HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0362 ! .....---"- '''''.'''-'-_\.'.''~-'''''''-:~"",,...'.~..... '-'.............-..-.... -. --"""'--. ~. ...'...................~--..-_....._. __^-___....___"'..c,OO,____.-.... .................'".-,... ______~ .. 341 _. ( Thie deed 11 exoout., pur8uan~ to and In the exerulse ot the pow., and authorltJ sranted to and vested in said truetee bJ the terms ot lald deed or deede in truet dellvered to the 8ald trustee and ln pureU8noe ot the truet agreement abo~e mentloned. Thie doed is mad. 8ubJeot to the 11en of every trust deed or m~rtgagc tit anJ there be) ot reoord in 8ald oountJ Siven ~o seoure the pa~~ent ot money, and remaining unreleased at the dote of the deliverJ hereof. IN WITNESS nHIREO~, 881d party of the tirst part hal OBUSed ite oorporote s8al to be hereto aftixed, and has oaused ita name to be signed to these presents by ita President and attested.by ita Gaehier, the day and year tirst sbove written. 'ORT PIERCB BAnK AND TRUST COUPAllY, as Trustee. By Carl H. ,ay President ,~ Slsned, Sealed and delivered in the presenoe ot: Attest: D. O. UoDougald Curtie Y. Jamea Cashler J. S. Jaokeon [ STATE OP FLORIDA CO~TY,OF ST. LUCIE) I HEREBY CKBTIJ'Y, ~hot on this 30th day ot Aprll A. D. 1928, before me personally appeared Carl H. Pay and D. O. UoDo~ald and ---...,..tlvely President and Cashier of Fort Pieroe Bank & Trust Company, a oorporation under the laws of the State of 'lorida, to me known to be the persona desoribed in and who exeouted the toregoing oouvoyanoe to l{urial Bay Estates Ino. and severally 10knoWledged the- exeoutlon thereot to be their free aot and deed IS suoh oifioers, tor the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the offioial seal of said oorr?ration, and the said instrument is the aot and deed of aaid oorporation. WITnESS my s1gnatare end offioial seal at 70rt Pieroe, in the County ot St, LU6ie and day and year last atore~aid. J, S. Jaokson (Seal) Hotar1 Publio for the State of Plorida at Large My Comml1s10n Xxpires Sept. 4, 1928 - ------ 'lIed and~ioo " June I, 1928, at 9102 A. U. tct.'t,s.. P. C, Bldred, Clerk Cirouit Court , B7 ~ 1~ D. C. , / ~ ............................................. PORT PIERCE BANK: AIm TRUST co. TBUS'l'D TO J. K. SHIlfU &: COUPAHY ~ " '.) '" '/ I~ ~ <". -:.,;... ~J '/ DIJB~B DEED u THIS IllDEnTURE, USda thls 16th day of Uay, 1928 between 'aRT PIERCE BA.!IK A!lD TRUST COKPABY, a oorporation ot Plorida, 8S trustee under the provisions of 8 deed or deeds in trust duly re.orded and dellv6red to sald oompany and in pursuanoe of 8 trust agreement dated the 7th day ~t Ootober, 1926, and known aa TruBt Dumber Twent" party ot the firot pa~\, and J, K. ShlnD . Company of fort Pieroe, Jlorida, pert1 ot the 8.00nd part. "ITlIESSB!H, That aald par\y of the flut psrt in oonsidentloo of the sum of Ten dollara and other Talu8blt oon.idtrations, and other sood and Taluable ooueider8tloDI In hand paid, doea hereby grant, aall aDd oon~ey unto aaid partl of tha .eooo4 part, the tollowing 4eaoribed real 8s\at., situated 10 st. Luole County, Jlorlda, to-wit: Lote 12, 13, 14 aDd 16, Blook 41, Uni\ 1, San Luol. Pldla 8000rd10g to Pla~ reoorded 1n Plat BOOk 6, paga 67, 8t. Luol. County reoordl to,.ther tilth all the tenem.nte and appurtenanoes thereunto belongiDS., ~~:.:i-~~~~~;;E9~j!?~f~;~~~tPt~~~~~ .t- .~ ,~ :.' ;:,,:~ ::h~,;..~~.-..~:~t~I~~~!~~:):