HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0437 ,416 to partUtop',OflaO exohange laid property. or any part thereot, tor other real or penonal . property. to erant easements or oharges ot any kind, to releaae, oonvey or assign any right. tltle Or interest in or about sa~d premle8s and to deal with sald property and every part thereof in all other .ays and for suoh other oonsideration 8S it would be lawful for any pereon o"lng the 8ame to deal with 8ame, whether similar to or different from the ways above speoified. at any time or times hereafter. In no oase shall any party, to whom soid premises, Or any part thereof, shall be oonveyed. oontraoted to be sold, leased or mortgaged by said Trustee. and in no oase shall any par~y dealing with said Trustee in relation to 88id premises, be o.llsed to see to the applioation of any purohase money. rent or money borrowed or advanoed on sald premises. or be otllged to see that the terms ~f this trust have been oomplied with. or be obliged to inquire Into the neoesslty o~ expendienoy of any aot of said Trustee. or be privllege~ or obliged to inquire into any of the terms of sald trust agreement. The interest ot eaoh and every benefioiary hereunder ~nd of all persons olaiming under them, 11 hereby deolared to be pereonal property and to be in the earnings, avails and prooeedl ariSIng from the disposltion of the premises; lhe intention hereof being to veet in the laid RUOBb1! K. GAILLARD. the entire legal and equltable title in fee, in and to all at the premises .bo.,e desoribed. SllbJeot to a mortgage dated January 18t, 1926, for one huudrecl and fifty thousand dollars (t160.000.00). paY8b1e January 1st. 1927. to the Port Pieroe Bank & Trust CompaQy .. trustee, with interest at the rat. of eight per oent (8%) per annum. J IB 1fITBESS WH!8EOP ~ll' BAS'l COAS'r DEVlfi,OPJlRUT COJ.IPAlfY has oauRed these presents to -J be 8igntd by ita esident and attested by its Seor eta r y. and its oorporate seal to be affixed .er to authority gi.,eo ~y its Hoarl of Direotors. this 23rd day 0 f June I (Corp.Seal ' '" ~j ~-,y EAST COAST DEVBLOP!lH!lT COUPANY By Riohard KeCullooh President. .I.. D. 1928 ATTEST: Goo. Q. Thor.~on seoretar,-_ STATE 01 ~IS30URI CITY OF ST. LOOIS I, H. A. Hagoon a lIotary Publio in and for 8aid City aDd State afore8aid. do hereby oertitf that iiohard ~oCullooh and GeG.Q. Thornton personall1' Icnown to me to be the President Seoretary re.peoti.,ely of the lAST COAST DKllLOPMJnIT COMPAUY. and to be the some persona whoee namee are subsoribed to the foregoing instrument as 8uoh President and Seoretary, app.ared before me this day in parson and aoknowledged that they signed and delivered the 8aid instrument 8S their own free and volwltary 80t and 8S the tree and voluntary aot of .aid Com~ny, for the use. aDd purposes therein eet forth and the 8aid seoretar,- then and there aoknowledged that he, a8 CU8todian of the Corporate Seal of said Company.dld afflE lai4 Corporate S.al of the ~ompany to the Baid instrument 8S his own tree end yoluntary aot 8. the _t....~voluntary aot ot aaid COllpan,- for the. U8es and pUl'p0888 therein set fOC'th. ~~ '. . ;: GIVII \&Ddet ID1 hand and notarial .e.l this 27th day aC Jw1e A.. D. 1928. '" ~ : I '.' 1 t CB.P. Se.l)- \. f ,,--, --~/. 'lIed .~reoor4~d thi8 2 day of JulJ 1928, at 10:69 A. M. . I '\. OJ " B. A. Magoon Botarf Publio MY 00..181ioo .xpi~e. on the 3rd day of JUne 1910. . ..~.:. j : '"'L.r{ "'~r '{...-. l{eC0ff1 "W' . P. C. Bldred. Clerk Cirouit Court B1 ~ ~ 1>. C. ............................................~. '" ?{~f~~1~1I~t~t~:~~~t~~i?J:i~~:~7fJ~: , . -.:,'.. '.-, ,,' - :.::.'~:;i;t~~~;~{~1A~:~ :1