HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0568 .":.~--'~'" ....'..~~- +'~. ..~.;,,' ..~,.---t....."",~.,..~: .-_..........'o.-'.~ "''''--O_...y..'~.'';'~.r.:'':'''''''''~l'-:.::&:::re,.~._ :,....-'Oi."'.;...:.ao~,.._....a:;.;;.. ~'... ~~::a"~.,y.........~_.-'-:f..~~ 54.7 /I [ A. W. YOUlIG JJID WIn: '1'0 S'1'. WOB maCK CORPORA'lIOll fl.&RRJJffY DIED 'lHIS IlfDKlI'fUR.I, ..de 'he l6\h dQ' of" lUl1, 1.n the y.U' ot our Lord, ODS \hcaaaDel nine huD4r.el and \w.D,,-.~t BE!WKD A. W. y"un.J ecl IreD. D. YOUD&, hh wite, ot 'h. OoUll'y o~ ID4ian 8i..I', aM S~a'. ot i'lol'14a, . ot the :tir8t part, aDel st. L\lole .Beaoh oorpora- tion , a J10rila Oorpora\lon with prlnoipel ottloe ID 'h. Q~'y ot st. 1Qole, ancl state ot 110rlda, ot tbe .eGoDd part, 1JI'l'IIISS&'l'II, !ha.' thtt .dd parUe. ot the tira' par', tor an4 In oonUd.raUoD o~ \h. 8\UI ot --'eD-- Dollan. lawt\ll UD.I' ot the Unit.d S\atea of" _erloa. \0 \h.. In heel ,ai4 by the &aid part1 ot the .eooDd part, a\ or betore the aMaliD<< aDd del1n17 ot thea. ,reaenta, the reo.lp' whereof 1. hereo7 aotnowleelsed. ha.e Brant.d, bargained. .olcl. allened, real.eel. rel.a.ad, OOD..7ttel ao4 ooldll'l1ed. a. D7 tha.a pre.en\. do grant, bargaiD, .el1, ali.n" r..l.e. relea... oan.a, an4 oontl~ unto the 881d part1 ot \be 8000Dd pert, aDel Its auoo...... and a.slgna tore.er, all the tollowing pl.oe. paroel or traot ot laD4, .1\ua\a. lying and belDfr ID the GO\Ul\Y ot ~\.. Luole, Sbt.e or 1'101'1("0. aD4 .01'. parUou1ar17 de80rlbeel as to 11.w.: [ CIov.rDlHn\ 10 ta two. thrae and tour, 8eoUOD t;w.Dty-th. and Go.ernment lot. tour. tl.a, 8a.eD and e1ght of aeOtlon twenty-.ix, tOW08hlp thirty-tour aouth. raD18 tort7 ea8t. SUBJECf to all mon<<age.. 11ena. taxe8 or ast.uament8 nn ot reoord BgalD8t auoh property. aDd all \axo. ao4 a88.88- IDent. which lIIay beoOfle elu. 8D4 payable herea1'ter. 'lOGBTImR \lith all anel .1~lar the \en.lIleDts, heredlt8.lllents and appurtoDanoe8 thereunto be- longlng or ID aDJWl.e apper\alDlng. and the re.er_lon aa4 re.er.ion8, r...lnder anel rOllla1nd.r.. 1'8nt$,i..uea aDd prot1~s thereot, aDd also all the utate. rlgh\ Utl., iDteres'. elower and rlsh' ot clower, 8eparate .8tate, proport7. p08.e.81on. olal111 and 4emaDcl whataoe.er, a. wall In law as 1D elu1\1. ot the .ald partle. ot the tlret p6rt. ot. In end \0 the .ame. and o.ery )81"\ aDd parool th.raot, wlth \ho appurtenaDoe.. fO HAft l.BD ro HOLD 'he abo.e gran \eel, bargaiDeel and desol'IOed p1'8m1888, _1 th the a,- JUrteDanoea. unto \he .ald party ot the 8eoond part, Its suooe.sora an4 aa8~.. to thelr own ,ro,er u... beBt! t aiVl ~lloot tore..r. And tho ..ld partlo. ot the tlrst part. tor th...el.es and tor thelr h.lrs. axeoutora anel .dalal.\n,.ra. elo oOUDant. proalso and agree to anc1 wl th the 8ald party ot the .eoond )art. 1\. ~ooe..or. aDd a..lgna. that ~e .ai4 ~rtl.. ot the tll'8t PB~. at the time ot the ens.allng aDd 40111'.1'1 ot the.e present.. th., are lawtully ..1zed ot anc1 iD .11 8D4 s1nsular the aOo.. 81'antod, bargained am d..orlbed pre.laoo, with the appurte nano.., and ha.. good r1<<ht, t\lll po..r and lawtu.l authorit7 to graD\. bargaiD, 8011 and oon.ey tho .n.e ID 1U.D.D0r anel t~~ afore.ald. ADd the said party ot the seoond part, Ita auooessore aDel a..~.. .hall and 11I81 at all 101... hereatter ,..oeab17 and lui.tly ha.e. holel. us.. OOOUP7, posa... aDel ~nJoy the abo.e sranted premises an4 e.er.v part and parcel thereot. with the appurtenanoes, without any let. ault. troubl., Rol..tatioD, o.lotioD or 418twzbanoe ot tha .ald pa%~ie. ot the tlrat part. tholr helrs or asslgns. or ot auy oth.r ~erson or p.r80n. lawfUlly olai.lng or to 01.1. the .BIle, b,. throUCh and UDeler the gramora h.rein. ADel the 8ald parU.. ot the tlr.t part. tor tballl..lYea aDll tor tbair hein, ~e abon duorlbe4 and bereb7 .raD te4 8.Dll relea.oel ,ra.i..., ao4 eYeI'7 par_ and paroel 'her.ot. wlth ths appur_snanoe.. unto the 8alel >>art7 ot the ..0004 part, 110. auoo...or. aDA a..iga., [ ~ri~~~;~~;~~~~:t~~i!;1;~E~~1-;;g;~~~ff~f~~l. -=- -*--- -- -' ,.. .. .';'<' ~.~:~'i~~~y~~:;"~