HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0578 . .-:,.,;.'.,"........:.'.":;.-- .',; 1-...... "'-1".' J'.~~~..'.. '.''': :.::.".e~'.~,., ~-~-.::;:.~:JL...:..'.:.._~~ ._,,-.-.,.'_ ~~-f.'" ._.....--.....,,'-'O;.~'........~_'"-~Ilo~-..;.._ .-6__ ____.~_.._-----.........._'...n...__ 557 FOR'l PIERCE BAliX AlfD TRUST COMPANY to !DODOR!: H. KDorsCUR [ fi.... ~. '!RUSi'D'S DED THIS IBDBNTURII:, Made th1e 26th (adY o~ Jun" 1928 between .ort Pieroe Bank .And ~N'~ Comp&D7, a oorporation o~ ~lorid., a. tru.tee under th. prov1.ioD8 ot . dee4 or 4ee4. in tNet du1Jr reoorded and delivered to 881d aompany and iD purauanoe or . tN" agree_D' dated tbe 7tb d~ ot Ootober, 192b, .04 mown 88 'Iru"" Jr\1a})er 'lW8I1t7, par\7 ot tbe tir.t part, aDd 'Ibeod"re K. Kerhober ot Elaia, 11. T, part7 ot tbe .eoon4 part, WI!BESSE!H, Ih.' 8aid par'7 ot the first part in oon8ideration ot tbe sua ot ~eD r dollar. and otb8r valuable oonaid.ratione, and othe,good and valuable oonaideratioD. in band pai4, 40e8 berebJ' graDt, 8ell and oon..y un'to 8814 panJ' ot tbe ..00n4 part. tbe to1low~ 4esorlbed real 8.tate, 8ituated iD St. ~ole ~ount7. ~or1d., to-witl Lota 11 an4 12, Blook 00, UnU 1, San ~ole PIa.., auoordins to ,lat reoorded in Plat ~ok ti, page 67, ~t. ~oi. 10unty reoords. together wi 'h all the tene.enta and appurteDano8. tbereunto belonging. , fO BAVl!: AND '10 HOLD \be 81U18 unto ni4 par'7 ot the 8'00na par', and to the proper use, beD,tlt an4 behoof torever ot 8aid party of tbe seoond part. ~bJeot to 1927 taxes. !bi8 d.ed i8 giveD ~bJeot to the exprels oon4itlon tbat neither the puroha8er, nor hie helr. or assigns, will mlve, ereot or oau.e to be ereoted, OD any of the 10108 hereiD desoribed, any building to be uaed tor a~ other tban r8ai4eDOe purposee, a detaohed 4.elllng for use aDd oooupanoy ot one tamily only, aot no 4welliD6 shall be ereoted on an;y of 8aid 10r8 at a dis\anoe of leas than t.en\J'-tlve (25) teet from tbe .treet line, and DO bul1dl. or aIV' par' thereof &hall De ereoted OlD. the rear fiv. (ti) tee\ of a~ lot Dot a~ttiDC on an alley, Whioh r8ar tlve (6) ~eet 1. rel.rved tor s.wer, water, llgbt, rigbt ot way tor oolloo'ion of garbage. eto.. and that 8aid right ot w87 sbal1 ~e extended ten (10) te.t on noh lotI wboBe rear Une abutts a lot plathd at rigbt angles to 1t. It le ~~8117 agreed, that tbis deed 18 glveu ~bJeo~ to the ~ther expre.s OOD- ditloD8, ra8trlotion. ~d limitation., wbloh oondlt10nl, reatriotione and limitatlon8 are intended to be aDd 8hall be aooepted a8 00yenant8 running with the land hereiD oonveyed aId whioh aball oe binding alike UpOD the heire, pereonal representatives and a88ign. ot the part' ot tho seoond part, wbo b7 tbeir aooep\anoo of thi8 instrument agree to ab14e by aDd pertorm 8ald re8triotioD8, limitation8 and 00DdltloD8 as one of the expra..,oon'lderatlona ot . the.e preseDte: Bo building .hall De ereoted or OOD8t~8tod on Baid land of a le.8 00810 than J5QvO.OO and all ~81denoe8 in 8aid ~an ~oie Plaza shall be oonatruoted of oora1 rook, oODorete, s~ooo OODorete blook, hollow til., briok or mixed oon.t~otion, or veneared with ooral rook or brlok, or frame veneered witb 8tuooO, and shall })e along SpaDish, Moori.h, ~netIan, &~toh. or .1.iliar harmoDioua t7pes of arobiteoture, and the atora8eld amount .hall be aotuallJ' expended on uon8truotloD,an~ ereo'ion ot suoh buildlng and not teee iD oODDaotioD therewith. .0 buU41ng ahall be oonet1'U.oted or ereoud OD 8D7 ot ni4 land until after the plana. e'80ifioatioDe and looation ot t~ eame ehall hay. be.n approved b7 tbe part7 ot tbo tirst f part, it. BUooe.lora, repre.eota'lyes or a8si<<08. .0 bu1lcUnge other than on. reeideno. bu1l4ing and ODe private saft1C8 ehall be ereote<< OD IlD7 ne14.nUal lot, wUhout tb. wrU\en oOMen' of part7 ot the tiret part and DO bull4.; iog ahall be ew.ated at a leee 4iilh.noe ,haD 26 te.t fro. the tront liDe ot ~ lot, or a\ a le.s d1e'anoe than ~ feat troD the aide lIDS of a~ lot, or at a le.8 di.tance tban ti teet fro. 'h. rear l1ne. :;~~'~1~t~:~i;~~)*:~;~~~~~~;tf.~~tv~~~ " ,-:'- <.~ ',', ,~~{~~~r~i~~~r;~Y: