HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - ROOF DECK� e LE C kr ru�u Id I IortDa tluilDing t:DDe unir O. P t yi F�at...L4:+._Y�.'/.:,1 r1'-r7lrit�r.i,��11'Y�j,y L i i I _._^.._:_,._ •:. -.��. �..:�:�.�. � _ Y` '.4:� _r�..sr.<:a:w�"e;:%% �;:r� i+.ial: � ice:: }'°'„1 I Gas lfeine I rag to .I Oscriicglstratlan I l(40apla i submltsurcharge I staLs. &Fads I. Pubileatiorm I Mostaff eas site Map I Un' ks I search i M da cpprovaldVuAd ` suser PmduceAaarrival M.rmi > dmdna nr Aepltatran Srarrh > Apalterttnn [ frt> Application Detail emu R659fiRS RECEIVED "J Application Type Revision Cade Version 2017 OCT 9 0 Application Status Approved 18 Comments' ST. Lucie County, .Permltting Archived SCANNED Product Manufacturer Carolina Carports;Inc. �+ BY Address/Phpne%Email 187CardinalRidge Traii ` t LUCIQ COunf Dobson, NC 27017 .(336)367--6400 y Ftvalldation@yahoo.com I Authorized Signature robert cope' jason.c@ca.rolinacarports.com Technical Representative Jason Cope. Address/Phone/Emall 167 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 (800) 670-4262 Ext 2037 jason.c@ccihq.blz Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Structural Components Subcategory Roof Deck Compliance. Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Ucensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy'Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Terrence E. Walfe the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-44923 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/05/2027. Validated By Brian Jaks, P.E. Validation Checklist-.Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL6596 R5 COI .Letter of Certification.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard year ASTM E 1592 2065 FM 4471' 1992 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from.the Cade. i hops://www.floridabuildirig.org/pr/pr app d8.asp)7pararn=wGEVXQwtDgtLgagLWlPgdmugLTOCyKesqsqa/`2fixULlbg`/aid V2 Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Valldated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products ' r Florida Building Code Online Method 1 Option D OB/15/2027 08116/22017 OB/2W2017 10/10/2W FIL #• Model; Numbet or Naine Deserlption 6596:1 AG Panel 26 Ga AG Roof Panel over open framing Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL6596 R5 Ii 26 Ga. AG Roof Panel secured,odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfer PE. 44923 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Deslgn.Pressure: +57:3 psf/,62.5 psf r Evaluation. Reptirts Other. See Evaluation Report far• various deslgn pressures. 01-6596 R5 AS 26 Ga. AG Roof Panel secured_pdf Install per manufacturer's details. Not far use In HVHZ Zones. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 6596Z A6 Panel 29 Ga. AG Roof Panel over open framing . Limits of.Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FOS% RS II 29 Ga, AG Structural Roof Panel-NON'HVHZ Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes secured,R I. Inipact Resistant: N/A ' Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, PE. 44923 Design Pressure: +41.6 psf/-57.3, psf ' Created.by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See -Evaluation Report for various design pressures. Evaluation Rep marts Install per manufacturers details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. FL6S96 RS AE 29 Ga. AG Structural Roof Panel NON HVHZ secured.odf.. Created by IndependentThird.Party: Yes Contact Us:: 2601`Ithir Scone pond. Tllahnssea FL 32399 Phone: 050-407,1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EeD employer. �royyj(gh[ 2ag7-20i Srete of SOON. = IPdvacv Stntemant :: Arcess1611ity Smtement :: Refund Statement under Florida law, email addresses are public records. Ifyou do not want your e.mail address released In response to a.publle records request~ do not send electronic mall to thts entity. lmtead, contact the office by phone arby tradltiansl'mall. If you have any qucgons, please contada50.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 45S.275(1), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have ana Thu emalts Provided may be used for offidal communication with the licensee. However email addresses am public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, plaosa.provrde the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine If you are a 8eensee under Chapter 4SS, F.S.,' please dick peke . Product Approval Accepts: - n�«� Credit Card Safe https://www.Uoridabuilding.org/pr/pr. app dU.ispx7param�—wGEVXQwtD4tLghgtW[Pgdmv9LTOCyKes4sqa/o2fziU[Jbga/a3d j 212 Force Enginc ' g & Testing Inc. 19530IIamb1cwood Drive Huinbl ;rX 7733a' Product Evaluation Report CAROLINA CARPORTS, INC. 26 Ga. AG Roof Panel over open framing Florida Product Approval # 6596.1 li5 Florida Building Code 2oi7 Per Rule 6IG20=3 Method:l—D Category: Structural Components Subcategory: Roof Deck Compliance Method: 61G20-3.005(1)(d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer: Carolina Carports, Inc. 187 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 Engineer Evaluator: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. # 