HomeMy WebLinkAboutGAS VENTS INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE1110TRORL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE ' INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODELS M & MO MNrirFACTUAER WiaolN!7 % _ 1 FaPoPo FMAAONMENTAr. 6YST4M9 - ' I ilile symbol on Iho nameplate means tills product Is listed by U� Undorwr]tors Leboralorlos Ina. G Lleking No. MR7860 Testing No. 441 GENERAL: Iho Model M and MO Ciao Vents (0-Von1) have boon designed for use Wih gas buming Catogory 1 appliances. A Category 1 appliance oper- ates with a non•poslilvo vent slallo pressure and with a vent tompora- tore that avoids excessive condensate production In the veal. ID -Vent Is of double Well construellon with the Inner flue of aluminum alloy (allowing for rapid wormup and Wier draft) and ilia outer casing Of galvanized steed orgatvalumo steel. Model M 8-Vent Is compatible vdth listed masonry iollnbig systems, single walk conneators and other listed gas vents. Modal M B Vent may be used to rallno masonry ehlrnnays (Separate Instructions are avall- able from Mollal-Fab). Modal MO, Oval Gas Vsn1 Is deslgnad lot Installation within 2" x 4" or 2" x 6' wall studs and for venling of wall mounlad lurnacas. Tronsilion from oval to round for lowest cost installation Is easily obtained. SAFETY: CAUTION. UL approval Is based on using B-Vent components supplied by Metal -Fob, Inc, performance may be, affected and a safety hazard created Jl parka shown in these instruotlons are not used. 1. Motal-Fab D-Van[ pipe and fillings ware designed and are listed to form a continuous passageway from the gas burning appifarkm to file vent lorminailon above Iho roof, Including lie vent cap. 2. These 0-Vant components are la he Installed whit minimum one Inch clearonoo to combustible niaterlal. Strap vent in ptaco, ospo- ciatly on laforal or horizontal runs, to molnlaln proper clearances to cornbus11bla. Do not pact( lnaulullon or olltior mulorlala armind tho B-Van1. 3. When Inslalling D-Vern always align "Up• arrow away from appll- anco. 4. Locata vent as close as possible to Bpplluioe to obtain maximum draft and minimize conneolor pipo length. U. For horizontal runs, rnninlaln a pitch or rise from like appliance. Minimum Ass la 1141nch (6.4 mm) per fool (305 men). D. A 8-Vent Cap should he used on all Installations to prevent back drags and to keep out rain and dabrls. The Vent must extend through a fleshing, and should iormlnate with the lowosl discharge opening, no closer 10 Ilia roof Ilan the minimum helghl shown In the table below. Thalia minimum heights may be used provldod Ilia vent is not lose Ilion W from any vortical wall: TABLE 1 nool Pilch Mlnlmtren IFI01ght Fiat to W12 9013 ram) 1,0 fool Over 7112 to 8112 461 mat) 1.6 real Over off 2 to Ull2 610 mm 1762 2.0 foot Over 91121010112 mm 2.5 rant Over 10V12 to 11f42 (901 lam 3.26feet Over 1 i112 to 12112 ((1216 nnm d.0 luel Over 12112 to 14112 (1524 mar 6.0 loot Over 14112 to 19112 (1829 ram 6.0 foot Over 16A2 to toll 2 (2134 ram 7.0 foal Over 1(V12 to 2102 2206 min 7.6 fool Over Wl2 to 2iV12 12431I mm) 0.0 feet GAS VENTS (D-VENT) Round Sires 3' (76 mm) through 14" (W & Oval Size 4" (102 min) ihraugh 6" (162 mm) For installations col covorad by the abovo, Including sizes larger Ilion 121, like lowost dlschorga opening of Rio vent cap should be, at least 2' above the highest point %where It passes giraugh the mor, and at leeet 2' higher than any poillon of a bullding within 19 hori- zontally: 7. Vent elzing Is deikted by tables in NFPA64 (ANSI Z223.1, 11392). as contact your Modal -Fab supplier. Install In accordance with Ihess Inatrucilons and local code roqulrements. 8. D-Von% Is to be, used to veal apppproved gas appliances Intended to burn only Use. Typo D-VBnl Is t+14I to be used wilki ilia following: A. Unlisled Gas Appliances H. Incinerators C. Recessed Healers D. Conversion Dinners E. Gas1011 Burners F. Any appllance which may be, readlly converted to a solid or liquid fuel. 3. Any olhor appllance 140T Intended to bum only gas. In areas whore solid or liquid ruola are common. Ilia vent locailon should be, rnarkod 'For use vhlli vantod appllancee burning only gee'. 