HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0526 -,,,--...-~......_...._,.._,~ ~t,.:'.~"","=-::...;'.:..;....::-.. _."~.' ........~~..,..;~.......:-.._... .~...._-..a.",."_r~,_..-"",,~-____........_........._-.,._......__.....~_~~._....~~..t-~:I-"~~----,..... . 50!)' ~:Q bl1.U-lir.c shall bu erd:.:to.l 01' :lOllstl'uoted on s~:id lm;d of (4 le3B coat than ~~500.00.' f Bnd all 1'6sidenJ'Js in suld ";un Lu.oia 1'1&4<< s:wll ~H ,-'onstl'.....otad of cor&l rock, ooncrete, st'.4.000. conoreta bloc~. hollow ti1;,). b:'lok or rdxtld const~~ction, or viu:aa;'ed vlith 001'91 l'OC:" 01' bl'il:j{, OJ.' f1'3:'3d VdlHhJl"uJ. wLth stt;,~oo. 1..1:1 911(.11 ~ lilcnL ::;~lbl:i9h. HOQl'ish. Vdnetlon, Jute:l., or sloillil' hnr:JIol.lous tYk'es oi' hl'<::hitecture. l!nd tha r.fol'tlstd,d 6.CIOl1.nt si.al1 be li;}tuull;J' dX.tJdno"d (,11 cons1:il'\.i.otion t:.nd oroo1:ion of' s~oh buildlUt: find not f<jes in oOl.r.aotior. thardwl th, 1:0 building shall Od oonatruoted cr ereoted on (illY of suld Ihud \l.(,til eftd!' tha plans, aptJoiflcutiollS una locuticn of the s~:oo shull have b~'Hl b.1J!lrOVUr; by tl:e pr.rty of th'3 first p&rt. its suocassora, ra~reBontativ~9 01' assigns. ~o building other then cne l'Qsidence b~ilding hnu cne private 6~ruge shall 06 erectda on an;J' resid'.mtial lot. without the vlritten consent cf pf:rty 01' the first :-IPl't t;cd no o\l!lding Silllll be erected ht a 103s distanoe :.hr.1. 25 1'!H}t from t~:e fror.t line of eny lot. or at a less distance thbn ;) f-;ltlt from t.he side lil~e of {;.n~' lot. or ut fa l~3s dist&l1c'J than 5 f'Jat froo t'.e rear line. That no unlawf'..4l or iml!lorl:ll us~ "helloJ eude of the ;;ruuis6s :,erdb~ cor.veyed, 1:01' , shall th~ sume nor any pr.rt thereof, nor bUY interust therein. be sol:1. leu::e:i or otherwise oonve,ydJ to bn~' person ot:lel' thuz: th<t Cuu.o:.siall rQ~e, providad t:Uit nc+.hing ~lel'ain containe:1 shall p1'event t~e keuping urn Ci1Bir,t~inin!,; of serVb.nts on t~'1 sLid Qro.,,,n't:r :'01' rebsone.:>le faci 1y U3d. :' [':' " '.. 1:0 O\l.~SUd toilet sh9.l1 .)~ .-,dl'L1itte-l in lin:' ;~rt of &:id s~bC:ivision tn~t therd shall b~ oor.atroot>jj by :>l:lid S\hlCnd 'p&.L"'~~r llc cor:nuutlou wi tit bl1j" rtJ~idonce <.n l1n:,' of slJid Inn4. a $ . t septio tan" in a~oo~'<i&r.C;j with s1>euifiodt,:on9 bi'proved b~' the ,purty of tau first ~Lrt in writing. Ilo signs 01' billboards of 811,7 ~ihd or C~lhrlictdr sht:ll b<.: t;xLibgod. dis~lujre~. constru.otalj or ClB.intalnud in s8id s'..bdivisicn withou.t the \"irittdn cosent of' thu ;:a::.'ty of I I I I the first pE-rt. ;;0 Lot 01' lots in said subdivision shall be suodivided or ro-suMividac. ~7ithout the wrl tten consent and approval of party of t:16 f'i::.'st ;;al't. That the pc.rty of the first part. its 9~l.OOeSsors or assigns. shL.11 h&vtJ the right, from time to time, to release any of the aoove or foroSoing reatrictions. oonditions, or lilllit!Jtlons by sea 1.)d ins tru.ment duly ex,~cutecl in accordance wi th t:le In'Hs 01' the 3t~ ta 0 f Florida fo r tho oonvdYlince 0 f l.'dl:l e 9 ta te. This deed Is glvel, suoJeot to E:.ny 8grecmerlt made n~' t:le 'lendor with electrio lig;-.t~r!e, gas. \'luter, trl:ms~ort&tlon. or Ot:lt3l.' pu.blio service -:or~cr!.tiol:S, find t:le V"maol' rasarvdS to Itst'llf,'lJu.l ita li:J..;igns, t:,e ri~;l~~ to ~nter upon the llropel't~' for the ;,1.~J"poEe 0.: cor.stl".1.cting, ireoting nnd ll1& in tainlr.g &lone the rebr lilt:} of sllld ;r operty o..,el' b strip not more than fi ve (5) :feet wide, poles, wires. Wldarground oond\.&.its or i>ipEJs, neoe35brl to trhDSmit or furnish ~~.' ;, ." to said lot, or uqy other lot In said subdivision. eleotrlo ourrent, telephone service, wator and sewerage ~lpes. bud to reyuir, remove or replaoe said poles. Wi~8. conduits, pipes, eto.. aDd the Vendor turther reelrves the right. prlor to aotual oooupar.oy of' on:! lot. enter '. thereon and at its o~ expense to cut grass, remove weeds. ~ltivate flowers end shrubs thereon. 'rhls deud is eX,eoutud.pu.rsu.ant to and in the oxal'olse or the power and authority granted to and vested In auid trusteo by the terms of said deed or deeds in t~8t delivered .... .... ..... ~i.:. V!~~1~~li~i ~i'~~~~~l~j!'",~!~~?€f:;~~t~7.