HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - STRUCTURAL WALLr 413/2018 Fladda Building Code Online aCIS Ha nie Login~( usa,keglstratran ( matt*cs sutimiMmItarge ( Stitsa Fats Pubf1caaons ( fec staff f ects 5Rdtlop. ( unks ( scarch f(onda do�Product approval . (tea av USER;Publteascr r. prndueNAoprovarMenu>Pradu2or AaNreitlon Seareh>Spau�Non Uzt>Applletrunaatili 4. FL6702-115 Application Type Revision SCANNED Code Version 2017 SCANNED Application Status Approved BY ;Comments St Lucie County Archived Product Manufacturer Carolina Carports,inc. Address/phone/ERtall 187 Cardinal. Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 (336) 367-6400 FLvalidatlon@yahao.cdm Authorized Signature robert cape jaso n.c@carolinacarports •com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative' Address/Phone/Email Category Structural Components Subcategory Structural Wall' Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or -Architect Name who developed Terrence-E. Waif e. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-44923 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/14/2027 validated By Brian Saks, PE. Valldation Checkllst = Hardeopy Received . Certlticate of Independence FL6702 RS COI Letter of CerNncation.adf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections fromihe-Code 1709.2 Product Approval Method Method2 Optfon.B ht'ps:/A �vtioridabuiiding.org/pr/pr app dU.aspk?param=wGEVXQwtDgtploPjb8u$3hBswa5aoOlFgegRWnt3atY%3d 1!2 4i312018 Florida Building Code Online Date Submitted 06/15/2017 Date Validated 08/17/2017 Date. Pending FBC Approval 08/21/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 Summary of Products FL# Modeli.fill or Name Description. 6702.1. A6 Panel Z6 Ga. AG. Wall Panel over. open framing Lim"its of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use.in HVHZ.- No FL6702R5 U- 26 Ga, AG Wall Panel - Secured:Ddf .Approved for use outside HVHZ- ,Yes, Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, PE. 44923 Impact Resistant: N/A Created, tyIndependent7hird Party: Yes , Design Pressure: +57.3psf/-625 psf Evaluation Reports Other: See Evaluation Report for various design pressures. Ff��n7 oS 'AF 7s r a AG Well Pa- dg secured pAE install per manufacturer's details. Not fur use In HVHZ Zones. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 6702.2 AG Panel 29 Ga. AG Wall Panel over open framing -Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ; No FL6702 R5 R 29 Ga, AG Structural Wall Panel NUN HVHZ - Secured,pcl Approved for use 'outside HVHZ-, Yes Impact Resistant N/A Verified By! Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Design Pressure: +41.6 PSF/-57.3 PSF Other: See Evaluation Report farvarlous design pressures: Install per manufacturer's details: Not for use In HVHZ Zones. Created by independent Third Party: Yes Eiratuation Reports. FL6702 R5 AE 29 Ga_ AG Structural wall Panel NON HVHZ - 5ecured:Ddf Created by, Independent Third Party: Yes. 6702,3 Dutch,Lap Panel " 26, Ga. Dutch Lap Wall Panel over open franiing Limits of Use Installation Instructions `.Approved for use in HVHZ:.Nq FL6702 RS.1I Dutch Lap Metal Wall Panel NON HVHZ - Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Secured.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verifled`By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E..44923 . Design Pressure: +24.4 psf/-26.0 psf Created by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes Other- See Evaluation Report rorvarious design pressures. Evaluation Reports Install permanufacturers details. Not for use in HVHZ zones.. 'FL6702 RS AE Dutch Lao Metal Wall Panel NON HVHZ - Secured.odf Created.by independent Third Party: Yes 6702.4 Dutch Lap ,Panel 29 Ga. Dutch Lap Wall Panel over open framing, -Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL6702 R5 it Dutch Lan Metal Will Panel non fivia Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes seaired.p ff Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By,: Terrence E.. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Design Pressure: +35.1 psf/-35.5 psf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See Evaluation Report for.various.design pressures. Evaluation Reports. Install per mangfacture�s details. Not for use In HVHZ Zones, fL6702 RS AE Dutch Lao Metal Wall panel non hvhz secured:adf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes contact W ;; 1601 Blair stone Road. Thllahasree Ft. 31399 Phone: 850.497,1824 Thc'State orF(rrdd5 is an AAAEED employar. Ca yState of Florrda.:: PAvacV Statement ;;'AceasslbieN Statement :: Perund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses aro public records. Ifyou do notwantyour a -mall address Meamd In�msponse to a pubne•rccards request, do notsend dectronie mail to this entity• instead, contactthe omen by phone, or by tmdldonal mall. It -you have any quesuaw. please contact aso.4s7.139s.