9. Vonting Into an unl'uied rrrusonry chimnoy may uoirse condunssllon. Install 13-Van[ or Molat-Fab metal linar Instdo iao chimney to pre- vent condonsatlon. 10, When instal►Irig exterior veal. not enofosed by the structure or a chase, consult local gas utility, appllanco manufacturer, aridlor aulharily Raving )urisdtollon. 11. if a pwAmr van[ fan Is used, make aura it Is localad ELI ilia terminus (exhaust and) al veal system, so err to rnelatafn nogallva pressure vdihln lie van]. 12.A D-Vent support pinto (IASP) Is raqulred If vertical hololit amoods 30 feel. %,lax monk of 30 fleet bBlwoon supports. INSTALLATION: nound D-Vant . Tha Typpe M t3-Veni secllons and eompononts use tlis Modal -Fab posi- tiva total lock for inlorconnootions. Align [Ile ends of the vent, push together then told brie sealer, to lack In place. No addlllcml fastonars era required to assure a safe Installation. it Is acceptable to apply screws at the Joints It local dodo requires, or at ilia Insialling conVac- We option, prob[dad that the screws do riot penetrato the Ilue. J. Starting at lie appliance outlel, attach tho first soclon. It le acoWl- ablo 10 use sorows to atlacb Ste B-Vant io the appllanco oullel. If the appllanco hes a draft hood, the MOO draft hood connector Is allachad to Iho tap of the draft fiood and the first B-Vent section Is twist -locked to Ilia MOO, 2. If this Is a single, siralghl up installation, and ilia 0-Voni must porl- otrale tiro eellrng, cut a ]tale in the tailing 2 Inchas 61 mm) larger than the outelde diameter (OD) of tiro outer toeing. is B-Vont Is 10 be canlorad In this opening, When Installed, check to make Burn tine ono Inch (25A min) choarence to combuallble has boon maln- talnod. (Goo Flguro 1). 3. Vdion a combuellbio Iloor is ponolralod by D-Vent, a OAFS ilroslop or MBP supped plate Is used to oloso the oponing. 1f the area above the collhig is an auto, tho ilrostop or supporl plalo Is niount- ed above Ilse joist to assure 11knt Insulation does not drop into Iho Iola[ area. -4. Continue wllh D-Vent penetrating ilia roof..NOTE: For Canadian installations. use labeled ULC aoetlon, doslgnalod with Suffix G, on vent socllone exposed to atmosphere. At The roai, the opening should be 2 inches (51 mrn) greater than Ito 8-Vent 00. Above like NEpcoal. a gashing Is required to mnbitain the one Inch (26A nwi) clear- ance to. the combustibles of the roof. Installation of a storm collar P ' aliows-aratorto drairrover the ilashlnp: Caulk as ehoYm In Fkguro-1. 6, jnalall ThB 0-Vonl cap (MC) onto Ilia 13-Vari1. NOTE: Boo height of COUllrlls under "SAFETY". 6, If a UL Lletod gas vent other than Metal -Fab Is to be connected to the Inlet and of the Modal -Fab B-Vend, use lite MGA. M12A, or 141111A gas Yank adapter, htsort the aisle and of the other gas von[ Into Itw gas vent adaptor and secure by ilghioning Uie clamp an the adapter (Sao Figure 2A). It Modal -Fab D-Vent Is to bo Insoried directly Into the Inlet and of a UL Lleted goe vent ollot lien Metal - Fab, secure by Losing taros (3 114 Inch {0A ram) long shoot rnolal screws. Do not penetrate the i uo (Sae Figure, 20). 7. Allhough It Is not a preferred practice, thore may bra inelollotfons where B Vant must run vedlcaily-axtsdor to the building and wall support is needed. A wall band (M%IVB) is used by Plocing around ilia 13-Vent, [lien fastening to the wall. Using the MW13 assures that file clearance to oombus]Ibfes Is malniataed (Sea Figure M. 0. Wltan the connector from lie appliance Is single wall, It must lerrnl- note Into D-Vonl. At ]life tarmhiatlan, It Is accalilable to secure the Joint wllh sliest matul screws. NOTE: Single wall connector, either rigid or flexible, cannot be enclosed v4diln coitrbustlbla materials. 4. 