HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0522 11." .._'....'Za;,;.4..---....~_....:,-,.c;:... , .' __..;.....~'. -'.-~:_~""..!3r.w..~,.-" ..'-'L.. ;"-...~>-.'-4.' ....:~ .~.'.,oI''''.,".;._..&...'''_.......~V_,''-,~_.,..-.-...~......H '~._~'_ ._',"",,-..'-i;W~":-"~"''''_~.'''"'''_''''''''''~_'''''' .'...~. . -- .;.....~-""...;:~._).'t!'~ :~.. -::.~ .--:-":-~),... .:.;.:..;..:-'..'..:...'-"\..I'- 501 ~ "- - ....... ... ::.... -1' ( 2. Contraot between Lessor and St. ~Grews Bay I~U1ber Comp&ny, dated Deoember 10. 1923, end reoorded in Okeechoboe county. Florida. 3. Contraot between Lessor and J. H. Griffin tumOer Compe~, dated Deoember 5, 1923, and rOQorded in Osoaola County, Florida. 4. Oontraot b~tween Lessor and B'oshee Lumber Company, da ted nug\l.st 15, 1923, and recorded in Manatee and Hil18c~rough counties. Florida. (b) That all estates. interests, rights, easements bnd pos~Jeu9ion of said property not expressly tiranted w ~~d Lessee in and b~ this iDst~mant and not eSS'ln Ual to tha use or exeroise or the pro perty and rights oxpressly granted bre retained and reserved by the Lessor and do not pbSS hereunder. 1 t I J . .\ 1 I 1 I i i i J ;.~ The above gr~ntod rights, powers, privileges and easo~ents in suid lands and in the pine treos and in s~id timbor thereon. eaoh and every, all ~nd s1ngular shall eb&olutely be terminated and lit an end on the 31st day of Uececber. 1940, dxoept upon the Ibnda in ll:,r:.atee County hereinafter desoribi;l~, a.ll turpan:.ine rights ui'or. which shc.ll d,ypire ~!uly 1st, 19::'6, 'bnd upon the 6x9iration und te-rminat.iol: of this leuse, the LeSd~-:': shl.l: im~ddi&tal:r and promptly surronddr hnd dljlivdr possession thereof to the Lessor, frae hlld olear of all rights or privili;lgi;l:; theruin hdreur.dar. bnd thi;lreupon sliid Less~e sh&l:, if ra ~'U.e3ted by ':.hd L-:,:s2or, exeoute, aOlmcwledga bnd deliv~r to t.he Laddor t:.n instl"w.1enti. or instl~...w:ents. in writing. evidenoing suoh tlXyirbtioll of this leasa .....s to su.ch lands, bod remising, releasing &00 ( tUit-Oll.1iming Hll right, ti tlu und interest, if uny of the L<.:ssee thu::.'tlio. It is distinotly t;.ndarsrcod. aOVdnunt..:u u.nd t1t;rued by th"j L':J':S'3d ar.d hereb:l st1'Pc;.la~a~ to be hl1 expresR cor.dition and limita~ion of t.l1e use and unJoyrner.t ot ;;i1e rie;hts, pllv:.leges and easements above granted thut tho Lessee shall continuoustly. fl.!ithfully and p'rOt'llJtly perform, keep &nd abide by the obligations on its part to be kept erA Je~~ormed. ~d whi~h it does hereby covenant and 681'00 to k~ep and ye~roro, &s follOWS. to-wit: (1) On Mal 15, 1928, Lessee \'Iill deliver to Lessor & report SiGned am sworn to by one aCluainto,j \'Iit~i the faots (and ::"earing thcl ctlrtifi:l"to or the :2resident, a 'lice- :President, Jecrutary. ?retH:I'...rer or Q,meral lran::gor of Lessee tht...t he bolieves t!"c'3 sum;} oorreo,t} stuting the nu.mber of crops (eaoh crop cOllsistir.g o~ 10,00(' ou,ps) installed for t1:e firs'.; time on ti.moer covered hereby during the period between November 15. 1~2? and Yay 1, 1928. and also stating th&t the timber thorein specifi- oally desorii>ed is th'~ only tiMbor oovered hereby -...pon whioh aDJ' turpentining or naval stores operations had been begur. for the first time duriL~ sald period. hnd on ~ Hay 15th of tH.oh cu16ndur YtJb.r tharehi'ter during the life of this instrucent Lessea will delivdr ~o LesBor u s10ilar report, except that. it wl11 oover u twalve months period oonoludine on tha i>ruoedlng 1.{ay 1st. On Deoember 15th of tHaCh ye&r, Lassae will pay to the Lessor u; the rate of five Hundred-llollu1's ($500) for abch crop, which, aocordl~ to the report filed the ill'Ooeci1ng Yay lfith, \"IliS lnat&llad during tha pariod oovered by said report, it being. however, under3tood that such ~yment of'$500 yer orop shall be re!,uired but onoe for 6Qoh orop. (2) 'l'u.rpentinlne and nr.val stores operuti('lliS ahall be done in a \'/or6:ll1flnllke menner _ and Cloaording to a~)provecl methods untj with (.s littlo .inJury as praotlouhle to the tiaool'. 'rhe Lessee will see to 1t that after tUl'pentil.ing opel'~t ions on any timber are hogun, and until 3\loh timber has been out hud removed. all reasor.bble End ousto- mary preoautions and steps shall b~ t6kan to prevent d&mage thereto by fire urd to minimize the fire risk relative thereto,