HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0741 I . .---. ~ 70 ~ , i l' J; ~-"-'- t, , H . I' t II I f I '-".'.' ,~-- --.,.-'.- .,.". ..'." . -. ~ ----_...~--... ._----~....-- .. .-.... -.....-- -... " .-- T"ltlI. _~ A_ __~ - - ~.) preyen' 'he keeplns and "~D\alDlog of .eryao'a 00 the 881d propert, tor reasonabl. talDl17 u.e. 6. 10 out.lae tol1et .hall b~ permltted In a07 part ot sald eubdiv1810n but the~e .hall b. oODstruoted b, .ald aeoond part, In oono.0'10D wlth aoy reaidenOB 00 aD1.of la14 land a .eptio taDt In l'ooorlanoe with apeoifloaUoD8:1approYe4 b, the part7 at the flut par\ In wtUins. [J 6. Do building 00mIDoD1y known a. an apart.eot houae tor oooupatlon ot more than ODe fami17. nor a171U1D. nor hOlpita1 .hall be .reoted or used for ~uoh purp08es onH.aid land. .xoept \hat 4ealganted tor bUline.1 prop.rty by party ot the tirst part. 7. Ro elgne or billboards ot any klDd or oharaoter shall be exhlbited, dieplayed. 1 J oonatraoted or lD8~n'.lne4 1n sald subdlvls10n without the writteo oonsent ot the party at the tlret par'. 8. Do lot or lots in aaid subdiYlsion shall.be lubdlvlded or re-aubdiv14ed without 'he written oODlent ao4 approyal ot party at the tlr8t part. 9. Ihe pr1vilege and "s.meDt ia hereby tor ever reeerye4 to 8s1d party ot the tlrst part, its B'ooeSlor8 and aS8igns. \0 ereot and maintaln poles, wlre8 and other suitable equip- ment tor .1~~~rlo light. power, telegraph, telephone Bnd suitable equipment tor any other 1"'- i: i' utillties and to lay wster malns on or in the rear tour teet ot the lSDd he~ein oonveyed, on or in the 3 toot etrip along the slde 11n8s thereot. when neoessary to 88.in aooess to the toot tour/strip rlserye4 along the rear 11nes ot s81d land tor utillty purposes and tor Bach pur- p08es ao well ss to repair. remOye or rep1aoe Isld poles. equlpmeo\ and malD8. the lald tirst part7 shall haye tbe ~ight tor itselt. lts agent and employees to enter apon sald pre~18e8 In reas9b8ble menDer aDd at realonable times. 10. That It the aald Bcoond perty----- helrs, peroonal.representatiYee or asslgns. ... or any holder or holders ot the property hereby conveyed b7 virtue ot any Judio181 proceedings, .hall tail to oomp1y with any of the aboye and toregolng sestriotioD8. oonditione or I1mlta- tionl withlD lixty days atter written notioe to the saId seoond party,----- heire, repre6eDW ,. totivea or ae81sos. or '.D7 ot them at-----------------_ or ot thelr last known addree8. b7 the 8a14 party of the tlret part. ita 8uoce8sors. personal representatiye8 or a8Signs. or either ot them, then the 8aid &boye desoribed aDd oonveyed property shall imnediately revert to the sald party of the tirst part. its saooessoro or essigns. who .1611 be entitled to im- at41ate11 enter upon s~id property without notiQe, and take ~oese88ion ot the 8ame with full t1tle 10 tee 8imple. together with all iaprOyemeDt8 thereon. and no walyer at any of these oODditioD8, limitatloD8 or restriotion8, express or implied. or tallure tor any length at tl.e to entoroe the 88me. shall oon8titute s bar to 8aoh en~oroement at an7 time. 11. That the party of the firat part, its euooel8ora or se8ign8, aha1l have the right, fro. time to tlme, to release any at the aboye or. toregoiDg restriotione. oonditions, or limltation8 by sealed ln8trum.nt duly exeoated in aocord8Doe With the l8w8 at the state at 'lorida tor the OODYeyance of real e8tate. lH WITHISS WHlnEOI. the 8014 psrty ot the tlrat part has oaused these presentl to be BlgDed In 1te Dame by ite preSident, and its oorporate seal to be atflxed. attested by it. s.oretary. the day aDd year .boye writteD. fJ '"-- aU" 'd [, L XXeouted in Daplloate. JlARAVILL& PLUA. INC. ~y z. 2. Hoehn (SBAL) Pusldent. Slgnad, S..le4 and ~livered In R. B. Brady 4tte.t: R. S. Waltoo (SEAL) Seoretary. J Lena Cabl1ah I " ; :.:~~(~~/ ~~J<~j:J}rJ;!~t~.~:~:.~~:ff~~r~~I;;t ~.... .: '~.",'-'- ",',,' ,", ~~/:.~~\~~~~~i~;~Jif~i