111ita Installation requires Iwo appllancee 10 tarrnlriate Into a com- mon D-Veal, a 13-Vent wyo or lee Is used. Ii Is recomatondod that this higher outpul appllance, normally 11te furnace, Insert Into Ile bottom of the wye or toe and ilia other appliance shah to ilia tap. To minimize the tenglli of run and to provide maximum flexibility in those installations, a swivel tee (1dST) or swivel wyo (MSY) Is usod. These eornparionls provide 380 degrees of rotation to posillon ilia lap In ilia proper arlontotion (Sea 1=k ura 4). NOTE: Consult the Molel-Fab catalog for the many varlatlons of wyea and toes avail- able. 10, It Is a common procllco to uUllzo the 00 dogroo adjustable elbow (WD) In tho appliance area to minimize vent run. Ueo of tho M90 or M45V60 9lbow Is aocoptebfo and not limped to Ilia appliance area. tt For horizontal and lateral runs, 11 Is recommended that support be used every S foot (1624 ram). Plumbers straps are corinnionly used. Thoy stiauid ba positioned to ntarntaln the 1 uich (25.4 ram) clear- ance to combrrs]Ibloa. 12. If your Installation requires a change in diameter due to vent capock ly, a D-Vent increaser (MI) Is available. Instaltation is the same as alerrdard B-Vent Serilons. OVAL DENTS: The 4MO and WO oval vents are flaked for use In 2" x 4" and 2" x 6' alud walls, Willi firostoplspacar to maintain 1 inch clearance io com- wallhlee. ilia BMO Is tesled for use In a 2" x 6' alud wall. Tile oval vonl is Interlocked by pushing logsihor. The 4MO has a dual listing as L O pad DW oval vent. ilia 411W Is used viillt recessed hieatow with maxl- ntum outpput or 86000 I1TU1Hn (26 I(W) for single story and 65000 11TUfHR (iO KIN) forrnulti-story Inslallallons. 1. Normally the appliance oullot Is of a round sliepa. iliaiefore, it D- VenT Section at Draftbood connector (NIDC) will be aflachod io Una appliance. To Iransltlon to oval sections, a Round to Oval Adapter (MRO) Is required. The ]root and coiling plates must be cut away, to allow placoirient of [lie oval. To position the oval. and maintain ciearanco to coinbusilbloe, a grestop (MOFS) Is used at the floor and the telling (Sae Figure 5). 2. If the appliance Is In the same room as the entry 10 oval vent, the oval lee (MOT) can bo Installed In llno wail studs. To close the, bol- tom of the Too, use tho Toe Cop (NIOTC). To support the Too with - In the wall DUN. use the Tee Support tMOTS). As lie oval vent corillnues upward, uses ilia MOFS at tho colling loval (See 1`106re 6), 3. Normally, In the allic area, the oval van[ Iransitlona beck to like round using lie Oval la Round Adapter %ton). The Installation Is then terminated as a round Q-Vanl, as previously explained. FIDU RE 2A n a r BASE ION IIIOH OVERLAP FLASHING J LI>- APPLY CAULKING On METAL•FAB MST TAPE WNEnIt VENT PASSIEB - TATIOUKIH FLASHING APPLY THICK RING OF CAULKING OEMrABSHAWST TAPE AROUND l� SLIDE STOttW COLLAR DOWN INTO CAULKING OR TAPE RING II FInESTOP i CEILING PI AWAY FU OF STI. FIGUHE 5 CUT AWAY PLATES R FLOOR MOO OVAL VENTOA CAULK (OR MST) FLAGI(IND OVER ROOFING ON DOWN SIDE. UNDERON UP 910E METAL: FAA MSA, M12A.MiSA I.INSEf%r9f4'TO11/2' AMP MALE 01`00FOM VENT URE OTHERT7IAN METAL -FAD FIGURE 2® FEMALE END OF OAS VENTI 01HERTHAN METAL•FAB it AFTER INSTALLATICN --� SECURE WITH `3 114' LONG SHEETMBTAL BCnEws STANDARD METAL-FAB INVENT INSCRT 314' TO 1 112' "FIRESTOPSPACER NAIL TO PLATE ATCOLING INTEGRAL SPACER r OVALGAS VENT PIPE soSURE LOCK ISENGAGED AWAY FIREBTOPSPACER + ITUDS AT I SFLOOR HALF OF PIPE MOBOSTORM COLLAR MOF FLASHING# —•SCCURE PLAgnme TO 130O2F • CAULK TOOOOAMBUS IBLES CLEAsfANCC �-MOOVAL VENT 1 OPEN ATTIC OP SINGLE 1 STORYORUPPER FLOOR of MULT14TIORYULDG. 2 x 4 BTUDS Q 10' OTRB. RECESSED NEATER IIEAOER PLATE 1. Cut a hole In the oulslde wall 114" larger than the I _ diameter of the aleeve on wall thimble (MWT). -- 2. Install the wall thimble by Inserling Ilse larger of -- the _iwo-parts-on-the-a pllance-aide-and-the-oUier - --- hall Ihrough the cutside wall. 3. hislell chimney Sections vertically, starting at the elbow. Attach a WALL BRACKET EVERY SIX FEET TO SECURE THE VENT TO THE WALL. NOTE; A minlmtjm clearance of 1" to Com- busNbles Is required. 4. Make remalnder of vent Instaltatlon per B•Vent Inetallailan instructlo no, FIGURE 3 COMPLETED INSTALLATION 1' MINIMUM CLEARANCE WALL FROM TO CENTER OPENING TEE BASL• NAILED TO I19ADER 40 VPTOR 60VITTEE VAITHTEP- BASE Mo OVAL o 0 PIPE sonEW — I 4 OP BASE PLATE cPTIoNAL OVAL To ROUND ADAPTER 4ePscElureG � PLATE SPACER OVALPIPE IIEA7ERH PLATIrr o 4 LJP BASE PLATE WALL RAAOKET '--Mg0 EL001 MWT WALL THIMBLE ATSECONDANO SUBSEQUENT CEILING LEVELS. USE 4MOFS ` FIRESTOPSPACER 0 ATFIRB LEVE USE41LINC- 0PS CEILING PLATE SPACER USIN{1 OVAL FOR TERMINATION I