HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - UNDERLAYMENTdvillia-, Qq6bqc JZC-5P8 C4rfada. f4 EM 0 353 ChrMian Street,. Unit #11' (203-12624245 SCANNED BY St Lucie County �Rate Re*M UZ:0.2112/2018 This EvaluafidR ftport- is.issued under Rule, ISIG204, and the applicable and regulations _gu o' s governing the use of a. The,:docurnontatl construction'. niatid& lh'the State Of Florid o.n'submitted:has been reviewed by RpbertM 151'.Jor use of the product under; the Fbrida'Buildin Code and . Florida Building CodO, Residential,'Volume. The:, 9 products described herein. have beem:6valWted f6r eorfipliah i,,,m(jttfthd: 6 Editiott (.201-71'.' '641dingftde. C sections noted herein. -DESCRHYMN.I. Sopretrla, 1tli0fuWdfwvffien'ts LABELING: Labeling shall be in actotd.price with the requlremnts of the Accredited: Quality 'Assurance" Agervs y hotdcf jtl valid, the refe'renced. nNuED,.tol�fp.U'ANCP."'t:h]S�.'EV6i64e,c)n:keoo is valI uchl'imeasAheriame products}changes, ility Assurance documentation ehanigesj or. provisionsbUtheiCbde thafrelateth,the- product change. Acceptance -of Evaluation Report by the named client constitulfes agreement to. iidtil`V, Rdb6it NiOminen, P.E. of any changes to produci (sj, tile. quality Assurancd or be prtsductlan fai iiizy tocaiibh'('s).-NEMOI§f c.",reciutresiacp.,.plefe teview-oI EmEmENT:: The, Evaluation Report number. ,, etc- tValuated�� may displayed in precededb� the W6rds "NEMO We ion'o e; Eyaluatfdh kdo6k!s-&piay lriits ddfiroty-, ectiom- 006n. requestprovided to tkte the cturer or listribUtdrs and: shall, be aNpilablefor inspection a . tthej9b site aithe request of the Buflding:Olfficial. Evaluation Report i4hroUgh pwddW. A Ikq f4rsqTi!e seal a pe�adngwm authorized by-Roliart Th. does nOtse— as Qii F-Ior'd ed man4actuiiing or 1.NEMO' -�ft,Wnioes.no'i have;. riot does-ItIpt d to Acquire or will it acquire, a Any nanclaHniterest-ln.any-,cornp MO distMutinkproducts -WeValua t e I s. � 2. NEMO ETC, ILC is not owned, operated or controlledby Any company manufacturing oedistribWpg:products itevaluates. bui 3. ko6ertUien�iiim"-P,"E�'doe�lt*havL�,porv�ltacquire iiflnar.vciii.iriiorest-in.dnytompanyimnufacturingpr,distr"i. tPg products for which tie eValuatl6n'reipoM are belrfg,Mded--' � R . bert Nidminen, P.E. f . . nyother e6*4nv61vedin.the a' the 'o does not havk nor will acquire, a, financial in 0 pprova process of product. 5. This is a btiii(rfrtg,-ecoe,bval"u'bfiori.'UiBith6riNEMOI(itr-,rior Robert Wernfnen, MI. are, in iny'W' oythe DeOinei of Record f6r,,ahy peoject onwhich this- Evaluation 'Report, or previous versions thereof, is/wO.Used'for pbrinitting orcidsign g0d&icd unlest'retain,eci specifically1or that purpose. Sub -Category: Underiavment Cpmoliance St-iiternent:Roof Uhderfi3yments.. as, Droduced.,by, Sciproiiiahave demonstrated c6mpliaince, with -the `tesUhk fK kcdtdand!, Wkh-the folliwlsgi 9t6 t d. mdhts andIftbitati-brit Of me, tet-fdifh: Stan'dards. Complla;rice fO subjed t6 the Ins- altatid 107.13 FR.SA/TRl AP612PP �001-2 Physical Properties fRSA[Ml Apri 1,2012,(04-12Y Fhy-*alNOdrtro ASTM V6163 110 AcceleikiddWeather'Ing ASTM'04798 2011 ERD (TST�5049) ERD (TM045) ERD (T$ T6b4, 9) ERD (tS%649.)