HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0409 /"388""' -...-~._-...-...._.....,- -.-.,... ._............~;.~" -.. -- .~--- his heirs or 88signs. And the soid party of the first part does hereby fully warr.nt the title to sold lands, and w111 defend the snm. agaiust the lawful olsims of ell persona whomsoever. III WITllZSS WHEREOP, the said party of the first part has set hie hand and seal this the day and year first above written. J Perry Carlton ( SP..AL ) Signed. sealed and delivered in the presenoe "of: R. L. Hayes Blair Conner STnTE OF Florida COU:ITY OF st. Luoie On this day personally appeared before me, an offioer authoriaed to take aoknow- ledgment8 of deeds, eto,. Perry Carlton to me well known and known to me to be the person I desoribed 1n and who exeouted the foregoing deed. and he ocknowlE'dged before oe that be exeouted the same for the uses aud purposes therein expressed. IU \'IIT~IESS iYHEREOi'. I have hereunto set my ltal1d and offioial senl. at Port Pieroe. spf~~and state. this 27th day of APril. A. D. 1928 (, Blair Conner (N.P. Sea1)l Hotary Publio, State of ~lorlda- at large- ,/ lAy oOL1Illission expires Boroh 18- 1930 \" Filed and " --------- reO(jide cl ~is / (ct .ct.sea1) I . \ I i 26 day of June 1928. at 1:56 P. 11. P. C. Eldred. Clerk Giro~it Court Rp.cord Verified BY~~ D. C. 1] ~.....____.. .. ........................................... a . R. R. LrARTI:: CCEPORATIOU TO S~ATE ROAD DRPi'. OF FLORIDA RIGHT-or-WAY DEED THIS IllDE:ITURE. Hade this the 27th day of Apr 11, A. D. 19,8 . between R. R. ~art~n Corporation. a Corporation of state of ?lorida, by its proper offioers. party of the first part. and the State DepArtment of the st~te of llorldo. party of the seoond port, ';'IITllESSETH: That the sa id party of the first part. for and in oonsiderution of the aua of One Lollar ($1.00) and other valuable oonsiderations to it in hand paid by tr.e party of tho seoond part. the reoeipt whereof is hereby aOknowledged, has granted. bargoiued and sold. and by these presents does grant. bargain and 8ell to the said party of the seoond part. its Si.l.ooe&sors ond assigns, ad.'ight-of-way and easement thirty three (33.0) feet wide in S60tion 17 ~ownship ~6 South. of Ronge 40 last. in 3t. Lucie County. ?lorido, desoribed a8 folloW8. to-wit: Beginning at the oentre of Seotion Seventeen (17) ~. 36 S.. H. 40 E.. thenoe- S. 1 deg. 19 min. W" "along qurter seotion line. 680.8 feet to point of beginning of troot hereby oonveyed-. thenoe oontinuing S. 1 deg. 19 min. .. ~3.3 feet, to point 1n oentre of Oiteeohobee 30ad-.thelloe- S. 60 deg. 54 min. II. along Buid oentre line of road, 867.1 feet-. thenoe - 11.1 deg. 46 min. E..46.3 feet-, thenoe-lI. 60 deg. 64 min. E.. 866.7 feet to point of beginning. oontaining 66/100 of one oore~ tlore or less. 1 ThiB deed 18 mode for the purpose of giving and granting to the pArty of the seoond part, ita 8uooes80rs. legol repreeentotiyee and 8ssigns. a right-of-way and easement in and to said lends for pUblio highway purpose8i aDd is made. ex&o'lhd and delivered with the ex- press uncierfatsoding and oondition thot should tho aame ever be diooontinl1ed or abandoned Z{~t!{1\fi{;~~~?~t~~f:~;~+~i~~~~~#~1! . , , .' . ,~,' "~. ::' " ~,:.~;~i~~~~~~}~7~~"~: