HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - SKYLIGHTPage 1 of 2 . i X. FloI.rida Building Code Online 1 I I El - BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Scats & Facts , Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links l Search ry P.rodtect Approval r� T RECEIVED USER: Public User Search > 0 2 > Application Datail NOV �� � EtQAQaAP.PCQyW-Ma.0M > pr4cih_riL4PlicatIon AplicatiQ,yr ,ljat ,yam FL # FL12626 R7 ST. Luefe Gtjyflt4rf Porrtllimg Applicatiori Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer i Address/Phone/Email i Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email I I Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email I Category Subcategory I Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard Year Standard) i and (of L Equivalence of Product Standards _ Certified By L I i-� SCANNED BY Sun-Tek Mfg St Lucie County 10303 General Dr Orlando, FL 32824 (407) 859-2117 jfeudner@sun-tek.com James Feudner engineering@sun-tek.com James Feudner 10303 General Dr Orlando, FL 32824 engineering@sun-tek.com James Feudner 10303 General Dr Orlando, FL 32824 (407) 859-2117 Ext 111 engineering@sun-tek.com Sky Lights Skylight Certification Mark or Listing National Accreditation & Management Institute National Accreditation & Management Institute Standard) Year AAMA/WDMA 1600/I.S.7-2000 2000 AAMA/WDMA101/I.S.2/NAFS-02 2002 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A I Date Submitted 02/06/2018 Date Validated 02/09/2018 I https://www.floridabuilding. org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wC EVXQwtDgtkfS%2fv%2fp.,. 11 /2/2018 Florida Building Code 0, [e Page 2 Qf 2 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products I 9 02/13/2018 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 12626.1 CMGII Curb mounted glass skylight Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12626 R7 C CAC CMGIINI006289 Q2 pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/30/2020 Design Pressure: +90/-90 Installation Instructions Other: max rough opening 46.5 x 46.5 inch FL12626 R7 iI 7 8 09 C'MGI1Approved Instructions Pul Verified By: James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. 53616 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 12626.2 1 FGC Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: max rough opening 46.5 x 46.5 12626.3 ITG Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: max size rough opening 46.5 x 46.5 Fixed glass self flashing skylight Certification Agency Certificate FL12626R7_C CAC FGC4949NI006222-R9.odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/30/2020 Installation Instructions Verified By: James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. 53616 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Tall glass self flash skylight Certification Agency Certificate EL12626_R7 C CAC TG4949PJI006300-RB.Ddf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/30/2020 Installation Instructions Verified By: James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. 53616 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Back f8ext Contact Us ;: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send eie tronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have or1e. The emaiis provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here_ Product Approval Accepts: ME I I https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtkfS%2fv%2fp... 11 /2/2018 NOTICE C . PRODUCT CERTIFIC. � _ "ION CERTIFICATION NO: DATE: CERTIFICATION PROGRAM: COMPANY: CODE: REVISION DATE:, NI006289.02 11/10/2005 Structural Sun-Tek 225-1 02/06/2019 To verify that the "Notice of Product Certification" is valid, please visit www.NAMICertification.com to assure that the product is active and currently listed. This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. A NAMI approved certification label must be applied to the product to claim certification status. Please review and advise NAMI if any corrections are required to this document. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. Series "CMGII" Curb Mounted 10303 General Drive Aluminum Fixed Skylight Orlando, FL 32824 Configuration: O Glazing: Insulating Glass (Tempered) 0 Overall: W-1295mm(4'3") H-1295mm(4'3") Daylight: W-1160mm(3'10") H-1160mm(3'10") SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING I AAMA/WDMA 1600/I.S.7-2000 AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S.2/NAFS-02 SKG C90 90 (51 x 51) i Product Tested By: National Certified Testing Laboratories Report No: NCTL-110-9857-4 Expiration Date: September 30, 2020 Administrator's Signature: NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. 4794 George Washington Memorial Highway Hayes, VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124 Fax: (804) 684-5122 Engineer .ofl: curd: James D; Wells, "r,i'PX Florida Professional Engineer No,536:6 J &L'Wells CGn-suft ng LLC 045ltrtity C,(,�&t Casse.berrv, Ff, 32707 (4071) 49E-53$:9 Certifate.of Authorization rN9. 27162 Sun ekManufacturtio,hc. 10363 General Drive t_. y €€��P, tg'n® Or! nd- ; L 31.824 q¢ f[[''@@�� �0 bL) 407 / 859-211 / w"v Sun-t kxortt ,T . d 1� ruseomerser+lce@sun-tel cCOI S CLEANING YOUR SKYL tGN 1 sTS 1000 Caulk- Use only'between EecL',1g and u•ldenlde cf .kyl'ghitrange till Use a mild smp and water or giess c!eane„ coly.'freshpint splashes,:ola.=nS 'Qassi� Seises compc:.•nd, etc nay be remmeq bin try rubbing lightly with a,soft c!oth or ninon bail soak-d in rninerel splits -ACCESSORIES', St+:pPoa?7: S?t-Pr+fo nrd,p:ecr tr,a>hingelirainPrrsnesil farllashinga„selGhii:a SxylgdtSFm+es varlc:yof i-e5. rexvzilaol-anti amA:Ay'.nua6ed. Cun)aa:your curb Use till"scl xte< 7£sid,YlEI CMIG, Note. S*p Ranh l:f d,,1q c!!O,'u with by lding not ,, dexfc: orsun,e-Mabuf.c,yr ng,a. details, cubsconstntctd of 2a 4'5on;y. tlGFITTYNNEL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS For homes with an aftic, it is necessary to build a tunnel between skylights aid ceiiing.The tunnel seals may be stralght, or flared forexualight and. arch)?ectural appeal. lesve.yeasy to indeasp the wri ebsizeaiong,helength oftheceiling,oit;:Asfong asno roof -supposing mi nrbersaiw,cu;iln ,.e:ialframngrs n:_dad W,u.e)tis possibletrifate.ha wnnef in all ditectioas, ifsuppoirrnem4ers are cut, spectaf frarning will be,equired,f0r5tru :ur31 support In this case you rttustcunsult a qualified building professicnaf to insure properand safe results: I 1 After roof and ceiling openings have be fro n t maasure st nee(a* eadreomer of roof o f nlnq) between rafter fuss and ce ! ng joist. 2 Jsrlg;these far measurements, cut 2 k I!umbei for vertical sup on members; (two pe;cc, tire;) n each cf_1 er na,lvertica upport inembers IntOpl ace at right angles toeach other. . 4 Measure i uf, and Pei! tunnel wAs into p a e.Sugq salons for! rq turoel: jl In � -use drywall, tape come.,,, and pant vhitausinq regular -or textvrc paint. Teniote paint alone I; I r vn.l,hEd and diunrzp djoiets,kuvn Irn dracrsrilayappearintorners.) use.prefinished panehn " with moidmg 16 corners , \ ! line he weinelwith. ed ar pine, or wood to coordinatew4h. your decor. ; for special -effects, try painting the tunnel astriLing accent color, or use mirrors orwallpape: on tunr-el' la a i 5 Ca 14the slight gap between -thew nelw Us'and skyllyet base 6 FnshcY , re1 atcebnq a: h mold ng or E•I nu a ye+ rto re: my ,yrth texture Caine. 13esiue[ ap tt;e extw -:,f rice tonliel viah insulation for energy savings. ! E •, sF.r„„! 7 ,.a CMG I Onarioa , .S !de Sizx Rccf i (D real? es.rS O; Code. opening ! d,rie fPri 1 , on 1 Fs en Fas.ere:. Ceatei PerTez 8i 1 Filsrtin.% 7 adng 1 tsbttem I Pe :Ride _. 4a rt." i'>s. :Gv; t r kss4f'2 t ,�•.*ws 40Ms 4 z 11h x 119W 11 d I Y' a 4 x 22Yi 1 16" 3 1 3 p.�.8�+�) .4iR$:,�t21c°!�2:�>ii �'>>G`40fYSA �iy'C-i,43•}"�, :ti`t 4%,4a6 urns lAfit-�'"""a:2";: 1733 1 14'F x MW I 3V '•S S' r/c v33,i 1 16° 1 3 3 sa•+i4`tS:�.!-'�46'p`+�5: '.4sx4"•s.�i' l'�kx$sbSrk td. :s''2.fSt 2M2 t9K ,t 13`4 1 aV 8%, 2 > 2.5 -24° -2246 19y x 43 i I ip, 2Vz^ 2tii x4614" 24" 3 4 �2+��.rS`Si+.?fii�: tent-�. _._ rX>"b'A'•Y2i:'"k4SC'. tuti,9 1ti� 2525 22K•x-22V:' 1 21W.T.v' ' 25'n'x25K' , 24' a'. 3 '2i53tt?>L`t .s__Y� rr3e57A ahYsfs3:kk' uvwsatmamft EWE 54 •3'h xe�+Ia I :1yi z45h' I 1` x43S1' .2+' 3 4 $�<7S2•><.esS:t)I'S4..eu .. - ' ;S` l'�Se �€�3�^u1s?'rt _.. 3U3J 2i z'x2R4' 26,z"x2VV .: 30h i?U?' . 31r3c.3.ia,S1t'�'sy`s: �ir.G9.t.� "f,��=3�• 16'ar32' 3 Ks,'."s`=-'ram' 1 3 - 3U69 2iri'x66%5' 1 26K'x65r • 3aw,.G94i` 16*.,--2'?VA NIA 3x#• rYU'hFx'-E' '+fit iSg:w'23:'c 4H"x.' "�1.. ix,2^�"-ice•. T49 30Yi'x-%5is' 29!h'x45-ri r 331A'e491W 1ri^ar32' '5 4. S�SN?.�• _ �4T2:•. 42.Yitju,.2v^'# $€dSeS"tvs"+'.�?,`' :6. 2b` "�ta< A669 43Ye"x Cx+h' 42'h'r 55is^ i 46ct"x69;5^ 16`nr 7.3"tie 4R'N/A -1 r!%A Ell'4 _•34v_'!''m.� jai �4;'<c+'Y` -.', R 9"Scti`<t9ti:S�.6»r`r9bY:f?.fti-x• -55�6 .rig%'x_73'ii 51'h'x 72 n' ! :55+Y.x73++•I N1A 1 fl1A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS GYLkS5-geR€E5 r 'MODEL CMS€� 'Use on any ;vpe)oof (curb reNuifeid) bd ygst+rriEE need: ha•nmer '• seafa t/mastic •keyhole ssw •tap-measurc •Skill save • chalkllhe or straightedge, trails • dowal orcaulk gLn • drill: -• utility knife .2x4s For Llah' Tunnel: P.£Cr-AMENDEDSEALANTS: •6 or 10 pennynails Non-hardening.roof cement: r plyw0od,or deywa6 - 6unrinubbers afar caulk • STS 1000 (Sun lei ear u:i+pi' CN) cb local,bulfd)ng codes for glass regeiirezients. • Please read inst:uct)ons completely before'begin felt should already,hy installed. • interior woo • liner should be stained or r^.almed before installation. k Toprope IyPosition, kylightbetween tru se lr3fters,)ocat the rootnp ng from theunderside of the decking, tg ff this- area Is •to � iiccelssible, Fc to the ceiling joists rer- in lde he hotse mark opening l .cebblg (a ,.,urn'. cut ceiling operinciThen follow steps below for roar opening ) a) measuredstancebetween'•russes/rafter and.n&Vc tterpoint. b) tocentersr,,l!ghtneasurecne`a( of appropriate toofopeningto;min side ofce ter point and marl• . c). usina the side marks as aquide,mark comersbydrilling holes ordriAng nall through roof. Remove shingles 6 - 6'ctlt fforn roof opening. 3 Cut roof opening (snap a chalkllne from cornet to corner, or draw line with a s$aightedge.) 4 Frarr:eroofopening: z') cut two 2 x 's to fit:the actual distance between trusses/rafter, and nail into place. NOTE. Sire.2r'5,2549, 3333, 331i5,.494.9 Skip step ',"proceed to `c" b) cut two .2 x 4's to the 'exact length of the roof opening and nail to the -trussezlrafters. c) if applicabfe; cut ceiling opening and build tunnel fiar6ing. (See'Lfght Tunnel Ins�tallaticn Instructionsf) Ail f roofing Bufldcurb:' a) Constmcircurbivith Xx7�s,2x 6s; etc. (depending on heighadesired or: 4dilding cod9reRuirentents)..Curb should sure irisideineasurerr.entofcurb isthe same asroofo enl;heas6r&nant. ,b3 Secure curb to roof. 6 !ihlriglerocifuptobuttornofcurb. ,7 Flash curb *lzes 25U,2549,3333,, 'ie ed 1 337,g ,4949 an Vie, ulp- pre4ormed, pre -cut -Step Vaih IG-t mvith one-piece 04plyanized Metal Tl d e nd'a s7 nlm in of 4 byei Ship gles (on bottom side): then up' _�idgs of cwkFlqs6inq shpqlri Wilu',hwith CUrp top_. shipgle,upsides ai,ieiacross t4et6p. 9 Position the skylight over the -curb with the -TH.15 