HomeMy WebLinkAboutD O H WATER WELL PERMIT;Bridge Web Viewer Mission: �^ 'Tot protect, promote & improve the health oi" peop'e in Florida through integrated It"'", county & community efforts. HE" Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation Ron DcSantis Governor Scott A. Rivitees, MID State Surgeon General Page 1 of - Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County Conditions for Issuance of Water Well Permits SCANNED Effective July 24,_2017 BY St Lucie County Contact the Florida Department of Health in Saint Lucie County (FDOH — St. Lucie) prior to constructing or abandoning any well. a. Call the FDOH — St. Lucie Well Line at 772-873-4936 or email SLCDOH-WELLSa,FLHEALTH.GOV b. Provide the following information: i. Permit number ii. Driller name iii. Address iv. Date and time to begin construction/abandonment P' A minimum of 24 hours' notice is required before constructing any public water supply wells. Please call our main office at 772-873-4931 and speak with Environmental Health Staff or provide notification by email to SLCDOH-WELLSeFLHEALTH.GOV Submit revisions to permit and/or site map within 48 hours of well construction or abandonment. Florida Department of Health -St. Lucie County Divisbn of Disease Control and Health Protection Bureau of Environmental Health LocaJon: 3855 S US Highwayl, Fort Pierce, FL34982 Mailing-' 5150 NW Milner Drive, Port St Lucie, FL 34983 Phone 772-873-4931 Fax 7�2-595-1306 Flori . Health.gov Accredited Health Department Public Health Accreditation Board ittps://s 1.ebrid 'e.com/ebridge/3.0/webviewerNiewer.aspx?ref=jgGE%2bHKLLJOIWMV7mUAKL 1 Wq... 12/11/201 S ;Bridge Web Viewer Page 2 of- STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, y REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WELL OSouthwest PLiASEFILL OUTALIAPPUCAGf,EFIELDS O Northwest (`Denotes Required Fields Where Applicable) .! CJSL Johns River 71:a watar rrapco.°Irractorfs rusponalwo rot coniptourrg C1SOUlt1 Florida rya' v,ip husroonand ronvardln (lid pp g pAntd! n Feofta� to (he f�SUtvanneflRlvar apptopdarvdotagarodawhadryvdlcronppG?abto. �t ODEP O Delegated Authority (If Applicable) _ ,59-29985 Unique ID_ SGpulalions Required (See Attach<d) 62-524 Quart No. Det:neallon No. CUPIVVUP Application No, 1 , e Z fe , Le i ame'1 Corp r~ lot 'Addre `city I��` "T.•elleephone Number 2. ah�lf.ne. ��(i~xcc: W r - Add ss, R ad Na a or N iml er, City i3. - 'P;jrce D Na, (PIN) orAlternate Key (Ci n) J Lot Block Unit Section or land Grant 'Township "Range 7� ognty Su ivi ion Cheek if 62-524: _Yes —No 5. Walter Herndon t6 772 571-0324 wherndonwelisinc@aoi.com 'Water Well Contractor `License Number 'Telephone Number E-mail Address 6. 134 Keystone Dr Sebastian FL 32958 7. 'Tyne of Work: X _Construction Repair ,�Modiricalion _Abandonment B. 'Number of Proposed Welts 1 � 'Rea>f>nrsrRe, Repair, Ngyiti atan, orFus danneen4 9. 'Specify intended Use(s) of Weli(s): t� �LJ Rl® DomosOo x Landscape Irriijation _Agricultural Irrigation Site investigation PIP - Bellied Water Supply Recreation Area Irrigation ____-Livestock ._,,,,_Monitoring Y Public Water Supply (Limited UselDOH) —Nursery irrigation Test Commercial/industrial Earth -Coupled Geothermal --Public Water Supply (Community or Non-CommunityiDEP) Golf Course Irrigation �HVAC Supply OCT — ?C Class I Injection ^HVAC Return Class V Injection -____Recharge Commerciallindustrial Disposal Aquifer Storage and Recovery `Drainage I Remediation: Recovery _Air Sparge -Other toata,hb) F i A' ulde I o' _Ot 1 er tDe:1:6c) (Nate: Nota9 r:pusr�er�wni;a ue pemiRied 6y c ahrn paftrf<ttctg aihority) 10,4DisiI'nce from Septic System if Q00 f °' ` L_.11. FaciliV Description t' 12. Estimated Start Date 13.