HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0390 (r-- - .-........ .', -'-....~.,.- ~"._"'-_..,.....,.....---_.._- - '.....~~.. _,~ _ ._~ ___'__._._4.__. _ ._,._.__._____.. ..__._.......__ _ _ 369 L -,- ( POlko'ke and leYerally aoknowledged the exeoutlon thereof to be their free oot and derd ae suoh oft-loerll. fo1' th& uses and pu rposes therein ment iuned; and that the)' affixeG. thereto the offioial seal of said oorpo1'ation, and the eoid instrument io the oot and d8~d of ssid oorpo1'ation. WITIIESS my signature and offioial seal at Fort Pieroe. in the County of st. Luo1e and and year last aforessid. J. S. Jaokeon (Seal) (R:r. Hotary Publio for the state of Florida at Large \ Uy Commission Expires Sept. 4. 1928 Pll.d~ 'h1. 11 dey of Jun. 1'.8, a' 1(>:16 A. Ii. iCt.ct.seal)) P. C. Eldred. Clerk Cirouit Court ~~../............................::,.~..~ D. c. FORT PIERCE BAliK AUD TRUST CO. ~Il:JSTEE ~ . ,<) , ') , '>.... 0' I. ~'"' "/.. "~ '7 TO LOJISE CARHIKR Tll:JSTEE t 3 DEED [ THIS IlIDEilTURE. Usde thie 23rd da;{ ot Hay. 1928 between FORT PIJmCE ~A:n: A!ID TR'lST COllPAuY. a oorporation of Florida, as trustee WIder the provisiono of 0 deed or deeda in trust "~:l'eoorded and delivered to suid oompany and in pursuanoe of 8 trUJIt agreement dated the 7th day of Ootober. 1926. and known 8S Trust Uwmber Twenty, party of the first part. Ol~ Loaise Carrier of Elmira, II. Y. party of the aeoond pArt. WITIIESSRrH. That said party of the first part in oonsideration of the swm of Ten dollare and other valuable oonsiderations. and other good and valuable ooneider~ltions in hand pald, does here" grant.. sell and oonvey unto Baid party of the seoond part. the following desoribed real estate. situated in st. Luoie County. Florida. to-wit: Lot 22, Bloak 46. Unit I, San Luoie Plaza. aooording to plat reoorded in Plot Book 6, page 67. St. Luoie County reoords together .ah all tbe tenements and appurtenanoes thereunto belonging. TO HAVE AUD TO HOLD the asme unto said party of the aeoond part. and to the proper . ~ 'use. benefit and behoof,of said party of the second part. subJeot to 19~7 taxes. This deed :9 given subJeot to the express oondition th&t neither the purohaser. nor hie hairs or assigns. will move, ereot or oause to be ereoted, on an;{ of the lots herein ('; L! desoribed, any building to be nsed for any other than residenoe purposes. a~detaohed dwelling for use and oooupanoy of one family only. and no dwelling shell be ere~ted on any of said lota at 8 distanoe o~ less than twenty-five (26) feet from the street line. and no building 01' any part thereof shall be ereoted on the rOllr five (6) feet of an;{ lot not abutting on an alley, whioh rear five (6) feet is reserved for sewer, .ster, light. ri~ht of way for 0011eotion of gae~.", eta.. and that said fight of way .bal1 be extended ten (10) feet on suoh lot B whose rear line abutts a lot platted at right augl~s to it. It is mutually a~reed, that this deed ie given subJeot to the further expreos oondi- tions. restriotions and limitations, whioh oondltions. 1'estriotions and limitations &re intend- ed to be end sholl be aooepted 8S oovenants runnlng with the land herein oonveyed and whioh ehall be binding alike upon the heirs, pereonal representatives and assigns of the p8rt~- of the seoond part, who by thdir aooeptonoe of this instrument agree to abide by and perfrom said restriotions. limitations end oonditions as one of the express oonelderation90f these presents: Do building shall be ereoted or oonstruoted 00 sold land of a less oost 'han ~3600.00 and 811 rel5idenoes in said San Luoie Plaza shall be oonstruoted of ooral rook. oonorete, stuooo" r-; ;3t1'~ ~~~;~~~f;~~~f~;~~~~f~~~~;t~~. " :. ,'. .' ~ ':," '~: .' ":'. :":'14~~~Jf~~W~t~~.