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Express 1828 Cali Right St Lucie 2019 HVAC Load Calculations for Express Homes SCANNED BY St Lucie County &VACFZSSIIDENnAL . HVAC Lc>ADz Prepared By: Kristin Kelly Florida Breeze 6928 Vickie Circle West Melbourne 3219518767 Monday, January, 14, 2019 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. Florida Breeze ' Kristin Kelly ' 6928Vickie Circle � West Melbourne 3219518767 Reference Building Orientation- Front door faces South Daily__ . ------ : 27 Degrees Elevation. 25 ft. *ouuoeFaclor: 0.999Outdoor | Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains ( .Dry B61b Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum D(� Bulb Difference ' � . Winter:~~42 39.4 '^" '"a '" .w, / s Total Bbildi Supply CFM: 988 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.541 ! / @quamft. of Room Area: 1,828 Square ft. Per Ton: 689 Volume (W) | Total Sensi- . Total Latent � Total Cooling r program. n, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. ather may vary. U�etma��bp�ha�n�{bkmand�byntloads according bsthe manufacturer's performance, data ot ' your desi0n ondiDono. � ! i � / ! / / | � / / ` ' _ `^ .`... /o���a/��mo�u�um��ulu�rne , K0ondoy, January 14.2O1G.3x8PK8 ` � / 19 "X uv C1 alarri ' � VVinbac ( 42 39.4' 8096 n/o 70 Summer . 96 78 47% 50Y6 76 Main Trunk Runouts � Calculate: Yes ' Ydm Use Yes Yea Roughness' Factor: 0.01000 0.01000 ' Pressure Drop: 01000 in.wgJ1OOft. 0.1000 inmg./1OOft. Minimum ' Maximum Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Winter Su m-me-r- |nfikrotion 0.380 A{/hr —0.200 AC/hr ' 100 CFM 52.CFM Infiltration Actual: 0.380 AC/hr O2OO AC/hr . Above Grade Volume: OuJt 15,721 Cujt 6.974 CufL/hr 3.144 Cu�,lhr Total B Infiltration: 100 {�FYN 52 CFM Total Building— Ventilation: 0 CFM U CFM --System! 1--- Infilnytion \&*nUlation 8onaib|o Gain Multiplier: 21.88 = (1.10X8.993X20.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration 4Vendlation Latent Gain Multiplier: 35.94 = (0.68X 0.999% 52.90Gmoina Difference) Infiltration &Ve ti|eUon8enwib|eL000K8u0pUoc 30.77 = (1.10>{0.999X 28.0OWinter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified: D.38OAC/hr(1OOCFK8).Construction: Average Summer |nfiKnadonSpecified: 0.2O0AC/hr(52CFK8).Construction: Average 1 1 | / / ( C:\' 182OCali Right EtLucie 201SirhB ME 1 96 Monday, January 14.%O19, 3:48PM ll19�1 Roman or Swce M IV Oft Duct DuctName I F Sim System I supplyRunouls Zonel 1-Mole Housle Bubb 450, 750 6'01 0.1 6591 367 988 9-6 OtherDuctsin System I SupplyMalnT�wk' BWWn 550 600 0.01, 0.11 559.3, 367 988 18 ary Heating Flckv 367 Cooling Ftw 988 System 1 CA Monday, January 14, 2019, 3:48 PM ystem i`'sun 2A-v-o: Glazing -Double pane low-e (e = 0.60), operable window, 1�vinyi frame, U-value 0.35, SHGC 0.29 2A-v-d: Glazing -Double pane low,e (e = 0.60), sliding glass door, vinyl frame; U-value 0,61, SHGC 0.34 2B-v-o: Glazing -Double pane low-e (e = 0,60), fixed sash, vinyl frame, U-value 0.35, SHGC 0.29 11J: Door -Metal - Fiberglass Core, U-value 0.6 11 D: Door -Wood - Solid Core, U-value 0.39 13AB-0fc8: Wall -Block, no blanket or board insulation, filled core, siding finish, U-value 0.183. 12C-Osw' Wall -Frame, R-13 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs, U-value 0.09.1 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings)l Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation, U-value 0.032 22A-pm:'.Floor-Slab on grade, No'edge insulation, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil, U-value 1..18 Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM: 100, Summer CFM: 52 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 System 1 Load Totals: velopment, In.c. txt �f Lu0019 Page 5 i � "t'otal 40.8 697 0 790 790 2.5 24 0 -33 33 , 20.4 343 0 379 379 ; 19. 208 0 230 230 1237.1 6,340 0 5,072 5,072 ; 317.1 80.8 0 765 765 1828 1,638 0 3,217 3,217 200 6,608 0 0 0 17,890 0 12,798 12,798 5 1,000 1,150 2,150 500 2,100 2,600 0 0 0 8,614 2,095 9,155 11,250 3,064 1,883 1,152 3,035 0 0 0 0 29,568 5,478 26,355 31,833 Supply CFM: 988 CFM Per Square ft.: Square ft. ofIRoom Area: 1,828 Square ft. Per Ton: Volume (ft3):l 15,721 M. Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 29,568 Stuh 29.568 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,355 Btuh 83 % Total Latent Gain: 5,478 Btuh 17 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 31,833 Btuh 2.65 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations'are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\Express 1828 Cali Right St Lucie 2019.rh9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 3:48 PM s4 West Melbgurne FL WA 3 :gq Cooling System Type: 'Model: Air Source Heat Pump Outdoor R4H436(A,G)KC-1 Indoor Model: FXM4X36**AL Traden'ame: 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP Outdolor Manufacturer: COMFORTIVIAKER Description: Air Source Heat Pump AHRI Reference No.: 10142182 Capacity: 34,327 Efficiency: 15 SEER Heating System Type: Air Source Heat Pump Model,. R4H436(A,G)KP* Trad0ame: 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP' Manufacturer: COMFORTMAKER Description: Air Source Heat Pump Capacity: 33,800 ...Efficiency: 8.5 HSP.P This systemils equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S. Manual S equipment sizing data: SODB: 95F, SOWB:'78F, WODB: 42F, SIDB:'.75F, SIRH: 50%, WIDB:'7OFj Sen. gain: 26,355 Btuhl Lat. gain: 5,478 Btuh, Sen. loss, 29,568 Btuh, Entering cIg. coil DB: 79.3F, Entering c1g. coil WB: 64F, Entering hto coil DB: 66.7F, CIg. coil: TD: 20F, Htg. coil Tb: 70F, Req. cIg. airflow: 988 CFM, Req. htg. airflow: 367 CFM C:\...\ExpresS, 1 1828 Cali Right St Lucie 2019.rh9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 3:48 PIVI 1 Whole House Duct Latent Return Duct System 1 total System .1 Main Trunk_ Size: Velocitv: 1,828 28,240 367. 9-6 1,328 1,828 29,568 367 18 in. 559 ft./min 559 .21,722 3,383 .988 988 454 4,633 1,641 .26,355 5A78 988 988 Actual:. • 2.86 82% / 18.% 28.198 . • .. 6,129 J U, / / . 34,327 Heating SVst6rh Coo ing stem Type: Air Source Heat Pump 'Air Source Heat Pump Model: R4H436(A,G)KC* R4H436(A,G)KC" Indoor Model: FXM4X36**AL Brand: 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP Description: Air Source Heat Pump Air Source Heat Pump Efficiency: 8.5 HSPF 15 SEER Sound: 0 0 Capacity: 33,800 Btuh 34,327 Btuh Sensible Capacity: n/a 28,198 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 6,129 Btuh AHRI Reference No.: i n/a 10142182 This system's equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S. Manual S equipment sizing data: SODB: 95F, SOWB: 78F, WODB: 42F, SIDB: 75F, SIRH: 50%, WIDB: 70F, Sen. gain: 26,355 Btuh, Lat. gain: 5,478 Btuh, Sen. loss: 29,668 Btuh, Entering clg, coil DB: 79.3F, Entering cig. coil WB: 64F, Entering htg. icoil DB: 66.7F, Gig. coil TD: 20F, Htg. coil TD: 70F, Req. clg. airflow: 988 CFM, Req. htg. airflow: 367 CFM C:1... \Express 1828 Cali Right St Lucie 2019.rh9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 3:48 PM i AC-Cki• rvcz�a#�cn��ar�a County, Town, Municipality, Jurisdiction Header Information Contractor Florida Breeze REQUIRED ATTACHAtIENTS' Manual J1 Form (and supporting worksheets): Mechanical License # CAC1814113 or MJ1AE Form" (and supporting worksheets): I OEM performance data (heating, cooling, blower): Building Plan # Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Duct distribution system sketch: Home Address (Street or Lot#, Block, Subdivision) Winter Design Conditions Outdoor temperature 42 OF Indoor temperature 70 OF Total heat loss 29568 Btu/h Summer Design Conditions Outdoor templerature 95 OF Indoor temperature 75 OF Grains difference 53 o Gr @ 50 % Rh Sensible heat'gain 26355 Btu/h Latent heat gain 5478 Btu/h Total heat