•Esti'nated !Neil Deplh ; _ D ft. `Estimated Casing Deplh_V�ft. 'PrimaryCasing Diameler .:?—" in. Open Hole: From To• fl, ,q-1 A. Esiirnaled Screen Intervai: From 4i. T-� ft. 15.`Primpry Casing Material: Black Steel _.�GaNanlzed PVC Stainless Steel NotCased Other. 16. Secondary Casing: _Telescope Casing Liner Surface Casing Diameter L1. •17. Seco'fldary Casing Material: Blacl( Steel Galvanized PVC Stainless Sleet Other 16."Method of Construction, Repair, orAbandonment: Auger Cable Tool Jetted Rotary Sonic Combination (Two or More Methods) Hand Driven (Well Point, Sand Point) Hydraulic Point (Direct Push) I i-iorizontai Drilling Plugged by Approved Method Olher(oosaibe) 1 S. Propdsed Grouting interval for the Primary, Secondary. and Additional Casing: From TO Seat Material (�Bentontla Neat Cement Other ) From! To Seal Material C_Bentonite Neat Cement Other~ ) Froml To Seat Material (____Bentonite Neat Cement Other } From! To Seat Material L—Bentonile Neat Cement Other } 20, Indicalto total number of existing wells on site List number of existing unused wells on rile _ 21.`Isthis well orany existing well orwater wit%hd wal on the owner's contiguous property covered undera ConsumptivenVater Use Permit (CUP/WUP) or CLiiPfNiUP Application? Yes ✓ No If yes, complete the following: CUPMUP No District Well ID No. 22. Latitude Longitude 23, Data Obtained From: GPS Map Survey Datum: NAO 27 NAD 83 WGS 84 t ;: sr= h ti^:ItElctz>p.'yt.ISirN Ceti<:.'+irWoar iClZ•i3, Pplyta:a'mn[sYaS as [Wa.aiW alsia Wsicr fcaryrt �rir(kn aw 6nrdr n'Ihc rrC.�+"jv.ptlaMlGrma9Jfl piL:iS.,tlr.xnroH. h:d'hait an :+2ro al mf u:ar.0 i CYtdMrW Inra^nCltnseAce,h„,Y�cst nx^lWti+l;y',uirMv ttr cq±x�tnfwnC±l o/+mrli IwpwL..',maanSu Ch[pluatJlFla+Ja Snk!a, teRW',+.4a'f1 wPu-,c.7y a:raM..cn t4R qC�.: tu,lttr. Ift+th[tmldY4.el dl Y.rf+7a)aa rttaiWCin LRisnca'rn znrn-,ra,ln,.�u ih,.l�u. ter,..," ..__t _. �._�._ _ _ _ _ _ %VlYtbn Aporova! C Pee RecO THIS PER! PcRiafi i SI DEP Faun: Gn or IssuoDate f oj�i"�7 E.xplratlon pate Receipt No. Check No, IS NOT VALID UNTIL PROPERLY SIGNED BYAN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE wroD OR L BE AVAILABLE AT THE WELL SITE DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, MODIFICATION, ORABANDONMENT 532.900(1) Incerparaled in G2-532A00(1), F,A.C. EINcWe Dale: October7, 2010 Hydrologist Approval .ncstn AUTHORITY. THE Page 1 of 2 to Its r D ittps:Hs 1.ebridg"le.com/ebridge/3.O/webviewerNiewer.aspx?ref=jgGEQ/`2bHKLLJOIWMV7mUAKL 1 Wq... 12/11/201 S S OST^rL LL'CIALPE3CRIPTION 9C440 ALL OF LOT 71, ACCORDING TO CREEKSWE PLAT NO. 1, N83'41'31"4J 65.40' AS RECORDED iN PLAT DOCK TA3. PAC_ 12 PUDUC RECORDS j OF St. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WT $ SET4/8, f LD 4229a (i+rn q / i CONTAfNS 0.11 ACRES, MORE DR tES5 PRarIRRrY Aot3Tt>rss 8604 OMLEST04E DRIVE, FORT PIERCE a rr Er;r St AT3�YiTtF1lTATtC)NS_ UPROPOSED C /evJ'JJ au moms au+n;u ax Ox bwons anau RE05RDS Goa y ✓ P COWERED I F OG tINOTI S GW#NO V= PA ODrOAS PEAT SOCK O.Y. oxxora C04ORM MOM,11m PD. DUMTES PATS a 'tANN O ��'` a"H�1 r. cCow oua�uTa OASai PAL m PAL 0OOTES ODIOM PTWATE IIRwNIC ttACC tstR t ms cniD ss CONNtTa a car staucaGc Psis onions PlrOrxz~v+u xn�em a ulrax PRCPOSED t o �, rstm DSTANCC PA.4 trtxlara TYTaiYtsoitr tANO svasrmt '�`' t COCHW BTmig; PA-Q DOians PANT OF CWPdk49 LttRYAluit '."! 