HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - UNDERLAYMENTFlorida Suilding Code Online Iln6 S��fch userneyLstiotio. 't Hot ropfcs' it MJP NW USF;k-* Nbilc Mar d. Ptotiklct 9d M PIIo444'6" l FL a" =Z Application Type a ilia Cbde Version 2017 I Application Status App-yed C6miifi!infi.� Arckiived. A ,Authorized Signature Technical Representative, Address/Phone/EmaIJ Quality A s9­ t 4,r,-a , n( . ft . Ae . 0iiWa6646 Category I , gory Subcategory compliance Method -Siwiirha' Inc. ictaiiziddj xw rUP K.0900fty 'Urrim I or� D��d'014,-NQN-US:100000 , . 44 (819) 478 mernathled0sopir.effia.ca Marc-Etienne,Mathieu rrIeMdthieu@vsopr.eMa.'ca Marc -Etienne Mathieu 1688 kap-Berchmal-s-Michaud. OPOOO (PZ9) 478-2400 Ext 3 27 merriathieu@soprema-ca Je-a-d-FF66d6N, tdtd,. Ohibl 1§4p rp Drummondville (YSS)"Pll-3145 . jfcote@soprem,6.ca '196' Roofing Un ertayzrreiFs Evaluation Report from a Florida I Re4istefed,Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Er"tgiiee Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida,Eri,jineer -Or ArChIteCt NaMewho-deveiciped the Robert I M, NleMindn, Evaluation Rep6ft Florida, License PE-59166 Quality AmraOP Entity UL LLC quality, Assurance Contract Expiration, Date 07j-18/2620, Validited,gy 3ohrT;W. Knezevicii., PE v Validqtion Checklist- Hdrdcooy'Recefived Ceffificeft. of IndependenCe EL2569-JI14 COI _20B_U_COI_ ftLEWM,P_ff Referenced Standard and Year.(of Standard) standard year ASTM'D4799 FM 4474 2011 PPSA(TPI April 201 -12), 2012 Ut. 1897 '-2012 https:llflbridabuilding.orglpript a Ud x nJ78 &W237_6.104k) Q0 ppjd.aspx?pararn sKQFEnckBI08ErxI vj ijoe 112 Fitsrida BuiMig Code Onlind Equivaleftce. of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product ApprOVaf Method Method 1 Option D .Date Submitted 02/12/2018 Date Validated s* 02/1%1/2018 , Date Pending "FBC Approval > 02/17/2018;,' Date Approved 04/1.0/20.18 i Surnmai`y' osr #�rb�is&ts ?AFL tF >a4od 1,<S ucnbe,F i1t "Or pe: Pest�F scut:, 12569.1 l 5aprema Roof Self adhering roof undeliayments �f [1Jndcrfa'yr'nents ?,Limits of Use � Instalka¢icsa Instrtl�tiott5 . approved for use inHVtti; No FLZ569 R14II 2018 02 FINAL ER SOPREMA CA UNDERLAYMENTS h 569- Approved for use outs?die FtVtiZ:. Yes R14 dF i tmtpai$ itesis#ait$. �1(k Vermeil icy: Ro&erf IVierrtinen, O.E. PE-59166 i Design Pressure:: +f4/A/ 150 i Created by ndeperident'Thir'd Party.`Yes t�#tttrF 11.1 Re€d'r to ER Sedton 5 far Limits ? E' aluahott,Re fsotts of Use .:) rite design pressure noted herei64 &88 02 • FSNt1L ER SOPREMA GA UNDERL�lYMENTS 'FL2569- i pertains to•undeiiayment:systOms:used. R14; f beneath adhesive -set the systems. Refer to .i, Created by Independent Third Pally: Yes ER Sectioh 5;6:4-fte detaiie: S ,�titaci t}s::.2fiQL8talc St�:cRca3,'i`alsi*.es�ee fL�44 Pt!ocu�. &S4�ii37<?9Z4 The state; of Mrida is an AP4EEO empl�righ2107-2itw oripvac-steenAcSsiilivStametRaundStatemenF ,ut. under flodda law, email addressesare public records.Ifyou do not want your a mail address m4eased in.response.tn a putrlic-ramrds regartt; do not send electronic mg. to this entity, In tead, contact yhe office by phone or br trad,twnat mafi, if you have any questions please cvntaG 85E! 4a7 L395 Pyrsuant to Seenon 4SS.25'5(J,,Florida5tatutes,`difectrve Ocotier T, ZO'11;:Iicanrdesliceiised' itrutei Chariteir 455 F � rriusE�Gro+�iJe fi+e:'Departme�t wt � an enia,IadiiF2ss tf they Kavz , one. the emaits ptnvdded may be used for otf38ai communication with the iic"isee. However email addresses a2:puti6z reciinlAfyou db not w.ish'to. supply a perscral addressp ease proviide the peparunent vrith an ema l aQdre;syrhich can to made avaltal le to the pt6lic. To determine If you aria licensee under'Chapter45% P.3:, please "dick here . { Product Approval Accepts: -RM aLa ! Gcet�ii C�rei' . htipsJ/tioridabuilding.orglprlpr_app_rid.aspx?paramavGEVXCWDgsKQFEnckB108Erx'1Ud3xY11vjnJ7BuJ.eLaiaVz326%2fDQ%l3 %3d 212