- ERD (TST6049) ERD (T5,M044) ERD (TST6049) ERD-.(TST6049) ERD (TST6049Y ,ERDr (TST6049), 'ERD - W6049). ERD` (TST6045) ICC-ES:(EVL2396) PR,I•cistsvo VijLC (QUA9625), TAS 110 PhysIcal OidpLlrt es; A5M.'DI9704TAS 110 Wind,fle'slitance Wild. hesitance TAS 103 ' jTAS.110 ASTIA D1970 / TAS 110 1)14'0skali proper6es I Tensile AdheOIM PhysicalProperties /Tensile Adhesi�qn mini Woo! AS(M D1970: Physi6aklProperties Tensile Adh0ston Pti�sicafProperties / Tensile Adhesion Accelerat6d Weathering Wind -Resistance FfVWUornp- -2015 l9c-Compliance Physical Pioperties gqCFIv5Ierky.DiWar4tlon Quality t6nirol - . I 204.0205-2- 2778MMS' S71?011.07-2 S13140:62 '05-111 '. 51fISb'.0tA6rAt S37210.1i= S40 1 540,01$4, S435311.02.14A S60C--'S C- 7 6 4"S"Al 15 SOPC-SC8520.14'. SOPC 5.05.17 -RI EISR-'1524 SOP-064-02-01 SA SIVIDM_15LY, 40 Service' CohfirMation 65/17/20,65 07/15/2005 11102/2007 04/0112010 30i6S12030 I,[ .02/1512013 02JApOIA 04/17/2015 1 Z/03 /2 013 -E : xp..67/I8/2020 t6stawo& TO- 4T, iv a - seir-adiering; -non -Woven, 'pqfye'Aer fabric. surfaced; 5BSI ni6rffiiid,*- bitomm:r0of underlayment;, meets. ASTM 619704no f RSA/-Tgi April -a tiaii-zAiir! 'oqfyetW� 'surfaced, §BS, niq#10 I I M. - is tfg, WQV OR availableln-twowidths; 'iiaerihig, woven -polyethvl6ne:.sdffad6d, 5135 :rriO4jfIkq4 bite roof RESISTO SA SMOOTH P.LYA0 I , s a , self- .3, A JC65A U*4&newo 0, Lastobond-ShteT& Mi. isatelf-id6ifi -,woweirpblyethy]6ne*siurfacedhigh-.-iempgriiture,$BS-,modiffedbaumerrroof un , ddrW ymeri:meets ASTM D1970. rs 0 LTC;uc pu Vi4a ijAuft FL-1560-R14 Matidn 0.7455 EVALUATION S prema Roof underlayments kevision ji 02112./26i Page 2 of 8 4.1 4.7 419 4,10 4fx 4� . 1 . 2 4113 6, '01 roof it ". 604�w Cog- bi -d'P - ift-14 is. -4 W&L-1) Pplyo. Lastobond Prolit4is a self-adherih&w6ven p ly th e dYkn sua ced, high temperature; sBs modified'Witumenroof 9 a qhd I el.1 qymqAimeets EnWri65hleIdisas6lf-2d'fiering, woven poi" I Wene surfaced, high temtemperature,SSS.rrbdifjed bituy'nen roof ` , tinOerl6ym.eht;,,Medts ASTM,D1970*.- Iii-S, '94-0 glass reipfbrbed gd 9*e)? ed Sps ifig4, i4t. qi Uji meets AS-TM;P19701-- mat roiriforced_sand4ii�irlaced, 5BS:modified bitumenLastoband Eaves, is 4 selfwadheiingi. glass- Lastcib"d.: Eca is, a se'li-!adheritig, glass -mat reinforced; ,sand-sijffacedi SO$,;-odif7iqd bitumen roof :u­'nd&IayMeiIt­,' rTidetsASTM DiOb. Lastr bond 6d d' XuMeh roof" P underloy,Oqnt;.meets. ASTM D-1970. RESISTO LB1236 is a self -adhering; glass mat reinforced, ,s nd-surfaced, SBS, modifk!d, bitume.n roof urt-Obdaym6rit, inch k , PrimeSourceGrip-RiteEave9, Valley Oreiectoris 'a self4dheHpg;,glAss-�. i. at xeinorced'0.. sayd .S modified bitumen. roof .u4d&IiyniOntwit :a. 36-inch, sheet widft-meets ASTM.'DI'976.' . lof ftfbdiffi! bitumen 1­1 -- 4. �. gr*��'S 1� - S with a 44,_ lnch-she _et width Meeb1970, � tolphene FIR A�R, is, •a self-idhe'drigi• fiberglass reinforced, 4rarjVlq--§Utfacod, 5115 modified