HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0708 r . ~~~.. 37 ,. . ~ - . -- .,...~ - --- - - SlgD.d. oealed and dellv8red lo our preoenoe: B. H. UoVey uam1e ODoen William .J. HermaoTV (seal) I I! ~; STAT I OF Uleeourl ) eo. COmITY OF :.TaoksoD ) I hereby oertify. that on this 26th day of June A. D. 1928, betore me personally appear- ed William J. Her Ill8 nn , . slngltl men. to me IlaOWD to be the pereons desor ibee. in tI nd who exeout- <<td the toregoing OOuV8YBDoe. and aoknowledged the exeoJ.tion thereot to be his tree a ot deed tor the ases and purpoees therein mentloned. I ) state WITUESS my signahu and otfiolol seol at Kansas City. in the County of Jaokson ",..=~ ot!Ulssou?1 the day and year last aforesaid. l '\ \ ClI.P. Shl) :; \' ~I . ~. } '. -~ ...~.- .. 8nd'~::~O~~~~iS 4 day ot Sept. A. D. 19~8. at 10:37 A. ll. (Ct .Ct .Seal r I i , .V MDd L60 T. Sohwarts (Seal) Uotury Publio for and withiu sold 00 unty. Ky oommission expires Aug. 31, 1~30. Ylled r-:> . ') ., , ',) P. C. Eldred, Clerk Ciroalt Court By ~ ~~~ D. C. , -.. .. "',-",. ..,.' ' ............................................ -./ F:WU. X. HALE AlID HUSBAlID TO 'LOBIDA WARRAUTY DEED ~HIS INDENTURE. USda this TeDth day of JulyA. D. 1928. BETWEmI Emma K. Hale and S. H. GEHTRUDE H. J:LPlftl [. Hale. her hUBband ot the County ot Jaokeon and state ot U1&Bouri parties ot the tlrst part, and Gertrude H. Klemm. sole heir oDd benefioiary under the will ot Joseph J. Heim, Deoeased, of the Countl ot Jaokson Slid State ot UiaBvari party of the seoond part, aITIIESSETH, that the aaid parties ot the tlrst p~rt. for and in oonsideratioD ot the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valua ble oonsiderations to them in hand paid. the reoelpt .hereot is hereby 8oknow- . ledged. have granted. bargained. sold and tranaferred, and by these preserts do, hereby grant, bargain, sell'and transter unto the aald party of the seoond part aud her heirs and assigns tOl'eyer, all that oertalD poroel ot lal'd lylng and being in the GOWlty ot 3t. Luoie and S.tate of 'lorida more partioularly desoribed as tollo.a: soathe.st Quarter at Horth"est Qi.18rter (sBt ot Nlft) ot Seotion 5:hirteen (13), Town- ship ~hir'y-tive (36) south, Bange Thirty-nine (39) East. oontalning Forty (40.00) aores more or 1 eSB. [ ~, SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to any and all taxes. general, speo;al or drainage and to all assessments or levies 8LlbaequeDt to DeoElmber 31. 1926. and also subJeot to any dt- duotioD8 for rights ot W8Y tor publio highways or for ditohea or rights ot way ot the :Iorth St. Luoie Rlver Drainage Ilistriot. SUBJECT, ALSO, to & lirat Uortgage in the amount at ~6,OOO.00 dated Augu8t 10, 1926, 1n tavor of Joseph J. Heim, said mortgage reoorded on Page 386 of Book ~7 in the pabl10 reoords ot St. Luole County, j'lor ida. TOGB'l'HEB with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenolloes, with every privilege, rlght, titlo. interest and estate, dower and right ot dower, revereioD. remainder and easement If 11 thereto belonging or in anywise appertalning: TO HAn .A1'D TO HOLD the 88m. in tee 8imple torever. And the sald partlea ot the tirst part do oovenant with the laid party of the seoond part that they are la~tully Beized ot the Baid pre.isea, that they are free from all lnoam- branoeB and that they have good right and lawful aathority to eell \he 8ame: and the eeid patti.. ot the tlrlt part 40 hereby tully warrant the tltle to sald land, and wlll defan4 the .{;~:r;~~q~A~?~~tt~}~{~lf.{.~fj~~s~~f,~ ..,' ", , ;.~' ,~ :: '::.'.~:~;~tfl~1}~;~~~L~~