HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0739 ~8 I! [, ! ..nt fOf eleot~lo light. poue~. telegraph. tel~phone and suitable equiPMent for auI' othe~ ..\lUlUh. iDel to la7 watef ..lns aD Ol' in the rear tive teet of the laud herein 00Dye,e4. OD or In the ~hree toot strip along the a14. lines thereot. whep neo.slar7 to gatn aooeS8 to the tiye foot .trip re..rved along the r.ar 11Dea ot I.ld lan4 tor utl11ty purposea and for .uoh purpos.s .a well al to repalr, re.OTe Or replaoe laid pOl,a, equlpment and Dalpe. the a.14 tiret part7 shall haye the rlght tor itselt. its agent and emplore.. ~o enter upon 88id premi.e. ln reasonable maDner and at tes80nable tlme.. 9. !fhat If the 88id sloond part,. their heira. personal representatiyes or assigns. or aD, holder or holder a ot the property hereby oonveyed bl virtue of Gny Judloial prooeed- ing, 8hall tall to oomply with any of the aboye ana toregoing restriotlons, oondltlona or limitation. within sixty dal1 atter wrltten notioe to the .aid seoon4 p~rt,. their helrs.- representatiyee or assign8. or sny of them at It. Pieroe, fla. or at their la8t known address. '1 the lald part, ot ~b. tlf&~ P&~t~. Its Buooeslora. personsl repreeentatlye. or aseigne. or either of the.. then the 881d aboye desoribed and oonveyed property shall immedlately re- vert to the ssid party of the flrat part, its saooe.aors or a8signs, who shall be entitled to lmme4iatell enter upon laid propertl wlthout notioe and take p08session of the.... with full title In tee .iaple. together with all lmproyements thereon. and no .aiyer of any of thea. oond1tions. 11mitatltD. or restriotlon8, express or lmplied. or tailare ~or SOl leoath of ti.. to entoroe the ~.e &hall oonatitute a bar to 8uoh enforoement at any time. 10. That the party of the first part, lte SUOO.S80rs or ae~ignl &ball have the right trom tlm. to t~e to release aDy of the above or toregoiDg restriotiona or 11mitatlon. by s.a1.4 instram6nt duly exeoated in aooordan06 wlth the l8ws ot the 2tate of 7lorida tor the oonyelanOe ot real estat.. (1 p, 11J IN WITBESS WHBB!OP. the aaid part1 of the firlt part h8s oaused these preaents to be signed lD it. na.e b, ite pre81deDt. and its oorporate scal to be atfir,ed. atteste4 by its seoretary the dal and lear aboye written. .n J.CARAVILLA GARDElIS CORPORlTIOll By B. R. MartlD PresideDt -" , Slgned, Sealed and "llyer.1 in preaenoe of: E. L. Taylor J. S. JaotaoD Attelt: David Fllnn Beoreterl' r 1 1 STATE 0' 'LORInA. COUHTY,QP SAID! LUCIE. I BJ:BEBY CBB'l'II'Y, fhat ,)n this 9th ~al ot .7Ilne. A. D. 1927. befcr. me persooal17 app.af.~ Rollen B. Martin and David 'Iinn. respeotiYe17 Pre8ideot and Seor,tary of Karavllla Garl.n8 CorporatIon. a oorporBtlon UDder the lawl at the state ot Plorida. to me known to be th~ persoDe d..oribed in and who exeout.d the tOfegolng oonyeyano. t~ F. G. Le'ever and ~dia L. Lelev.r Bod .eyorally aoknowledged the exeoution thereof to bs thelr free Bot a04 .... as .uoh offloer8. tor the usel and purpose. theroin mentionedi and that the7 aftixed thereto the otficial s8al ot s814 oorporatlon. ao4 the aald instrument i8 the aot aDd deed ot saId [-1 " J ~ L .g '1 n ~i .... ij f~ !:-i ~! ~l .. [] olJJ'.!loraUon. SInd WITBlSB. ~ algn.tur. and offl018l seal at 70rt Pieroe ID the COUDty ot st. Luole the day and ,.ar la.t aforel814. J. So Jaot.on (8ea1) Boterypublio for tbe State ot 'lorlda at Large My Go_lealoD Bxpln. Sep'. ". 1928 ,r,! ~- ~ { ((f [';,:. !,. ". ~- rl ~I r;j !I'~ ;! ~i ',-) A -'J .c'. 12 del of S.pt. A. D. 1928. at 10:Oi A. K. ,,~~ot"c1 ,'lerUit-r\ P. C. Bldred. Clert Ciroait Court BY_~ 1~ D. C. ......................... .~.. :_:~.M~ ~- ~ -';: :.:=---=-... -.:::-:=::.:::::::::.-....::.:::-_~-_-:..:..=::-:::.. _.-:-. ..:- ,-' ~:-....;...~w-~~ . .. : ..,..... .<.:./;:;~j.~J~~~~