44923 Florida Evaluation ANE ID:1920 Valldator. Brian Jaks P.E. #70159 Contents: Evaluation Report ' Pages 1-4 -A C E r Z. W. 4499 o • STATE OF : a 0 Ri FL# 6596.1 R5 August 14, 2017 I i a & T UForce Enginecrin g esting Inc .0 195301Lvnbtcvvucd Drive HumbIcTXT%338 Compliance Statement The product as described in this report has'demanstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code Z017, Sections 1SO4.3.2,1504.7. Product Description: AG Roof Panel, 26 Ga. Steel, 36" Wide, through fastened structural roof panel. Structural Application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2617 Section 1507.4.3. Optional paint finish: Yield Strength: Min. 80.0 ksi Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.018V min: order thiclmess Width: 36" maximum coverage Rib Height: W; major rib at 9" O.C. Panel Rollfaimer: MR5 Metal Rollforming Systems Panel Fastenei: 912-14 x Y." HWH SD03 with S/S"(16mm) diameter sealing washing or approved equal. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2017,Section1507.4.4. Substrate Description: Minimum 14 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel tube framing orMinimum 18 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel hat channelpurlins/girts_ See Table A for steel gauge. Framing must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Building Code 2017. Allowable Design Pressures: Maximum 00anpressures 59.9 psf ,62.5 psf `. -83.3 psf +46,9 psf +57.3 psf Panel Fastener Pattern: 22-1-2-12-1-2-1 2-1-Z-1 2-1-2-1 2-i-2-1 Panel Span: 5'-o" O.C. 4r•e" O.C. 4'-0" O.C. s'-0' O.C, 4'•0' O.C. substrate: Min.14 Ga. Steel Framing Min. IS Go. Steel Framing , Min.14 Ga. Steel - Framing Min.18 Ga. Steel Framinp Min.18 Ga. Steel Framing -uesign rressure mauves a safety Factor= Zp. FL# 896.1 R5 'llttttflr�Q O cENSFt�..i STATE OF +� .0fO•c`' Fi ORI 1p August 14, 2017 r. Force Engineering & Testing Inc: 195381iunblcwood DAvc Humbic XX 77338 Code Compliance: -The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with The Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1504.3.2,1504.7. Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation is limited to campliance_with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Cade 2017, as relates to Rule 61G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated. compliarice.with: ASTM E•1592-05 (2012) Test method for structural performance of sheet, metal roof and siding systems, by uniform static air pressure difference ■ . FM 4471-'92 - Foot Traffic Resistance Test Reference Data. 1. ASTM E 1592.05 Test Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBG Organization 9 TST 5328) Report Ala. 183-0063T 16A-E .2. FM 4471-10, Section 4A Foot Traffic Resistance Test Force Engineering &Testing, Inc: (FBCOrganlzation IfTST 5328) Report No.'183-0109T-12, & 183.0142T--15 3. Certificate of Independence By Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E: (No. 44923) @•Farce Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization R ANE ID:1920) Test Standard Equivalency: The ASTM E 1592-05 test standard Is equivalent to the ASTM E 1592-05 (2012) test standard. The FM 4471-10, Foot Traffic Resistance test standard is equivalent to FM 4471-92. quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of,roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 611320-3.005 (3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Cade 2017, including Section 1507.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. For slopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must be used in the panel side laps. Installation: 'Install per manufacturer's recommended details. +�0.. �F; ` O CErysF�,�+� sNo.4gP . STATE OF ; � 13 � ti ORI9A �0HAL• E0% . +<<euturit FU 6596.1 R5 August 14, 2017 Force En del' g & Testing Inc. 19530 Rainblcwuad Drive kruinbla.TX713381 Insulation:. Manufacturer's approved product (Optional) Roof Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification Is not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear diaphragm values are outside the scope of this reparL Design Pr6ceddr4. Based on the dimensions of the structure, appropriate wind loads are determined using Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code 2017 for roof cladding Wind loads. these component wind nd loads for roof cladding are compared to the alloWable pressure listed above. The design professional shall select the appropriate'erectidn details to reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachment to his structure and analyze the, panel lastenep for pullout and pullover. Support framing must be in compliance with Florida Building Code 2017 Chapter 22 for steel, and Chapter 16 for structural loading. FL# 6596.1 R5 41 + C E No. 40. STATE OF 0 1. 4� CDA. % VWM ; *-- - C - 0, %. eill, ON A % - ,51 %% ,Jill '51 Amust 14,20.17 PANEL FASTENER 2-1-2-1 PATTERN GUI. 18 GA,'(GRAOE 50) STEEL HAT CHANNEL FRALONG OR 1AIN. 1-1 GA. ,(GRADE- 50) STEEL TUBE FRAIING (SEE TABLE A FOR SPACING) a12-14 x 3/4" NNH sops W/ s/ate (ifimm) OMMiR iERMIO CGSifER staloofFlorida QO.q, Qasrta August 14, 2017