HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESIDENTIAL HVAC LOADSExpress 1916 Cali Large Living Leff St Lucie 2019 HVAC Load Calculations for Express Homes % iD SCANNED BY St Lucie County Prepared By: Kristin Kelly Florida Breeze 6928 Vickie Circle West Melbourne 3219518767 Thursday, January 17, 2019 Rhvac is pn ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. ^ ` � | � < | )V. � iarge M01 / Project Date: Thursday, January 17, 2019 Client Narhe: Express Homes Compaq I y Name: Florida Breeze Company Representative: ..Kristin Kelly Coml5a�y Address: 6928 Vickie Circle Company City: West Melbourne 27 � 25 ft.. Altitude Factor: � 0i998 � | | Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bul Wet b Winter: 42 39.4 n/a n/a 70 ' Q5 78 47Y6 50�. �� �uw,�/ �75 5; O.521 nquun�oovmopm*r�o� 1.R1G 8quau*fLPerTun 715 Tot He ting Required Inc Total =g Required Including Ventilation Air: 32,167 Btuh 2.68 Tons (Based On Sensible Latent) Calculations. are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA All oa use and weather n�my / Manual- Be sure t I o select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performancedata at your design conditions. | | / / � | | | � . � ' � ' r' ROP #"' �glig '|------- Misceflaneous Report., Use �clledule: Yes Yes Minimum Velocity: 550 ft./min' 4'50 ft./min Maximum Velocity: n 750 ft./Min Max Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Infiltral:4 & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 21.98 Gain Multiplier: 35.94 = (1-10 X 0.999 X 20.06 Summer Temp. Difference) = X 0.999 (0-68 X 52.90 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 30.77 = (1 A 0 X 0. 999 X 28. 00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified: Summer� Infiltration 0,380 AC/hr (107 CFM), Construction: Average Specified: 0.200 AC/hr (66 CFM), Construction: Average 1 1 C:\—uExppaoa1916 cie2U1&rh8 _ �PT - '" / � Flow �_- � ' / 371 -- - � ' / . ' =" wm wm ' Surnmely-�__--_ -�---_-_- -- | � . | | | | | { ' | | � ` ! c:\ 181� da2U1Cirh� ...\Expr I �' Thuraday, January 17.2U1S.11:27Am - Rhvac Resident�at & Light Comm al HVAC Loads:f {tote softw,re peveiopment,>Irtc , Floxda BFeaze �• .� xpress916Cair,la'rge'Laving l eftBt Lucie2019 WMel est bourne Ft -32904 Sy6 t ,I I Summar Loads Crrrippe t ea e � Sep T* to wbes�rr ; %n Qua Lass Ga' Gai Game 2A-v-o: Glazing -Double pane low-e (e = 0.60), operable 124.8 1,224 0 2;312 2,312 ' window, vinyl frame, U-value 0.35, SHGC 0.29 2A-v-d: Glazing -Double pane low-e (e=.0,60), sliding 40.8 697 0 790 790 glass door, vinyl frame, U-value 0,61, SHGC 0.34 26-v-o: Glazing -Double pane low-e (e = 0.60), fixed sash, 2.5 24 0 33 33 ' vinyl frame, U-value 0.35, SHGC 0.29 - 11J: Doolr-Metal - Fiberglass Core, U-value 0.6 11D: Door Solid 20.4 343 0 379 379 -Wood - Core, U-value 0.39 19 208 0 230 230 i 13AB-Ofcs: Wall -Block, no blanket or board insulation, 123i .1 6,339 0 5;070 5,070 filled core, siding finish, U-value 0.183 f 120-OiW-1 Wall=Frame, R-13 insulation in 2 x 4 stud 317.1 808. 0 765 765 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs,: U-value 0.091 168-30t� Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 1916 1,717 0 3,372 3,372 Floori(also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Mecane, R-30 insulation, U-value 0.032 22A-pm Floor -Slab on grade, No'edge insulation, no 200 0,608 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any,floor cover, passive, heavy I. dry or! light wet soil, U-value 1.18 ` Subtotals for structure: People: 17,968 0 12,951 12,951 1 Equipment: 5 1,000 1,150: 2' 150 Lighting- 0 500 2,100 2,600 Ductwork 8,579 2,086 0 9,124 0 11,211 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 107, Summer CFM: 56 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 3,286 2,020 1,235 3,255 0 0 0 0 System 1 Load Totals: 29,833 5,606 26,560 32,167 ti Check j=ur .: Supply CFM: 998 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.521 Square ft.lof Room Area; 1,916 Square ft. Per Toni: 715 Volume (ft.): 16,861 Total eating Required Including Ventilation Air: 29,833 - Btuh' 29.833 'MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,560 Btuh 83. % Total Latent Gain; 5,606 Btuh 17 Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 32,167 Btuh 2.68 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) �-, r Notes, d Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure toselect a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. i C;1..,\Express 1916 .., cie 2019.rh9 Thursday, January 17, 2019, 11:27 AM Rhvac Residential & Ligtit,Commercial HVAC Loads a �� Florida Breeze �� �� �� �S�l�ts Stivvare �SaYelopmenfInc. 1 0 t� ��3 Express i9 oiLarg�e fiv�ngLeft Luape 169 West Meloume FL- 32904.E Ec-uiITent Data - S,ystern._�.... C00 it ig System Type: Air Source Heat Pump Outdoor Model: R4H436(A,G)KC' Indoor Model: FXM4X36**AL Tradename: 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP Outdoor Manufacturer: COMFORTMAKER Description: Air Source Heat Pump AHRI Reference No.: Capacity: 10142182 34,400 Efficiency. 15 SEER,' Heating System Type: Air Source Heat Pump Model: Tlradename: R4H436(A,G)KC* 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP Manufacturer: COMFORTMAKER Description: Capacity: Air Source Heat Pump 33,800 Efficiency: 8.5 HSPF This system's equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S. Manual-S,equipment sizing data: SODB: 95F, SOWS: 78F, WODB: 42F, SIDB: 75F, SIRH: 50%, WIDB: 70F, Sen. gain: 26,560 Btuh, Lat. gain: 5,606 Btuh, Sen. loss: 29,833 Btuh, Entering clg. coil DB: 79.217, Entering clg. coil WB: 63.9F, Entering Htg. coil DB: 66.8F, Clg. coil TD: I I I I I I II I 20F, Htg. coil TD: 70F, Req, clg. airflow: 998 CFM, Req. htg. airflow: 371 CFM I I I I I II C:\ ...\Express 1916 ... cie 2019.rh9 I Thursday, January 17, 2019, 11:27 AM 91. Nam System Main Trunk 1 Size: 18 in. ' 565 ft./min . Loss -Bog Will Net � q . Actual:-' -_ ---. .'- 2656" vpvv 32,167 Type: Air Source Heat'Pump Air Source Heat Pump =vu=. ' | M4M45��\G)KC° R4 --``-`— |nduo,ModoL . ''~~-`~~ '~- ' orano 14GEERFlGERUE5R410AHP 14SEER RSERIES R410AHP ' Description: Air Source Heat Pump Air Source Heat Pump cnciencyj- 8.5HSPF 156EER Sound: | 0 O 33.8008tuh 34`400Btuh Sensible Capacity: ma 28.1088tuh . Latent C hy: n/o 6.202 Btuh AHR|Reference No.: n/s 10142182 This o aselected inaccordance with ACCAManual S. Manual Su(pm�ntoiz|ngdmta: SODB: 95F. SDVVB: 78F, VVC}D8:42F. 8/b8: 75F, G|RH: 50Y6. . |D8: 78F. Sen. gain: � ��.5moBt . Lat. gain: 5.6068tuh. Sen. loss: 29.833Btuh. Enb*rngdg. coil 79.2FJEntahng � ��|VV8`G3S" Enb��Q�g.00i|DB: 6G8F.C�. c�|TD:2UF.Hbg.uoUTD:7DF,Roq.�g.ahf�w:008CFK�.Reo~w� | ni-~~ 37- `FW1 . / Q\- i91G... cie2O1ELrh9 ACCK Is tYe�sur�Co'vrax 5m/a�w.fc, Contractor 'Florida Breeze Mechanical License # CAC1814113 I Building Plan ## County, Town, Municipality, Jurisdiction Header. Information REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS' Manual J1 Form (and supporting worksheets): or MJ1AE Form" (and supporting worksheets): OEM performance data (heating, cooling, blower): Manual D Friction Rate worksheet: Duct distribution system sketch: Home Address (Street or Lot#, Block, Subdivision) Winter Design Conditions Outdoor temperature 42 OF Indoor • temperature 70 OF Total heat loss 29833 Btu/h Summei'besign Conditions Outdoor temperature 95 OF Indoor temperature 75 OF Grains diffierence 53 L Gr.