gain 31833 Btu/h Equipment type Heat pump Furnace, Heat pump. Boiler, etc. Model R4H436(A,G)KG* Heating output capacity 83800 Btu/h Heat pumps - capacity at winter design outdoor conditions Latent cooling capacity Btu/h Total cooling capacity Forth RPER 1.01 S Mar 10 ATTACHED Yes NX No Yes ❑ No XN Yes (]X No ❑ Yes ❑ Nog Yes ❑ No fX Building_ Construction Information Building Orientation (Front door faces) South North. East, West, South, Northeast, Northwest,•Southeast, Southwest Number of bedrooms 4 Conditioned floor area 1 828 Sq Ft Number of occupants 5 Windows Eave overhang depth 2,8 Ft Internal shade Blinds, drapes, etc Number of skylights Q Auxiliary heat output capacity Design airflow I External Static Pressure (ESP) I - Component Pressure I Losses (CPL) Available Static Pressure (ASP) ASP = ESP - CPL Cooling Equipment Data Equipment type Heat pump Air Conditioner, Heat pump, etc Model R4H43R(A. C'j1Kr* Sensible cooling capacity CFM Longest supply duct: IWC Longest return duct: IWC Total Effective Length (TEL) IWC Friction Rate: Friction Rate = (ASP x 100)+TEL 28198 Btu/h 6129 Btu/h 34327 Btu/h Blower Data Roof Eave Depth Window Heating CFM 121.8 CFM Cooling CFM 1218 CFM Ft Duct Materials Used (circle) Trunk Duct: Duct board, Flex, Sheet metal, Ft Lined sheet metal, Other (specify) — Ft Branch Duct: Duct board, Flex, Sheet metal, IWC Lined sheet metal, Other (specify) i Contractor s Printed Name Kristin Kelly Date 1111 /2019 Contractor's Signature Reserved for by County,Town,•+ or Authority havingjudsdiction. The AHJ shall have the discretion to accept Required Attachments printed from approved ACCA software vendors, see list on page 2 of Instructions. ' If abridged version of Manual J Is used for load calculation, then verify residence meets requirements, see Abridged Edition Checklist on page 13 of instructions. Form generated by ACCA-approved Manual J Eighth Edition Version 2 Elite Software Rhvac program. Air Conditioning Contractors of America Manual S (Residential Equipment Selection) Project Information Name: j City: Stater'I Altitude: Attitude Adjustment: 1.00 — coanng resign rnrorrnaaon Outdoor Design Temp: 91 OF db Summer Outdoor Design Temp: ® OF db JWlnter Indoor Design Tamp: 75 1 OF db ® %RH ® OF wb e -- Manual J Load Calculations Total Load Sensible Latent SHR Heat Loss 318M 11 r 26355 5478 0.828, Airflow Calculations Design TD for Airflow 19 Design Sensible CFM r 1261 e-- OEM InfonriaWn Manufacturer. COMFORTMAKER Furnace Model #I: AFUE; � i Coil or Fan -Coil Model *: FXM4X36"'AL Condenser Model # . R4H4 A,G)KC` SEER: 15.0 HSPF: 8.2Q vv manuramurers Looung rerformance Data Entering Coil Temperature = 75 (F db) Lower Return Alr CFM (F wb) . Outdoor Temperature = Total BTUH Sensible BTUH 95 (F db) Latent BTUH SHR Rated CFM C Rated RA Temperature 85 34,370 23,600 10,770 0.8888 Rated CFM C Design RA Temperature 1050 83 32,748 26,338 G—.4 1 10.8043 Rated CFM Q Rated RA Temperature r 30510 30,440 -130 1.0043 (B) Manufacturer's Cooling Performance Data Entering Coil Temperature = 75 (F db) Higher Return Air CFM (F wb) Outdoor Temperature = Total BTUH Sensible BTUH ® (F db) Latent BTUH SHR Rated CFM ® Rated RA Temperature r �5-� 37,470 28,000 9,470 0.7473 Rated CFM a Design RA Temperature 1550 ® 36,492 29,204 7,288 0.eoo3 Rated CFM 0 Rated RA Temperature I ® 357525 31,010 4,015 0.8854 munurAvtur®rs a.ocnng rerrormance uata (Interpolated) Design Return Air Outdoor Temperature = 95 (F db) CFM (F wb) Total BTUH Sensible BTUH Latent BTUH SHR 27,548 8,781 0.8025 Excess Latent Capacity Calculation + 851 - 651 Capacity Q Design CFM / RA (F wb) 128i L� 34,327 1 28,198 r 8,129 1 r 0-8-2 1 Equ"n't Capacity as a % of Design 107.83% 108.99 1-1. 99% Manufacturer's Heat Pump Data Manufacturees;Fumace Data i Capacity Capacity Balance Supplemental 47 OF 34 800 b b 18.3 flrd Heat— 18,820 -f Input Output Desired Calculated