HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0583 , - .----------. r "562 ---1 - ~ BOW. 'rmmJU'OU. 'rHIS IlfDD'fURB WIDKSSKTH: 1'11a' the eaid S.peoial Ku'er. in oner to oarr.r into etteo\ tha saId .al. .0 aade a. atoresaid. in purauanoe ot the 8ald deoree ot the said O~r\ ot Ohanoer.r. in oonsideratlon ot th. premises, and ot the .aid sum ot st. Thousand and no/lOO dollars, paid a~ the tIme ot the exeoution heriot, b7 the 8aid part ot the .eoond part to the eaid Speoial Kaster, the reoeipt whereot he doe8 hereby aoknowledge, has granted. bargained and 80141, aliened, released. oonTeyed and oontlrmed, and bl the.'ipre8ente 40el arant. bargain and ..11. alien. relea8e, oonvey and oonfirm unto the saId party ot the e.oood part. and to hie heIrs and a81Ignl torever. the oertain paroel ot land in the Qounty at St. Luoie, State ot Florida. deeoribed aa tollow8e Lot three (aJ.ot Blook~" ot Dittmar & KoOartY'8 Revi8ion ot their Be-Su~ivisIon ot oertain blook. "at or the railroad in in the Qi\y ot ~rt Pieroe. ~orida. aooordi~ to plat made b7 J. O. ~1... Oounty ~rveyor; in 1906. together with all and singular the rlghte. mambers, privilege8. hereditaments and appurtenan- 088 to the 081118 belonging or in anywi8e apperta 1ning. TO HAVE AlID fO HOLD all and SIngular the 8aid premi8ee. above mentioned ana de8orib- ed, and hereby granted and cODveyed. or intended 80 to ~, with the appurtenanoe., unto the said partT ot the 8eoondpart. hie heir8 and aS8ign.. to the only proper u.e, benetit and behoot ot the laid partT ot the 8econd part. h1a hoirl and aS81gns torever. III W1!B&SS \tHEREOF, the eaid 3peoial Kaeter in 8hanoerT. a8 afore8aid, has hereunto set hi8 hand and 8eal. the d8T and year tlr8t above written. Sisned, 8ealed a~ deliyered in the pre8enoe ote J Helen S. Qroh O'l'IS R. PaRKER (SEAL) .. ~peolal Kaater in YhanoerT, as aforesaid. .J Baoal Wileon sun 0,. FLORIDA. ) . . 3t. ~ole ~ountT. ) It an ottloer duly authorizeu to take aoknowledgments, hereby oertity that Oti8 R. Parker 18 well known to me. and known to me to be the individual desoribed in and who exeouted the toregolng deed ot oonveyanoe. and that he aoknowledged betor me that he exeouted the toregoing deed. a8 Speoial )(a8ter in Ohanoerr. ato1"eaaid. tor the purposes therein expree8ed. Witne.. my hand and ottloial and OountT atore~-,,\ I sJ 8eal, the 5th daY' ot lune. Ai. D. l~28, in \he State J'lled and HelelQ S. Groh Ifohry Publio. MY Uoem188ion expire. 1u!y 7. 19a1. h day ot Au8Uet. A. ~. 1928. at 1:01 P. K. '. "", \ P. C. KLDRED CLERK OIRCUIT COUR'!' \ r I , ,(:.. C.. .~t..~~CO~~:I.~:~~I.i~~~..~~.. .... ..~: ~~'~D. C. '. --_/ ~ " "', ,... ..: .:~'./:~~)1{~~1~~11~:o