E0Gi1;.D0WW ta6-el.ai the.lower, side or the curL Ceniec the.skyligtit ever the curb making sure the foa in gasket Is in conract,,viih be top.o*Nthe curb. As the fasteners, (see fastener.zdieduie), are being attached to the curbpusb down on the.franrieJustabove th e fastener to insure t'he-gasket is compressed to form a -good seo. use the 1 JiVspinil ring shanked nails, 0. ovidc d. Continue attaching the remaining fasten em in the sari manner 41' . fastener installation lisle -provided mustbe used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -i: I&Oyellst'Qnsul;ing LL0 1145 voity. r-wirt Casselb rry, FL 32701' 'Engine& of Record,, -(40:7)-496-5489- Mjam - es D. Welts, Jr., P.E. oridit Profenlonil FogincerNo. 53616- OUT91PARD GLAS�S (TEMPERED). ,A.060N FILLED SPACE WOOD, SKIM11 (BY O"T 8E� DES1111 N PRESSURE RAT[N�j LL--� I Wx2- COARSE:-j I X ' - . CURB THREAD" SCREW A I (BY OTHERS): V4:12 PITCH Understand ing A hermaL ProperLies On IGLass Performance U- actor measures how well your skylight prevents heat from escaping a living space. • 0.15 > U factor > 1.20 • lower is better to Transmittance (VT) res how much light comes h the skylight. • 0>VT>100% • Personal Preference Solar Feat Gain Coefficient (SHGQ measures how much heat from the sun is blocked. The lower the SHGC, the more the skylight is blocking heat entering the living space. • 0 > SHGC > 1 • lower is better Uttraviotet Light (UV) considered the energy that accounts for the majority of fading of materials and furnishings. • 0>UV>1 • lower is better Insutated Gtass Tharrnat Properties Comparison t t .. Single Pane, Clear 1.04 90 % .73 Low-e/ClrTemp w/Argon .30 X22- 76 % .50 lwoE/p Argon 26 .2 LoE3 366/ClrTemp w Argon .24 65 % .05 Condensation Condensation in your home is caused by excess humidity or invisible water vapor in the air. The warm air in your home can hold large amounts of this water vapor (much more than cold air). When the moisture -laden warm air comes in contact with a cool surface, the vapor condenses to form actualwater droplets. This is the cause of the condensation you see on the inside of your skylights or windows. The lower the U-Factor & SHGC thermal numbers, the better result reducing condensation. IC V a1 6C 0 334 5654�3 I •. Enjoy It eason Comfort .The solar performance of the new'LoP glass is unprecedented in a daub darkening tirirequired. With its, SHGC of just 0.18, it greatly reduces,, opp glare is a problem, the-Ud 3,controls that as well. Then when cold weathi reduces indoor heat loss. Result? Year-round comfort. s "ear -round thei n fat comfi'`ort is mainly the result of two thir • BlockinT oppressive solar heat gain in hot weather, thus maintain • Reducing heat tOls in cot weather thus maintaining wa I1mer gla! Less heat€Igain whlkq it -Pot, less,"heat w9smhen it' cold, i control under the sun. Finally, LoF 340 gelivers th ` lower l UV Iran reduces fading on furniture, carppi;'draperies and everything inside t -pane Sun-Tek unit,—, no room- ssive solar heat gain. And wher rolls aro.d'@J s low U-�rctor S. g core ?er glass temperatures f temperatures t I I l 3r comfort yea_rmc und, and niss(on of any glass we offer A Difference Maker ! All Sun-Tek insulated glass will be standard with LoE3-340 over clear tempered and Argon filled with a 7/8" outside dimension. LoE3 Argon / CtearTempered (standard) I nlF3 ®rnnn B 7/8" r ast glare greatly PVB Liner )olyyinyl Butyrol), )lasticized film that sealed under heat )d pressure to form :ohesive laminated glass panel. Dual Seal Technology XL Edge, incorporates a stainless steel spacer. Desiccants are contained in the spacer to eliminate any potential for moisture. XL Edge is a warm - edge insulated glass. The possibility of indoor condensation is greatly reduced.