bitumen roof meets A5TK 01970 and FR$A/T R) April 20,12 (0442). "This ,is.abuilding code evalbation. Neither NWO t.TCjLC. nor, Riibort Nle'm'indn, P.E. are, in any Way,the Designer of'kecor*dfar any,• pr6fect',oh which` this tvalijatlon Keport, or previous versions theiOtIS/was used for Permitting' or d6sign,guidance unless reiailriedzp etifitzillyforth,atpurposd. ion Report o0h.fk 1%4 b)afilat" "M 4S Mate ls'Dirktm for firex�ibngs o Report; refer Approved Roofing, this product: Sborernd' Roof Unqefjayments may. he used with any ptbpared Too . f cover. where :f4e Orodtict is s.pOcIfitally' referenced FBC -approval d' nts. if not risted, a request may- be in6de-. to the:',.�uthotlt'y- Having ocume Jurisdiction-f I or . approval based on . 'this evaluation combined, with sbop6rtinj66 for..ffiepreparedroof coven 7 -7777 Wood csr_, Mpp e Cotiiposite &P*t Underla YM es LastobondTUHT Lasl:66nd AVSISTO; SA-SWOW ky 46. 'y La stdbondShiW AiO kt_S M _HTJ V er Emrfot4 (203.7) FOCNOI%-HVHZ EVALUATION SDpiremi goof un&6*eaui, Revision �2 6V #agd 3 of a Wo' 0—I.. �111Slatoor z Nait-Ckd07 '0 mpost e r-bmpo de U�dOilaiinent Metal 17 -tile, shingles The 77 Shatoes nts YlEt", Lastobond 195 I -Rite EaVe &VaIWV RESISTO LB17.44 t)irect-Bond"to beck:' Uotobond 4ond PmIffN, PLY 40, taftbond Shield'HTj 4"bqhd Pro kt-S�, Shield, Lasto RESISTO SA SMOOTH EnviroShleld; Lastobohd TU:"T, Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond 195, Last6bondff-0, RESISTO Llg1216,&,ip-RitL-'Eive,,gvai.lteyproteq6r,REg.sTiD.Lfni44drLast.c6ona-Smooth Seat.HTapplied .to."' > Plywood, fASTlA'D41'0&bed plywood;B;-$outhern Yellow Pine; ASTM 1, primed QSBi ASTM D41 primed OS D4 p ed 9W Southern Yellow N00; ASfM,41 Pe 610fie'ne'Fo Glk:aOpfied'x to: > Piy,W004;.ASTM D41.prifmed plywood; ASTM. D41,Oriffied structural concrete. While hot required over plywii64, 0SB or- Ne Sputm Yellow Pin' , sub�trati�S,!�optemaitecomme4nds, riming- With EWstoc6l Stick- or Elast'ocoi 6W* C ifthe, final . roof cover :Isnot slate,d for'installafiori within 24 hours. ahc(-grooi e, board 'tSac -poor 6 msfalWfoii t) the 5 i6.2 Bond -to -Insulation Lastabohd Shield; Uttob6nd Prci,HTN,.RESISTO SA SMOOTH, PLY, 40i Lastobond HT; Lastabonct Pro, HT-S, Enviroshleild, Cqstqbot dw m, tast666nd E,Wes ProtetVlon, Sheet, Ustqbwd, 19% Lastobond EC.O..RESIST-9 L81230i.Grjp7R!tq Eave. Valley Protectqr, RESISTO W1244, LaStoliolia_ Smocith 5eal HT or i:61pheirie- FR GR. k Dens Deck Pritne SEGURQtK.6y.psurnrF`Iber Roof Board. For installat . ion.undermechanicallya ached prepared roof toverings,-instilatibnshalibeaiiached per minimum; . reqtfiremebts-of the 'ore aeed roof covering nianufaictur6es , Product Approval. For installations :under foam-ori, the systems jLastobondTUHT 6 fy)',.insul-�tion: attachment shalt be. designed fiya quaiified'de.MgR professional n and installed based on testing of . the ihsulatiorijun de dayment system in accordance ahc . 6 With FM. 4414, Appendix Q, TO stir nik.)%jsolicafibnSf,'aWd6ird,TASIIL4,.A i6fidl. Jio.01JUS07; rirnFngii�drliedf"Resisfiincc Prfiirri7anCe. t,6 M16. ETC, tit niValuatjdn S18010.06.09-ftiz I . CeOkm OfAudiorhud- MUSS, 6 E641614.