HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0724 l( if , ~ -. -_.- ._-~ .. .. : .,,-~ .. ~ ':: \\' [-) '. l ' , .. 1~ ljl ~ ( : LJ, -. )' ~- 53 " ,. - --...... l : suoh 8a1e by publioat ion, 1n a newspaper publl.~ed ln St. Luo ie County. 'lor ida, onoe eaoh ,:~k for toar oi~/:~~~~~ weeto, b..igAlng not 1~8 tha~~wepty-elAht "d,ys trom the date at ';tlak-4A..Ut ~~"ml.U:~ ~~1f'4~ , saldADeoree 1n wfiloh to pay to the ~ompl~1nsD{s he ReYersl auma tound there1D to be by them dae tb Complalnant8, that the lald Defendants tailed utterly to oomply with said Deoree, and , dld Dot withln three days trom the date of 88id Deuree pay to the Complainants the several sums at money deoreed to be due the Complaina!lt8 by the Detendants, no't have the Detendantl' at any 10lme thereafter, paid the several ewma ot money or any pert ther~ot; thot the said L. K. llenlman. 88 Speoial U8ster atoreeaid, gave publio notioe of the tice and plaoe ot suoh sale by pablishlng a notioe of same onoe eooh week tor 4 oOllseoative week~. in the Eort Fieroe Hews-Tribane," a newlpoper ot general oiroulation pabliBhed in 8aid COllllty and State, the tirst date ot publ1oot1on as atoresaid, being the 30th da:! ot July. 19~8. and being not less thall twenty-eight days fro~ the dote of soid aala, and WHEREAS, the said L. U. Uel'riman, os Speolal Uoster atoresald, in pursuonoe of said Deoree, did. on the 3rd day of September, 19~8. the sace being a legal sale day, sell at publio outory, to the highest bldder for 08sh ln hand. at the ~est door of the Court Hoase in Eort Pieroe. St. Luoie County, ~lorlda, during the legal hOllrs of sale, the premises hereinafter dasoribed, at whioh time the 80id premises were str~ok ott for the said party of the seoond part, for the sum of ~6000.00, that being the h1ghest sura bid tor the same, UOif, THIS UDEr:':i'JRX ':71TJES3E'1'H, thut the said partJ' ot the tirst part, as Speoial Uaster in (;hauoery afores8id, in order to otJrry luto etfeot the 88id aale so made by hie; afores8id, in parsuanoe of the said Deoree of the said Court, and also In oonsideration of the premises, and .t the 89id S"llm of Doney so bid atoresoid, being first du.ly paid by the SAid party of the seoond part. the reoeipt ot whioh is hereby aoknowledged, haa ~erg.lD,d and sold, and by these presents does ~erg8in, sell, grout and oouvay ,mto the soid pllrty of the second part, his heirs 8ud assigns tor ever , all that ,traot of land situnted in 3t. !.\lcie County, '\ Plorido, desoribed 88 tollows: Soathesst ~\VJrter of 1l0rtheaBt "uarter of .:ieotioll TWellt~: (~O), 'i'ownahip 'i'hirty- five (~b) South, R8u6e .lorty (40) East, (less the Soath 99 feet 01' approxlmately three aores therbof) oontainlng 37 aores more or less, 811 in St. Lucie Coanty, llorlda. TO H,\'1E A:lD TO HOLD the suce ~nto thQ said party of the seoond part, his heirs and assigns in tee aimple forever. In ',U'l'IlESS ','fH!REOl1, the auid party of the first part, ad SpeCial lloater in Chanoery. aforesald, has hereunto set his hand and atfixed hia seal at Vero 3eaoh, Indiall River County, Florida, the day and yea"r first above written. L. U. llerrlaan (SEAL) Aa Speoial aaster in Chanoery. Signell, sealed and doliv9red ln the presenoe ot: . Bertha A. Hatfleld Helen W. Daly STATE OP l'LOBlDA COUll'i'Y OP V- On thls. the 6th day of September, 1928. personally ..tore the undersigned of'fioer eutborl.ed by the laws ot sald State to take aokuowledgQ6nt8', oalne L. U. Uerrlman, to me well known. and known to me to be the person deeoribed in and who exeouted the wlthln 'nd foregoing oonveyanoe. Bnd be aoknowledged to me that he cxeoated the ..mo for tho par poses therein ex- preased. III l'fITltE3S W'dJREOll, I hove hereunto set my hand and s881. this 6th dO:l of September, 1~28. g~:::r~j~-*~~~~~tf~J~*4~r{~~~~' ~. . , ... - . '. < :..: " .. :,:~1t~i~%i~{~~~~~