Florida Board of Engineers Certificate of Authorization No. 26887
Product Evaluation RepoYt
Date: April 20, 2015
Report No.: 090301-R3
Product Category: Structural Components (FL#12225-R3)
Product sub -category: Structural Wall
Product Name: Elite Foam Core -Aluminum Skin Composite Panels
Manufacturer: Elite Aluminum Corporation
4650 Lyons Technology Parkway
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
Phone: 800-421-0682
St Lucie County
This product evaluation report issued by Do Kim and Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. for Elite
Aluminum Corporation is based on Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Rule
61G20-3, Method (1) (d) of the State of Florida Product Approval. Re-evaluation of this product shall be
re4uired following pertinent Florida Building Code modifications or updates.
Do Kim & Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the
company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process
of the product named herein.
This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, 5t" Edition
(FBC), inclusive of the HVHZ and where pressure and deflection requirements, as determined by Chapter
16 of the Florida Building Code, do not exceed the following nominal (allowable) design pressure of +43
psf, -70 psf.
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Do Kim, P.E.
FL #49497
P.O. Box 10039 813.857-9955
Tampa, FL 33679 dk@dokimengineering.net
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Supporting Documents
1. Drawings:
a. Drawing No. 090227-R2 titled "EPS Foam Core Composite Panels
Aluminum/Aluminum Skin", Sheet 1 of 1, prepared by Do Kim & Associates, LLC,
signed and sealed by Do Kim, P.E.
2. Testing
a. Testing per TAS 201-94, TAS 202-94, and TAS 203-94 as performed by Construction
Testing Corporation, located at 13873 N.W. 19th Avenue, Miami, FL 33054, (305) 685-
6657. Report No 97-044 dated January 21, 1998.
b. Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Classified Foamed Plastic Surface Burning
Characteristics, Carpenter Insulation Company, UL R11056, Flame Spread and Smoke
Developed classification for 1 and 2 inch thick maximum EPS foam is 10 and 125,
respectively and for 4 inch thick maximum EPS foam is 15 and 125, respectively
3. Calculations
a. Anchor calculations for tested loading conditions and fire rating analysis per Gypsum
Design Manual GA File No. WP 1311-PG. 35 has been prepared based on comparative
and/or rational analysis by Do Kim, P.E.
4. Other
a. Quality Assurance Agreement verified with Quality Auditing -Institute, LTD. (QAI
Laboratories, LTD.) (FBC Organization #QUA7628).
P.O: Box 10039 813.857-9955
Tampa, FL 33679 dk@dokimengineering.net
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Limitations and Condition of Use
1. Large and small missile impact resistance has been tested to and evaluated for in this approval.
Approved for use in HVHZ areas.
2. Each product listed above shall be installed in strict compliance with its respective Product
Evaluation Document and site specific engineering along with all components noted herein.
3. Use of each product shall be in strict accordance with its Product Approval Evaluation
5. This specification has been designed and shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirements
of the Florida Building Code 5th Edition (FBC), composite panels comply with Chapter 7 Section
720, Chapter 8 Section 803, Class A interior finish, and Chapter 26 Section 2603. All local
building code amendments shall be adhered to as required.
6. The designer shall determine by accepted engineering practice the allowable loads for site
specific load conditions.
7. All supporting host structures shall be designed to resist all superimposed loads.
8. Elite Aluminum Corporation Impact Doors and Impact Windows may be incorporated into system as
allowed substitute panels. All limitations shall be adhered to and lowest allowed design pressure shall
govern the system design.
9. Composite panels shall be constructed using type 3003-H154 or 3105-11154 aluminum facings, 2 PCF
ASTM C-578 carpenter brand EPS adhere to aluminum facings with Ashland Chemical 2020D ISO grip.
Fabrication to be by Elite panel products only in accordance with approved fabrication methods.
10. Elite roof panels maintain a UL 1715 (int) class `B' (ext) rating and are NER-501 approved.
11. Deflection limits and allowable spans have been listed to meet FBC including the HVHZ (L/80
for spans < 12'-0" in HVHZ per Section 1616.3.1, and L/180 in non-HVHZ per Chapter 16 Table
12. All supporting host structures shall be designed to resist all superimposed loads.
13. All components which are permanently installed shall be protected against corrosion,
contamination, and other such damage.
P.O. Box 10039
Tampa, FL 33679
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