(2017) F8C I NON.WWWALVATION T1.2569-R14 prem4ftof Underisymnts 9ond10 Mec�fianicaily Attached 6ase Layer. La stobond, Shl eld,'. bastobond' Pro; HT.-Ni RESISTO SA, SMOOTIR PLY: 40, Lastabond Shield 14T,, Lastobond Pro HT-S, EnviroShIeld, Lastobond TU HT, Lastobond Eaves, Protection Sheet, Uistobond 19.5, L.astobond ECO, RESiSTO LB1236, Grip -Rite tave k Valley Protector, RESISTO'LB1244, Lastobohd Smooth Sea! tiTor Colphene FR GR applied to.-` ASTM D226, Type. I or 11 felt; Sopra-G; Mocllfied..Sopra-.G. For installations under mechanically attached prepared I rroof coverings, base,layer shall be: attached per minimum codified requirements. ForInstalittiorfs, under foam' -on the systems (Lastobcind"TU HT onlyli base layer shall be attached in accordance with FIRSA/M April 2032 (0442). 5.61.4 Wind Resistance for, Underlayment Systems in: Foam -On Tile Applications:, FRSA/TRf Apri 12012.(94-12) does not address wind uplift resistance, of all -utycferfagmenf systems beneath fbarriv.-on tile systems, where the underlayment forms part of the load -path. The following Winduplift limitations apply to underlayrnent systems that are not addressed. in FRSA/T.RJ April. 2011 (64-3.1) and are used in foam -on the applications. Makimum Design, P . ressure is,the result ofi6sting for wind'foad resistance base& on: alfoWqbldz Wind- load's; and reflects the, Ultimate passingI pressure divided by 2,(the 2 to 1-margin,of safety per FBC 1504.91 has already been applied). Afi' aes'ign wind 6 sul;6�. k4foi t PffTR. A-00I V 1 04-� 6�ftc tG05'-fcFr1def4r 66'W' pr s. #1 Maximum Design Pressure = -45.0 Deck: Min. 15/12-inch plywood to meet project requirements .to satisfaction ol'Authority Having Jurisdiction. - Primer: (Opticinal)"El�astocol 8d1ck-,:El'astocoI.600cor RESISTO-EXTERIOR PRIMER Underlayment: Lastoborid TU HT or Colphene FR GR, self -adhered. #2 Maxiftidtn Desikh Ptessdte zz;-67S st..' Deck- SftLtuftal concrete to meet prdject requirerhents do •satisfaction of Auth6rit Having: Jurisdiction. Underlayment: Lastobond TU FIT or Ccjlphene FR. GR- selfradhered. #3 Maximuin'Nsign,,Pressute = 450.0 bsf� Deck: Min,. 15/324n.ch APA-rated. BCX.plywobd (may be installed &side, up) io meet project requirements to safisfartion of Authority HavingJurisdictlorr. Deck'Preparation: Plywood shall belhoroughly -deaned to remove dust and debris that may inhibit adhesion_ All sheathing, fasteners shall be driven. flush with, the surfac'e. All sharp splinters and wood projections shall be removed/sanded,' Primer: (Optional) onal) RESISTO Off ERIOR PRIMER Undeflayment. Lastobond TU HT, self -adhered shall, be thoroughly roll using hand I-6116r arid/or Weighted roller to ensure' there,are no voi&' andensure there are voids1bridgirig>at side and end, laps. #4 Maxiinurh DoYtItni Ph8sUire = -60Z 60 " * Deck: Mill. 19/32=lrich, plywood -to Meet: project tecluirenjenis. to satisfaction of Atithofity HaViri& jurisdiction. Base Sheet; 5bp'Nk-G or Mbdifi6d Sbpfa7G tnethbhi'6alIybttakhed With h4ib (FBC 1517.5.1) and tin *i (FBC ISIT 5421 spaced &-ihch b.c. at the 4-inch laps and 6-inch o.c. in three (1), e4ually spacedirdws' in the center of the sheet nj- - HT or I " 6- t4iheed4 TU HIT bir"Q6'r. ohiirit FR R. -g6f. 5.6.4ii Ali other direct -deck; adhered Sdprdmb• uncferlayment systems beneath,foarn-on tile,systems carry- a: Maximum; Design Pressure of -45 pst. i4limd kit Utiq)6if Cer*-te OfAad-r-WaffForrION (2017),FSe- NON-HVHZ EVALUATION 4256MJ14- toprema Aoof OnderiaYments Revisionliil. 6J12p618 Page 5 of a foafftmol g. S 4,2a for mecfiart►catty acliezi Base 5heeY, the maximumzsign pressure foc the selected assetii6iy shad meet, or att j exceed that required under FRS/Ajl ttt Aunt 2t112 (#i4=12},,App+�rrdix,A, Tafsie-Tl Alternatively the, maximum design pressure for.the selected assembly. shall meet -or exceed the 2one:1 design j pressure determined in accordance with FSC 1609. .In this case; Zones 2 and I3-•sha11 employ an attachment density designed: by a :gu6Med design professionaf to :resist tiie elevated .pies"sure .criteria: .eornmorify used 'methods are ANSI/SPRI WDa, FM. LU Prevention Data,Sheet 1-29. and Roofing Appllcatlon Standard RAS 117. .�5serrtbf'r'es tn�Yicetf utt►tEi ari asterssit'�'cafry tlre'firrtiYat►arrs set fori�r irr Se.:#rarr 22:1t# i •crfFlrVi E:ts�s Prevei�rcr- j Data 5heet.i 29 (January-2t725)for Zone 213 enhancements S7 Exposure' Limitations Lasttibbad'•faves'Prote t vn Sheet, Ua tobohd 1991astobond Ecri, t astobond:5rtriaoth 5eai HT, RESiSTC? I:B1236, Gflp-Rite" Eave & ,M/ Iley Protectot or. ItESiSTO V11144 shalf nvt lie left ek otddJb.'_,Ior!g36 days after installation. to #alrbri shred `Eastbboiitt Prc ill 11t, R 51S7 cSA Mo0 R Pt�'4¢, Cad#olsz+nd S ieid fil "or iastt iOontt Rro`ti S `EnvirdShlelrt shall, not be tefi exposed•far longerthan W' days after installation. Lastobond TV HT or Colphene R GR shalt not be left exposed far longer than 1S0-days after nstailation. S; the SGn09 Limitations fl`AS 164 er R�AITRI 4 if Al i Ib41zIT: When ioadmg;roi?i tiles on the= under4ayrrrent m 4"tsect=deck t►le• assemb{ies,.tk►e maxi►liurn _roof siopQ; shall be as i follows. These;slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens: diming loading of the roof tiles.; ,. � Tifeiyrofite _ .. Casto6anrlTll'iil`" Lugged riot .toofielie F.(t GR tugged 1 e" EDMG1Y {2017k Fk r4OfV-F{yflZ EVAL[lATi[tN. S"'rema Roof IJnderlaymenis f; ;, .. 16fa"siitttu►ri Slope.•: is _ • ti:27` k 5.12 �Z<titestetk >y,.8 tiles high°s i61Z,. 'Old , 8 iraluab'vr,!'lepctFfSf8tYY6Ofi:0�1 rt3�` FL?S594M Revision 12 0�12f 2Q8 Rage 6 of a 613 .3 5pbJect-to- the, Lirnitatilohsset forth -in Section 5 horeip and thespecifics. noted. below.. Re -fasten arty loose d6ckine pan'els, arid 'rheck for, protruding pail heads., Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and,diabris prior to C-o 6d . 1��rirrietfie substrate with, Mstocof sticli, bCO astocof;6r opp..catIPP, a RESISTO oftER10A PRIMER fif applicable). Won r . rfie AP-01i While n TO EXTERIOR pruning Sdpre,mp recbtrimends priming with Elastocol,Siick, Elastocol.600C or AESIS 10R PRIMER if the final -roof cover is not stated for'instalIttidn Within 24 hours. A0 membrane n p_ apply sheet - ar6ilet to th6robf,edgb� Roll but approximately 10'ft of tn -a 6' and 'eel back,the fit-st, 3 of" P releasd.film. Adhere the: exposed ,paTt tolhesobApie and unroffthe reiboining.-yriernibrainp as,,faiasOessibfea 0rrce,Afrs,ent1re,,I6ngth: ofmembraneis implac . %.peel -off the hi-olding. the membrane" tight,. Firmly roll the membrane,16to place to ac'hievea bond.. R-odibriial sear wshould: ,'be.rrjnim u,m 3-inches,. -Vorttcalr-gqarns,shou Id be'64nch4s and staggered: not lessthan2fror'verticafseams in ihe course below4. All over giafiqleendf- iabs shall"be sealed using either heat -welding or hotair welding: techniques. ,wk6hinstalling .at slopes. ,.a6ov,Lll3.'1,2,,S,oprema.recommends: back=nailifig!�nthe; overlap: area' at: the t the ForValleys and Ridges. ges: Cut- underlayment- into 4 to 6 foot. lengths. Feel the "release "paper and center sheet over ridge in ch i ,F th valley�,,.ap 1- fte d .or pl�,,the. eetstartingat "the Tile Aivlications ('Lastobond TU . H . Tor Colphene FR .6k onli) ds ma ma=6' and to�i��-i-'fi6rein,,using 'the instructions Referencede: id. OW At Apr1[,'ZQTZ'(0 11 ),Installation riomtf,a6ove For f0am-qh the applications, reference: is made to Section -54.4,hereln'for, And -resistance liita ions that fair ouiside,thescbpt.cif'FP4A/TR,lApdt'2012(WI-2)-, Tile loaded and staged' irr a manner f ppey#n# the slippage andjoe'darriake- to the- underfaymerif. See5,, Tablp . 7 hp.rpin--and Sn n*iem''a bublishM roddirem&ts foftilestaelm. NMO', ETC. Litt Ce rt P— DfAulhurhatlon #32455 e WiTION (21)17j*8C N01444WIZ EVALUATION kpiema Roof Undedaymenis Ofei7& it1,1,m6,Ji&0'1 idi FLZSWRI,4 paige 7,6f 8 f ontacG tfte Hated agency'for informatiaa> on-prcrtfuttrfocatini The following. plants have qualified pr6dutts under their respective r%.A:c.tic; -3,QA-requirements tiesspecificatldns. , P rri :" ,. . Specrfita�"rdrE Prgdu,': s :> : ; •. kastobonil SfiieldF. RESISTt) SA=5iU1U4,TE1'PLY�4D;.lasto�'rrl Shield HT _ Drummondville,. Lastobond Pro HT 14; UAotior d Pro H'P-S Env'iroShleld: Lastobond 195,, C C( atiadaF ASfM D1970 LastobondEaves Pritbctlon,heet Lastoband.Eco, Lastoband Smooth Seal HTi RESISTd LB1236; PrimeSouree Grip -Rite Eave & ValleV' i?riitectov, [{ESSSTC3'i:PrIZ44': . P&M bbld & li SWR} U412 Wohene rk GR Wadsworth, OHEastdb66 �195, Lastotiond Eaves Proteci�diYSHeet; Lasttsli3nd > co, ASTM 61470 Lastobond Smooth Seal HT; RESISTO L61236 PrimeSource,Grip-Rite 'Cavavaiio-y PI`otector, i;ESiSTO M'1244 A�7 M P197U.& FRSIJTR7:0412 _ . : .. .., .. 4ast4f�P�SI TU H?;. Coiphene.fR GR, .... 6astobond 195, ob Lastond Eaves Protection Sheet, obond LastEco, GuffporE; MS ASTftA.Dl-9i0- LastobondSn►ooth Seaf tit, RESISTO LB1236, PrimeSoarte GrlpAke it 9 lhli ICTrI1 QI IAA END OF EVALUATION REPORT - C �va16'�adr ��isarL52�`tift}:t2il;:tt�r-tt> EQITlOIY,(igv)- foc WDN fiVHZ 'VALVATION FL25S9 834 Soprema Roo#Unded4menfs Revisioli 12 O2ji2j20i8' Page,$ of 8