@ 5O % Rh Sensible heat gain 26560 Btu/h Latent heat gain 5606 Btu/h Total heatgain32167 Btu/h Equipment type)I Heat pump Furnace. Heat pimp, timer, ,etc Model IR4H436(A,G)KC- Heating output'capacity 33800 Btu/h Heat pumps - capacity at winter design outdoor conditions Auxiliary heat output capacity Btu/h Design airflow CFM External Static Pressure (ESP) IWC I Component Pressure Losses (CPL) IWC Available Static Pressure (ASP) IWC ASP = ESP - CPL Contractor's Printed Name Kristin i Contractor's Sionature Form RPER 1.01 8Mar 10 ATTACHED Yes pX No ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Yes No ❑ Yes ❑ Nog Yes Q No n Building Construction Information Building Orientation (Front door faces) South North, East, WesL• South, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast. Southwest Number of bedrooms 4 Conditioned floor area 1916 Sq Ft Number of occupants 5 Windows Eave overhang depth 1 5 Ft Roof Internal shade Eave Bonds, drapes, etc Depth Window Number of skylights 0 Cooling Equipment Data Equipment type Heat pump Air Conditioner, Heat pump, etc Model R4H436(A,G)KC- Sensible cooling capacity 28198 Btu/h Latent cooling capacity 6202 Btu/h Total cooling capacity 34400 Btu/h Blower Data Heating CFM__j2 taCFM Cooling CFM -_ 2 to CFM Longest supply duct: Ft Duct Materials Used (circle) Trunk Duct: Duct board, Flex, Sheet metal, Longest return duct: Ft Lined sheet metal, Other (specify) Total Effective Length (TEL) Ft Branch Duct: Duct board, Flex, Sheet metal, Friction Rate: IWC Lined sheet metal, Other (specify) Friction Rate = (ASP x t 00) TEL • ductsystemidesign were:rigorouslyperformed o. -a r building plan list6d will be • - to review and, verrifficaffon. Date 1 /11 /2019 i no mrij snap nave the discretion to accept Required Attachments printed from approved ACCA software vendors, see list on page 2 of instructions. If abridged version of Manual J Is used for load calculation, then verify residence meets requirements, see Abridged Edition Checklist on page 13 of instructions. Form generated by ACCA-approved Manual J Eighth Edition Version 2 Elite Software Rhvac program. Air Conditioning Contractors of America Manual S (Residential Equipment Selection) - moles rnrormauon Name: j City: Stater Altitude: Attitude Adjustment 1.00 wvrinu Lmign rniormauun Outdoor Design Temp: 91 -F db Summer Outdoor Design Temp: 43 OF db IWtnter Indoor Design Temp: 75 OF db 50 %RH 83 OF wb Manual, J Load Calculations Total Load Sensible Latent SHR Heat Loss 32167 28560 5807 0.826 L-�J ulations orAirflowible CFM L 1271 OEM Information •I Manufacturer: COMFORTMAKER Furnace Model #.I AFUE:1 Coll or Fan -Coil Model # FXM4X36--AL Condenser Model #: R4H436(A,G)KC- SEER: 15.0 HSPF: 8.20 I try) rvrarruraQurers iroonng verrormanoe wata Lower Return Air Entering Coil Temperature = 75 (F db) CFM (F wb) Outdoor Temperature = Total BTUH Sensible BTUH 95 (F db) Latent BTUH SHR Rated CFM G Rated RA Temperature r 34,370 1 23,6W 10,770 0.8868 (Rated CFM Design RA Temperature 1050 ® 32,746 28,338 8,410 0.8043 Rated CFM 0 Rated RA Temperature ® 30,310 30,440 -130 1.0043 (B) Manufacturer's Cooling Performance Data i Entering Coil Temperature = 75 (F db) Higher Return Air CFM (F wb) Outdoor Temperature - Total BTUH Sensible BTUH 95 (F db) Latent BTUH SHR Rated CFM @ Rated RA Temperature 65 37,470 28,000 9,470 0.7 773 (Rated CFM @ Design RA Temperature 1550 83 36,492 29,204 7,288 0.8003 Rated CFM C Rated RA Temperature i r 35,025 31,010 4,015 0.8854 murruraaurers %000nng verrormance Bata (Interpolated) Design Return Air Outdoor Temperature = 95 (F db) CFM (F wb) Total BTUH Sensible BTUH Latent BTUH SHR 27,803 8,798 0.8024 Ei tcess Latent Capacity Calculation + 595 595 Capacity Q Design CFM / RA (F wb) 1270.8 83 34,400 Z8,198r 8,202 0.820 Equipment Capacity as a 95 of Design 106.94%1 106.17% 110.62% Manufacturoes Heat Pump Data Capacity Capacity Balance Supplementat 47 OF db 34,800 1 17 °F db 18,820 Point H"#Recluired -18.3 15.87 FManufacturers Furnace Data Input Output Desired Calculated' .