HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0537 I 516 .___--......w-_....~._...__ ~ .i" . . ! general drainage laws of tho Stato Of Florida. oompln1~nt. and ~lorida ImprovoQent Corp- oration. a Del~ard oorporation. and Glen }.{. ....verill 8m. Jessie t{. I,verill. dofendants. that oortain promisos montioned in said deoreo, and .horainr.fter partioul~rly desoribed, be sold by &.lid uastar, at p~blio auotion, the suid Master fi::st e1 ving two weeke no 1;10e of the time anI plaoo 0 t &Jle i~ newspaper published in :it. moiu Co..:.nty in soid Stute. kITn ;/~R~, the said Spaoial Master in pursuanoe 01' said deoNe. did. on the 6th day of June 1927, solI ut'publio auotion the said premlsdst hdreinafter desoribed. having first given prepiouB notioe in aooordbnC6 of said deoree, at' whioh sale the said premis&s. hereinafter desoribed were sold /the said p arty of the stl-:ol:d pbrt for thd oonsl~erE.. t ion snown in the oertain oertifloateu held ~y said p:u'<.:haser, the s"id su.m being 1;\10 sum shown J in rdpor~ of sale 04' ~~eoil:il Uaster bnd fihd wi th t'il} Honorabld 1J0urt. tlu,1; beir.g the highest swn bid for samli lmd said suld havint b~;.m oon;:'irmuu by the Uo.a-t and oert1fiO&.tes issadd and bei~ novl thd pl'Oi>d....ty oi' sc.iJ SdOOr..J ~~f:rty and n"t hil.ving been re:iee:::ed fond t.~a said ~e:t'tlfioi1tQ holders hava u>>p11a\l for Ii ddl::l-1. XO''''. TiGR:.'.:?O:1:::, ':'AI~ n;:EJ.:r::~ 11I'~;:~;j..;)::;:'rl: Tnut th", s6id :ipu;;ial 1~~3ter 11> order to chrry ir.to .::ff<1at the SElid saId so rlade &S li:f'ONsuid, in p;.rs....."noe of the 3:.id deoree of t:-ie s"id Ocurt of Char..oer::. 1n ~or:s1dar8tion of tho prooisds, nr:d of sl.ia 5";.4::1 as shown 1r, . cl3rtif'io'itd,3 paid,ut tho Una of tho:) oXdoution 0:" -:'::e said oc:;.'':.iflc[i-;oS [,r'<1 tl:e :\a':;~er S-.:.:l of. Tilree & :ic/100 (~~.OO) Dollars paL! by t~l~:mid ~rt;. 01' t:Hl so)c~r:d par':. ':.0 tid s.:.id Speoial l~ust'J::" for t!~ eXEloution of' t.l-}is deu<:. '.oh'.3 ::(.":3 illt{ ...Inereol' 1s hel'ob:r ac;mowl~:::€od, has gran t()d. OIl:;"5uined. sold. aliel~tlj. 1'I::Il'.la3~G, ccnvEl;raJ /ini (:C'nl'i::.'ml::ld, hId b;r these the sEnond part, &nd tc it~ s.....cO~3r;ors for~val', tln c::rts.in ~11::"cdls of land slt,~ated in ~ :;re"dnts dOds grunt. bt:::-ecd,n. sell. nlien, l'<}lausc. '~O!~VdY tlnd cOIU"irm ;,;.nto the SD.id 'pu:;.'t~!' of State of ~lorlda. 30untJ of St. ~~ol~ d~3cribdj a3 follows: D~SCRIPl'IOlf SE"':. '7ifP.' ' Q ,1"~? ....""~l....,_. . SWi- 12 N~~ of' S~i 26 . ,... ' of ..)~~ ,2b ~u-.." 3%- of U~- ~() ;)5 ~8 35 38 ~5 , ;)6 35 38 :;or:taining in all Two hu.ndrdJ ait:ht~ (280) liel'''2, more or less. toeet'lBr \.ith all f.nd siq;-...lbr the rights, members, 1>rivileges, ht:lradi~am>3nts ulld av"Jurt<lnanUdS to the !H.tml:l ot;loriCing or in anywise ap~erta1r:i.r.g. ( 7;{I3 DnD, however. is 6t1.0JdOt to the ~iens i'or &11 subse1.uent (to l'J21.,) annual ir..stall~ent9 of dr~!rtuge taxes Bnd interest thereon, and ~tate and ao~t~ Tax9s. :'0 !L'T.'; ..ZITI ~O ::OLD all lmd s!.ngulfil' the said premises. abovd rlen~ioned Uld described. , ~nd hereby granted and oonvdyed. or intended s. to be. Wi~l the appurtenanoes, unto the s6id party of the seoond port, and 1ts sucaossors. forever. In ,',1111:.:33 j::U~GOF. the aaid Speo1alltaater in Chancery. l.t!3 l1fOl'Oaaid. hf.t~hereU:lto set his hand and ~al, the day and year first abcvu wr1bten. .dw.'r S. Stotth (;:>001) hS ~.lleolal naster In Chancery. as aforesaid. ~. 31gned, sealed and daliverad in the presenoe or : , . )(01z1e Zmll1i tt &dUh tl. j{'..l.oka . . I ~i ~t~~i;t~~,~~;lt~~:~l~;~~;~:~131~~~~}~~r ." :; :,' ,'...:' ,;",::,:"~~~'~~~~;{~ff~~:~\