HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0675 4 .. .,.. .-:...-.-"...."-', ,....,.,' , ~-l .....'<.n.......~__. .,... '._ ~._ . _.~-~--- ~.. '~ 4 I, ISC&JI B. JlCQLlSIQI AID .CIIA ~~"'~ fl) COOIft Of St. I,UC:;lB BI~.1I&Y DDD tillS Ia~illm. .... thi. \h. l"'h f.Q o~ .Iul7. A. D. 1128, ht..on o.oer D. M001...0D &D4 .orl\ MoGla..OIl perU.. fd th. ~lnt part. ead the Count, ot St. Luol.. In tbe Sht. ot norl.., pert, ot th. s.ooDll part. WItIISSIIB: that the eai4 part I.. of the tir.t part. tor .nd In oon.t4eration ot tbe .. ot 011. DOllar ('1.00) aD4 other ..lu'le oonaU.raUonD to tb.. In bani pald '1 tb. part7 ot the ."OK part. the reHip' _.r.o~ ..i. herelt, aoknowleqe4. haya granted. bargaln.d aut 8014. It_ " the.. pr...at. 10 ~.o\. ltarpla .nd .a11 to the 88id party of tbe Beoond ,.rt. U. .uoesaGl'. aDd ...lg.... . rlgbt-ot-., ao4 ......nt Yblrty (30.0) tee' wide in leotloa 16 Yownahlp H Iodh. or BaD&e al ".'. in St. Luo1. County. Jl10l"i4.. deeori'.4 as tollo". to-wi': fte Wo.t ~hirt, t.., ot the .orth ..., qu.artel' ot the SOuth .et q~rt.r ot SeoUon I J 16-. Ywp. 34 S.. B. a9 ... oontalolas .909 aores. .ura or less. this d... Is glYBD au.bJtot to reoor.ec1 IIOrtsag. '0 B. B. r:oblegard and Prant AnuatI'OD8. , ~his d... i. ..de tor the pwrpose ot giYlng and granting '0 the party ot the seoond part. ita auoo.ssor.. 1esal repr.sent.tiT.. and as.igns. . r1ght-ot-.y .nd .aaement In and to ..lel lands tor publlo highway purpo.ea; ancl 18 ..de. ex.outed and delivered witb tbe express' underst.D41ns .04 oond1'loD that ~el tb. .... ever be di800ntinued or abandoneel a8 a publlo h1gh..y the t1t1. to the .... aha1l thereupon reTeI" to and reyeat In the partie. ot -'he tlrat p&rt. tb.ir beirs or assigns. ADd the ..i1 par' i.. ot the tlrst part do bereby tully warrant tb. tltle to 881d l.nda. and 1Illl. d.t.nIl ,be .... asalan tbe lawful. ola ma ot all peraODs wboll8oe..er. U .I~l'DSS lIHBBEOP. the _14 pert 1.. ot the tirat part bay. bereunto set their bend. ao4 s.81s. this the U, a04 )'''1' tiret abo..e _l"ea.. ']I" -, :.':; 080ar B. JloGla880n (SElL) (SlW,) Slgna4. 8.e~a4 .nd d.liv.red in tbe pres.no. ot: 1Ia....~ B. Land.barS )lore KoGlas.on B. Ji. Ila4lD MAR 0., Ill1aol. ) COUll'lY or Coot ) I HEBlIBY C~In. that oa tble 48)' persoual17 appeerecl betore ... an ottioar duly auth- orla" to adalal.t.r oatba an" tate .000ll1......at8. O8oar B. MoGla8son .nd nor. KoGlas.on, to .e .e1~ DOwn aM known to _ to be \he par.on8 ...orlbed in and who exeouted tbe toregolng 4..d. enel th.y aoknowleq" betore _ that th., aeouted the same treely and volWJtarU, tor the p~rpoa.. ther.iD -.pr...... 1fT ....1 DD I ,umlURf C~Ift ,hat tlle ..i.. Iora _Gla.BOD knOWD to 1M to be the wite ot tbe III ..iel (Moar B. JIoGla....OD a ..pare" an4 prl..,. .zaaioatioa taten anel _de by Bnd betore "e. ..pafatell anll a.-r' tr. h.r ..14 In..._. .14 aoknowlecla. ,hat .he made hen'lt _ party to ..14 el..d tor 'h. JHII'PO" ot rNloUDoiag. r.linqu.ishing and OODy.,illl all bel' right, tU1. .nd iD'er..t. whether ot do..r. ho.e.'''' or o~ ..,.rat. proper',. .t.tutor; or equitabl.. in~nd to the laol. ..aorU. tbar.1D. au4 tha' ah. ezeollta4 the ..id deeel tre.l)' and yo1WJtu 11y .0Il wlthoil\ aaJ OOIlIUIl.loD. 00.'1'.111'. appnheo.loo or t..r of or trom her a.i4 bu.baod. WI!-.s8 ., haM au4 oftlola1 ..1 ., Chloaao. tount)' ot Coot. and State ot Il11nol. tbla 17th .., ~ J\l17 eA. D. 1VIC 1 .~r: J:ji~::;:~~ii\~~~~11:~i~~'~i:~:s;i~~;il~. ~. ,,'. '- . ." ,'":~-~~~f)f~~~~5~t~