-Pursuant to section 4SS.275(1), Florida Statutes, cIfedive0etober I. Z012, licensees licensed under Chaptar4SS, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emalls provided may be used faralndal communication with the licensee. However email addresses ale pubitereconl. If you do notwtsh to supply a personal address, please provide the Depanmentwtthen email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you ore; licensee under Chapter 455, Rs, please dick he--. product Approval Acceptse Credit Card �eeSaffe�e hopsllvvmk0oridabuilding:orgipdpr app d0.aspx7param=wGl-_VXQwtDqlobPjbBuS3heswaSaoOlFgeq)CWnt3atY%3d W2 Force Engineeil7lp & Testing Inc. 19530 R=bicmad Dmre Humb]c,TX 77333 Peaduct Evaluation. Report CAROLINA CARPORTS, INC. 26 Ga. AG Wall Panel over open framing . Florida Product Approval # 6702.1 R5 Florida Building Code Z017 Per Rule 61G203 Method: 2—B Category: Structural Components Subcategory: Structural Wall Compliance Method: 61GZ0.3.00S(Z)(b) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer. Caralina Carports, Inc. 187 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 Engineer Evaluator: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. It 44923 Florida Evaluation ANE 0:1920 Validator: Brian 1a&s P.E. 070159 Contents - Eva luation Report Pages 1-4 o , \/ o • ' STATE OF vxM FL# 6702.1 R5 August 16, 2017 Force Engincermg & Testing Inc. 19530 itnatblewood Drive Humble,TX77336- ComplianceStaternent: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with.the Florida Building Code 2017, Sections I.709.2. Product Description: AG Wall Panel, 26 Ga. 51:00, 36" Wide, through fastened structural wall panel. Structural Application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: 26 Ga. Steel, panel material shall comply with Florida Building Code. 2017 Section 14135.2. Yield Strength: Min. 80.0 ksi Panel Dirilension(s): Thickness: 0.0AS" min. order thickness . Width: 36" maximum coverage. Rib Height: VV major rib at9" O.C. Panel Roliformer: MRS Metal Roilforming Systems Panel Fastener: .i 11-14 x V.." HWH Sb#3 with Sle (16mm) diameter sealing washing or approved equal. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building"Code 2017. Substrate Description: Minimum 14 Ga. (Grade SO) Steel tube framing or Minimum 18 Ga..(Grade 50) Steel hat channel purlins/guts. See Table A forsteel gauge. Framing must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Building Cade 2017. Allowable Design Pressures: Maximum Design Pressure:. S9.9 psf -62:S PSI` - -83.3 psf +46.9 gist +57,3 pif Panel fastener Pattern: 2-1 Z-1 . Z-1-2-1 2-12-1 Z-1-24 2.14_1 Panel Span: Sw O.0 4'-W O.C. 4'-O° O.C. S'.6^ O.C. 4'-tr O.C. Substrate:. Mtn.14 Ga. Steel Framing Min.13 Ga. Steel Framing Mtn.14 Ga. Steel. Framing Min.18 Go. Steel Framing Min. Is Go.. Steel Framing -uuiga rressure moles a zaiety racwr = c.u. `��> 6 N•C E• E• �p i��' QQ'y1 CENSF.S�� �/ je ' STATE OF v 0 p' r"� % snbarrsm� 'moo c�3 F� P j 'q • y�,l ONAL R* 6702.1 R5 August 16, 2017 Code.Compliance: E4aluation. Report Scope: i Performance Standards: Reference Data: Test Standard Equivalency: Quality Assurance Entity: Installation: Insulation: Panel Fire Classification: Shear Diaphragm: FL# 6702.1 RS Force IlEngincenng & Testing Inc. 1953D I&unbletvoa.17 136inbl ;TX 77338 The product described herein has demonstrated compliance wltK The Florida Building Code 2017; Section 1709.2: The product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Buiiding,Code 2617, as relates to'Rule 61620-3. The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: ■ ASTM E 1592-05(2012) Test method for structural performance of sheet metabroof and siding systems by_uniformstatic air pressure difference 1 ASTM E 1592-05 Test Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC Organizatian N TST-5328) Report No. 183-0063T 16A-li 2. Certletcate(ofIndependence By Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. (No. 44923) @ Force Engineering & Testing, Inc Inc Organization N ANE 10:1920) The ASTM E 1592-OS,test standard is equivalent to the ASTM E 1592-05 (2912) teststandard. The manufacturer has established compliance of wall panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20,3.005 (3) for manufacturingmder a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Install per manufacturer's recommended details. Manufacturer's approved product (Optional) Fire classification is not part of this acceptance_ Shear. diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report �' �:`4{ CeNSF<.h*e . STATr:OF Cr! LOR '0'OUM f • f�otlr rst► ���♦ August 16, 2017 Force Engineering &Testing Inc. 19530 Rssmblmaod Drive Humble,TX77338 Design Procedure: Based on the dimensions of the structure, appropriate wind loads are determined using Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code 2017 for wall cladding wind loads. These component wind loads for wall cladding are compared to the altowable pressure listed above. The design professional shall select the appropdafe.erection details to'reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachment to his structure and analyze the panel fasteners for pullout and pullover. Support framing must be in carnpliance with Florida Building Cade 2017 Chapter 22 for steel, and Chapter 16 for structural loading. CEiiSF���' �� No.444� ��� • EJ STATE OF q 4r 0 P Sw•drhir• '�j FS • • . 1t'�� o�rm �'�iS10NAL• ��G��� �r'rrrr�rtitsr� FL# 6702.1 A5 August 16, 2017 PANEL FASTENER 2-1-2-1 PATTERN OR61U4 14 GA.t (ORAOE).50))SSTEEL THAT UBE 1E�WW(;IAHC `•ff12-14 K 3 /q- KVIR.50#3 rl/ 6/e• (16mm) OWAETQi SEWNG WASHER (SEE TABLE A FOR SPACRIG) Ia 21 Q/JQGIAMO O p $fMnolF7aBd0 :�`Q' C •N •• 0� p' C.OA y �/ i • V� � S� fi o; NO.44923 �o STATE OF •• •4 0 R 1 . �•� ormn•' August 16, 2017