28.67 O i (fj P.0. DL`iOTES "W OF OIRYATUAC y- *�'r Cfi WTS P. CtHORt PANT Of TAKOEYCY rq t� 4 f COMU CERIM URE ). 8 L. ^ J. -Q T L oiNOM DeAT ACC CA^JYDrr PMOTIZ P. CUIOIES KAT Os7iT eOK1ROl. PONT a LOT %n 11.00 , G! �w no DSNOIFS lnf rrZ MOM rK5K FLOOR aLYAG01f R Mons Rhmm PROPOSED F.F.E..-17.62 / -� ti (fS n T1 %1 f •'I r ' '7l4 R/C CINOTC1 IRON OW ANMICAM P crr xATIR Sra�i. Downs sAtMAAY A Mir or MAT CREEKSIDE PLAT t{0,.1 r �./'� > k -2 J x- to CINOTC S Ummv e�acttu U r. DErrons Gnun rA�roli P.D. 8S PO. 12 (/e..� t q s :<y ` t McTCs AM L'NOM Ycvc DOiOns rATIR KANA"W TaecT VACANT �� S�-..11 LOT 71 U3 } L ? i e L.C. comet L"=APf eAsaravr fuaR cvAasts ser uAo xwt k o Dmc T• f"t PROPOSED MODEL ewfC �'t [-/ „. ...t ¢�, -t %1 MOM LIAMO m DATA A fiL DD � M0 CM AN" x uANA�mfT e+�mir `J F,F.E�17,87 ►Lj ) xr0 ooioifs MAIL P .$ O Q p NA OfNatF9 NNl ANo C#tit �^ Moto asmituc rlow ARr'A. aSiitfaRY E.Y <rr tlRr rriT �" j`'T,'(Tx. ((hf) MOTO NCN IIA INL SOD: EGOS f N $ ss �.. �� .... _ t bsL MOTO of nx WACO TRACT MOM MWOR.a r1LVATAN �'1�] a- LE.I L . x s P�M1.G MOM row or MCA}t.'E CURVArm j CRNLlvAY%tr/dKTfAY•0a3 CO N C�� v. ty , r GENET AL NOTIM PROPOSED � l _-1 3k Y L The toot data of Geld work was 09-07-1er COVER p ! '„�z 2. Ada lt"s or detoUors to swwXy mops or reports by other then the s;4nin2 party or ENTR�, , O t Y a WHae la pml*Rad vahout Tldlten consent of the vIntng Party w portlov. ll• t ' ' .� 3. ReproduLclo— o1 this mcp we nal YOU without the s%naluro and wlglnol ra:oed soot of a 2,G7' _ Ronda Lkmstel Surveyor end 1 cpPsr. 2.GT 6 'NaTMY DUCE •PROPOS 4 / �? i 4. Lands she" hereon wora not. cbdroelad by this ofRee for rights -of -way. ecAOM-19 sPaOPO of coastal, a+trwaah}pp, abandonmsnl'a, dead foslrktlana, or tlutphy Act Deeds Thb 5 - o DRit':WrIY o J infcrmalFen ehaulol ba Obtalnod through cpproprbale two varlROo On. ZONEFLOOD X" (c , - - NATUI SERIACC ,w, .r .^ -. } 5. Ni above 7wand Rued improvamenla, if any. trove bean located and stwwn hirean. 1 v __ , _ _ / = :� a. Underground foundations and tmptwnmants were not iacated as Part of this survey. FLOOD ZONE .-- �:~ b / �" `'St, `x.-? 7. Flood Notw Ry graphla Plot ing 001 this. prOPcrty Is in Zen* X cnd AE-15.5, cCeord;ng to ";z - Lb. flood Inswonee Rote Mal, Contmanily Panel No. 12111C0170 .y etfeetive dote Fobruory SAE-16.5 o Rey 8 - N8 �41'3 "W 65.00� _� & `� 'mac 10. 2Df2. The exact dufgnohVk can Only be detomT•nad by on eleeatton eacttaaals No _ - _ ""�"'"s"' -�'�-s..-.•-+-:x'°`: addlttenot soardr at the publfa records ties been preformbl ThMe may be C&AI nal mop e PROP,OS,TO_4"CCNC.'NA1K' ._� j Amondments affecting this propody. sue+ S. The food. 2ona Cnn shown hereon how been ootobl!shsd by the Publlthnd FELtA Panel and a the use of e:datb,g Vold devclbn data. a 2' CGVC CURD a `F 2 CGN Y 1 ' n'DETiCNU 9. The baatln;ra aho!m iTaean are, breed an plot hfcrmollon and era relaenaad to the a } r .+� TO P T `` rm •+ -k, � '.;D:+ly1DTH R/W - a *` icwixi... a ; t ; ? Tr x Ccntor t'ne or Cobttosiono Wive shtch baan North U3.41'31• Watt and at bearings we r t t c, ".,h5"NhLTPAVt)1,,'- ..� r•.a+ ..:" e ..< x h�.SS-d! ELEt11 160915 °.� relo" thereto. 4 t ea es r 3,1 f �F x 2 sNa.� tia34i 31 W 30.6 -,� w. §c `..:'Y 1 r, a T h63$131 S� 237'81 s t°n , ,Ntt4)'31-•4Y 6500.,(i38) y t .'� - 10. No smamenh ore aboan harran other then theta depleted on the p?al. tie eeareh of publfo (Oowds has been pwformett to find additional caseminls that moy exist. i C {7 tjiJr C r� r `.i r .7r r k T �x.