HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0735 ----....----- ----."..~'lI;"W" -"* . ~......~....,..'~~_r...\IW'Ci~ 64 . ! \ ! ' tC;~-- .' - ~-~ "l" .. I I 1 i' ot 'he fl~.' par' ln ao~ordaDoe with ~he .'lpulatlone and a8r.e~'nt8 hlr.ln oODtaloe4 on ita; part ~o b. per.or~e4. and iD .oo~r4anoe wlth tb. plana aDd e..oltioatlon. lv.bmltt.4 or to b. -.' aubmltt.4 '0 the War >>epe~tment. Ind upon whloh s permlt i8 to be granted tor suoh .~rt; the Ippl10a'.on tor .uoh pe~i' shall be eUb.lt'e4 to the party ot tbe .Ioood part tor i'. endor....n' ant Ipproyal prior to pre.entatiDn to the War DePlrt.eDt. and thl party ot the ..00n4 par' .hlll urse tho grlQ~lDg at 8uoh p.ralt to the par~y of ~he tirat par~ by the war Dlpar'.en' ot ~hl United Stat.a. and to do euoh other tblngs 18 may be neo.Bsary ood ezpedl.nt ~o .boouras. and lnduoI the gr.ntlns ot .uoh permlt. -2- Ii I i 70 driye and iDB'all adequate appro.ed sh.et at..l piling on its S.uth halt ot 88ld .hip .lip to a .uttlolent depth to inBure ita ample stability 8Dd to us. auoh tle-baota and t3i_,; raIl. aa ..y be .p.oitie4 b7 the City Engineer to insure ao abBolut. tirat olas~ 8hlp Ilip an4 to do suoh work.t the earlie.t po'sibl. ~lme ao 8S to oaas. the l8a.t inoonvenieno. possible to the party ot the tire' pert in oomp1.tiog lt8 part ot Baid Blip and the dre4gin8 and tl11- ins on 11;a par'. The pa rty at the a.oon4 part agr.e. to pay one-third ot the total ooat ot the In.'.ll- Itioo. inolud1ng right-at-way other than that owned by the partl ot the tiret part,and tb~ partl ot the tirlt part agree. to pay, or oaUB. to be paid. two-third. ot said ooet, ot a sid. traot tromthe Florida 188t Coa.t Rai1wal Company to Seoond Street. but in no ev.nt .hell the Clty b. required to pay tor mOre than one-th1rd ot 800 feet at Buoh traol. and to pal sll at the inltallatioD. ooat and maiDt~Dlnoe of lts said'taao' tr?m that at the party ot the tirst part to ita terminus on the ploperty of the party ot the seoond parti that tbe ..intenano. of .aid traot aidIng trom the Plorldl Jast Coalt ~ailway CompaDY to I~s ~e~inus on the pro- pertl ot the part1 ot ~h. first part sholl be pald by the part, of the tIrBt part and the oost [; 1 ,t I r i J I . ot ..inten.Doe ot the portion ot said Bide traot oonatruoted by the party at the aeoond par~ troa ~he traot ot the party ot the tlre~ ~r' shall be borne by the party of the 8.0~n4 part. It i8 mutual11 agree' by and bet..en the parties horeto that all ooyenants and agr.e- menta her.iD oontalned Ihall ez\eod to aod be Obligatory upon the auooeSBors ~,:;~ ~~giSHJ or the r.apeotiY. parties. It is turther matually asreed by aDd between the partl.. hereto that ln tbe event any que-'ion should aria. betw..n the partiel as to the oonstraotion ot thia oObtraot or aa to anl other matters or thing. bet.een the partie. hereto re.peoting the harbor deyelopment and/or proJeot whioh oonDot be mutually agreed ~pon withiD thirt7 days that suoh que8tion, aisunder- 8ta04108 or d11agreement shall be by the partie. sub.itt.. to 8 Board ot ArbltratioD. on. srb!~er to be a.leo~e4 by .aoh of the partieu and the thi~d to be seleoted by the arbiters appoiDted b1 the partios hereto, and in the event that either at the parties giyee 110tioe to tha other of the 4e.ir. to arbitrate and thereln app01nt. i~. arblter and the other part1 taila to Ippolnt an arbiter within 36 hourI thereatt.~ and turnl.b tho 01.. thereot to the other part7. then aod 1n that eyeDt the JU4ge ot the C1roa1t Court at the 21at Judlolal Giroalt 8hall nsa. suoh arbiter tor the partl 80 tailing to Ipp01Dt and the two 80 appOinted 8hall a.1eot the third, aD. that the tindlng. ot .uGh Board ot Arbitration aball be made a rule ot Court andproper17 tlle4 in the Oft10. ot the Cl.rt ot tbe ~irouit Court of Ua1Dt Lu01e Count7. ~& - ~.lor14a, I~be Ibsolute17 blndlna ~pOD the partiea hereto as proyided by t.e statute. In .uoh GA.e made snd proyided. II WlfD188 WBXBXOI, eaoh of the part1.s hereto haye ol~ed these pre.eots to be .zeout- ..vio their n."d. b7 their prop.~ ottioers. proper17 attested, and their oorporate sea18 to 'a.ttlz.d,hereto the dal .nd year tlr8' above written. lu~uh4 10 duplioste. -,,' .r ..._..(~_~.I , i I ._..1 i"--'--,~"C--' --- -.----. ---____.,_ - -_..~ ~_._..:II- '~k~~{~~~J:~:~:~;~~:~;~;~11~~~~t . !f1~: IJ, , ..... 'J ,"- 'j . t ' 't. ': .1 I "\ 'l J ~. l ,,"' ';"{ ;" ~'t. . ,'..! , f," ~.~~ !~ :~ h f: I' t{ ''''J' '." ..... ~. . .'....' : '., J.:.._ ,', ,.