HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0400 . - --.......-.~_.._.- .__..... 379 , l=Ol ( STATE or rLORIDA. COUNTY OF SAIUT LUCII: I HERESY CKRTlrY. That on this 16 day of June, 1928, personally appeared Eugene U. Gaillard. Trustee. to me known to be the person desoribed in and who exeouted the toregoing , oonveyanoe to B. Hen,i BOJd and aoknowledgod the exooation thereof to be his free aot and deed as Buoh Truatee, for the ~ses and purpo8es theroin mentioned. WITlIESS my slgnoture and offioial seal at 1'0rt Pieroe. in the County of St. Luoie ODd S~':~S:::1 ~:' rnell anll'l'eoorded.. this 16 day of J)lDe 1928, at 3:69 P. 11. . ,lct.Ct'.001 : ce:::e:or~lt c::r:. 't \ ..II "" /... . .. .... .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . ... . . . ~' COLONIAL LABD CO. W. E. Vassal" (Seal) notary Publio for the State of lloriQa at Large. Uy Commission Expires Deo.6, 1929 and year last aforesold. <tp ~ r. .-.:; "" ; .'::" ; .:- (. ..', 0;;. "'" ". 'v TO 3'l'AllLE'f r:r/ESTmmT CORP. "ARRAlITY DEED THIS HIDE/TUBE. L{adfl thi8 Fourteenth day of June. A. D. 19~8. BRrmmIl Colonial L8nd f Co.. a New Jersey Corporation. authorized to do b~sines8 in the State of Plorida. party of Sha.:first part. and STAllLE"l IlI'/ESTUElIT CORPORATIOIl of the City of being-ton and Distriot of COlumbia party of the seoond part. l'fIT1IESSETH. that the said party of the first ]'ort. fa" and in oousideration of the sum of OnE ($1.00) Dollars to it in hand paid. the receipt whereof is hereby 8oknowledg~d, has grouted. burgained. sold, aliened. recieed. released. conveyed and oonfirmed. and by these presents doth grant. bargain. sell. alien. rernise. release. oonvey and oonfirlQ,. unto the said party of the seoond part and its saooeS8orB aud assigns :forever. all , that oertain paroel of land l~..ing aud being in the County of 3t. Luoie and stat.e of Plor ide. mol' e part t.o.llarly desor i bed as followa: Lots ,los. 'Pwenty-three <<23) and 7wenty-four (24 Blook 16 and ~ot No. ~ourteeD (14) in Blook 6 of Pinewood. aD addition to the ~it~ of Port Pieroe. Florida. aooording to a plat thereof entitled "Plnewood" a subdivision of part; of t.he IIi of Seotion 16. T. 36 S.. R. 40 I.. and filed in the of=ioe of t}ll Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Luoi~ County. l"lorida. on June 9. A. D. 1925. and reoorded in Plat BOOk 6. page ~4, in the publio reoords of said Co~nty. TOGETHER with all the teneL'lents. hereditncents Bud appurtenanoes. with ever:; privilege, right. title. interest and estate. reversion. remainder alld easement thereto bt:lo11ging or in anpise apPtltaiDing: TO HAVE AlID TO HOLD the same In fee simple forever. The above desoribed paroel of land being pereby oouveyed upon the following expresB oonditioijs and restriotions: ,r- RESTRICTIONS The above desoribed traot of land is to be sold .lpon the following stated oondi- 1;ion8al1d restriot19ns; 1'irat: "'hat businesa buildings will be peruitted only on s. 4~h st.. S. 3rd 3t., Pinewood Drive. east of S. 4th st.. and Hibiso~s Hood. east of S. ~th st.. provid- .d plans for 8.1oh buildings are submitted to and approved by the party of the first part if such bu1.ldlng iu oonstruoted. move4 or plaoed thereon prior to Jan. 1. 1932. Second: That all other lots in Pinewood not mentioned above are restrioted to dwellil~8 to oost not less than five thousand dollsr8. Third: 1/0 building or any part thereof sholl be percitted 8t any point withIn 26 feet tJ~ the front propert;{ line. nor within three it. of any side or rear property line on lots restrioted to dwelUnge. exoept oorner lots reatriottcl to dwellings on wt.ioh the 'ul1ding shall not be leS8 thon ten ft. from side line on the streot 8id.. on all 10te on /' l ~A:{H~f;~~W~~~1[{!~i~~i~ '::~ ~. >~,' :,'.:,:,.':':":'~r5~~~~~~~~~~J~