- 4,.e ter e u P,.C. -isr °'x•} ax,.. § 11. l &Ilene shown hereon are based on the North knorf. n VertkCd Datum � � '�N -L r"':.i 42. The twiidfn9 u1ba6s ehasm heron, afthou9h bated on the but ava,RoSle InrorrnaUarf, are, iuGtcO Y `3:a`•-'}„ ..,x,.,:not egrUOed to and must bs YerlRod prior to dastan Or canalruaCan. ter• _ }. • CULPEPPER S TER PENtNDr INC STA OF Pa ,1„)o1,��]dary Survey, Site Plan & no: 1Fi-14f.700.071 r ,l- Boundary Jt Oale: 01OV2018 eoteaveirMZU)SOVO, 216 SFR;l,.r eYOAa y lL�j'r" OP: ��.`� 1/ iD: N/h tmxTtlXRai farialuA 3+AaT THWAS P. KIERNAf4 "2t/ggVr q0A .� DA Tapo Lot 71 URRA'tl or. is 2n f'RONRnT.ruJs)r. PeLX TITda•oi-N a Profasslonol Svrva +�eG,,yk,t`s r w,..t�•ttt } e ` _for<3.12.�IOI�T_QLV — Florida CortltY.ota No. 619 ��-- �-- SITTIT Ct+It MrO� r9Lt1aTG411eH NaiYl +."L ;Bridge Web Viewer Page 4 of Property Card Page 1 of 1 Michelle Franklin, CFA - Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser --All rights reserved. I Property Identification Site Address: 8604 Parcel ID 2326.600-0076- Account #: 170569 Sec/Town/Range: Cobblestone DR 000-2 26/35S/39E w1ap 1D: Zoning: Planned Un Use Type: 0000 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie Ownership D R Horton Inc 1z30 NE Culver DR Pidni Bay, FL 32907 I Current Values 1u$t/Market: $13,500 Assessed: f�emptions: $0 Taxable: County Legal Description CREEKSIDE PLAT N0. I (PB 55-12) LOT 71 (OR 3921- SC NED 2362) a St Lucie County Historical Values 3-year S8,250 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable S8,250 2019 S13,500 $8,250 $0 2018 $7,500 $7,500 $0 2017 $3,000 $8,000 s0 $8,250 $7,500 $8,000 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 10-',07-2016 3921 / 2362 0205 SP I•ioyer Homes at Creckside LLC $2,982,400 09-26-201<t 36777 / 0599 0205 SP D R Horton Inc $2,290,000 11 j29-2005 2427 / 1807 XX00 SP BJK LLC $21,900,000 i Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 0 SP Gross Sketched Area: 0 SF Exterior Data View: Year Built: NIA Primary Nall: Type Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Frame: Grade: Effective Year: N/A Story Height: No. Units: 0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data A/C %: 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: Heated %: N/A% Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Sprinkled %: 0% Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: Total Areas }i Finished/UnderAir 0 (SF): Gross Sketched Area 0 Ji c"= Land Size (acres): 0.19 Land Size (SF): 8,451 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Qty Units Year BIt All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. 0 Copyright 2019 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. https:Hpaslc- cv.org/RECard/ 10/2/2019 ittps://s 1.ebridge.com/ebridge/3.0/wcbviewerNiewer.aspx?ref=jgGE%2bHKLLJOIWMV7mUAKL 1 Wq... 12/11/201 S ;Bridge Web Viewer f� 1 iiDYi3`a HEALTH PAYINIG ON: RE'EIVVED FROM: PAYMENT FORM: i I St. Lucie County Health Department 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 *i en u. Doc n:56-BID-4429414 Walter Herndon Well Drilling AMOUNT PAID: $ 805.00 CREDIT CARD 057888 PAYMENT DATE: 10/01/2019 MAIL TO: Walter Herndon Well Drilling Sebastian FL 32958 I FACILI Y NAME : Walter Herndon Well Drilling PROPERTY LOCATION: Sebastian FL 32958 �ot: Property ID: EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: Block: QUANTITY FEE -1 - Well Construction 7 $ 805.00 RECEIVED BY: VanceMH AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-4166312 Note: 1 Permits 59-29979-59-2998,S Page 5 of `- ittps:Hs l .ebridge.com/ebridge/3.0/webviewerNiewer.aspx?ref--jgGE%2bHKLLJOIWMV7mUAKL 1 Wq... 12/11/201 c