile, briok or mixed oonstruotion, or veneered with oorel rook or brlok. or frame veneered with stuooo, and shall be along Sponish. Uoorlsh, Venetian, Dutoh or 81milar harmonious type8 of arohiteoture, and the atoresaid amount shall be aotual17 ex- pende' on oon8truotion and ereotion of suoh buildlng and not fee8 in oonneotion therewlth. DO builAing shall be oonstruoted or ereoted on any of 8aid land until atter the plans, 8peoltioationo and looation of the 8ame shall have been approved by the party ot the first part, ita Buooe.80rs. representative8 o~ assigns. No building. other than ODe residenoe bullding and one priT8te garage shall be ereoted on any residential lot, without the written oonsent 01 party of the first part and no building shall be ereoted at a less distanoe than twentl-fi~e (26) teet trom the front line of Dny lot, or at 9 less di8tanoe than 3 feet from the 8ido line of any lot, or at 8 less di8tanoe than 6 feet from the reaf line. That DO unlawful or immoral U8e shall ~e made ot the premlsea hereby oonveyed. nor shall the same nor any part thereof, nor any interest tharein, ba sold, leased, or otherwise oonve7e~ to an1 person other than of the ~8~08sisn rao., provided thot nothing herein oontain- ed shell prevent the keeping aDd maintaining of servants on the 8aid property for reasonable family 11... NO oLltsUe tollet shall be permitted ill any part of 8aid s.1biivisioo but there shall [-.l ! F; . be ooootruoted by itaid seoond part1 in oonneotion with any residenoe 011 .ny of 80U. leud ii septio tank in aooord~noe with speoitiootions approved by the party ot the fifst part io writ- ing. Bo slgna or billboards of any kind or oharaoter shall be exhibited, displayed, oon- atruot.d or uintaIned in 80id subdivision without the wrItten oOllsent of the party ot the tlrBt part. .' :, .,~" ...:...'-;:.,:;>~f.~~~1~:{;.1;11~\ :~:~:rt~.~.~~~i1ll~J?~1~lf~~sf~~~: