HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0588 5G7 t, t $. In tha enn' ot any default by Dealer under \he hru ot Dealer'8 leue of the above premi..s, Ooapany .hall haye the option and r~t \0 .181gnaent ot aD1 Lease held bl Dealer. and to suooeed to and enJoy the lald prem8es tor the unexpln4 ten and abJeot to tho oonditlon. thereot. IB WI'lIESS WBERlO' the parties haye hereunto .et their hand, and 80al.8 the day aDd ,8ar tlrst above written. ,,~~ J.T'lBSi': . ~ . 'fHK SEABOARD OIL CONP AllY D. II. Jl\llloney Seoretary. Siped. sehled and deUnred 1b \he pre.eDGe ot; C Off P. SI!AL - ~. B. Dhbur, Yloe-presUent Dealer: tee C. Se11 (Seal) Paul H. Melser noy4 ~. h710r In oondderation ot the proalsee of the Qoapany, \he 1~.nd'r81.ecl owner ot the pre.i... desoribed In the toregoing agreement. hereby oonsents and makes himself a party thereto and agrees ,hat tbe ....e shall reaain 1a foroe an4 e.teot tor t.he period therein nllllecl. Si&ned, .ealed and delivered in the p~esanoe at: Paul H. Melzer J. II. Wilkinlon (Seal) w. W. Hunter 'ora Approved J. H. Gen. Coun8el f SU'I OJ' FLORIDA ) : 55. 00UllTY OJ' Si'. wcn: ) Beton me personally appeared J. .. Wilkin80n and. to me well known and known to me to bo the individual desoribed in and who exe~uted the foregoing in8trument, and aoknowledged befdre me that he eXAouted the same tor the purp08e. th~reln expre8sed. ~ the 8aid wit. ot the 8ald . upon 6 separat~ and private exaa1natlon by me taken separate and apart trom her 8aiel husband, aoknowledged to and betore me that 8he exeouted IIUd ln8tru.- 118nt freely and vo1untarily and without any oompu18ion. oonstraint. "apprehension, or tear ot or troa her said husband. ifI'fIESS ray hand and ottioial 8881 this 26th day ot .l'\Uy, 1~28. C Willlaa K. Jameson Jrota17 Publio in and tor the Qou.nt7 and State (11. P. Seal)'. .toresaid. My oOaa1ea1on expire" July 7, 19W. .il84 and reo~ed ~iSh th day ot AU.B\l8t. ~. u. 1920, at i,~ A. K. /. , " .' I ~.";'-' / " !(Ot. I \ \. , AURa s. ~'fOTtL&. DKKD S'UTB or nORIDA, SUI'f WOIl COUlI'lY. ) I n.,; ~ 'l'HIS IBDElftURK. ..de a,1ld entered into on thi8 the 2D4 d87 ot July. j,. D. 1928, bzr an4 i between ~r s. stottle,"as ~peoial Ka.ter in Ohanoery. hereinatter oalled the party ot the . ' . tiret part, aM l(oc1el LaDd gO.P8ll7, a :oorporation organised and eX18t1q UDler the laW8 ot the sta\e or florida. hereinafter oa11ed the party ot tbe ..oond part. .. : -'". ..:.. '~, ~: ':, .:,:{j~f~~~~~l1{~:;};i J'"l:;;?~~~fiB:~{:J~i1.~@i~~ --