HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0756 I { Ii . 85 =-'~~-~ : I I I'Ued I I ! i ! i I ; -:- ~, ~.' D. fi928. ~' =-~-- -~... .-".-.... 'P. '- l., C' <' ~ ..........;.~.................. P. C. Ildred, Clert Cirouit Cour' BY~1~ D. C. and ~eooi4ed 'hi. 12 d'~ ot Sept. J. "'!"'Y---..~ a' 4137 P. M. · f (c' .Ct .3"1 ~ . " ,; '\" ".. r l 1 ,. : BURR S. S'l'OTTLB SPECIAL JUSTER TO lIASTl!:R DDD THIS INDmnURB. Uate the 12th day at September 1928, between Burr s. Sto"le. as Speolsl G. ASHBY I Kaeter iD (;halloery. party at the ) 1 ~ i ot the leoood part. ! f I 1fBER!1S . The ClrouU Court ) tirst part, and u. Ashbl. ot St. Luole County. Pl~rid8, party of the twooty-tl..t JUdiolal Cirouit of ~lorida, iD and tor ; , i st. Lucie County. iD ChaDoer~ 00 the 27th dal of April 1927. among other thingspr4ered. adJudg- . ~ e4 and deofeed. io a oertain aause then pending ln the said Court, between Uorth St. Luo1e Rlvel' : Drainage Di8triot, aoorporatiOD organiaed ander the general drainage laws ot the state ot . {PlOr14a, oomplaioaDt, and llori4a ImproYement Corporation, a Delaware oorp~ration,and Glen M. ~AYerll1 and Je8sie U. Averlll. detendants. that oertaln pf..l.es mentioned in said deoree, and ~hereinatter partioularly desoribed, be 80ld by 8aid Kaster. at publio auotiob. the aaid Vaster ! first giying two w.eks notloe ot the time an4 plane ot 8ale in a newspaper published lD st. ~ Luoie County 10 said ~tat.. AID WHEREAS, the said Sp80ial Uaoter in pur8aanoe ot Bald deoree, dld. on the 6th day ot Jane 1927, aell at Publlo aQOtioo the laid premlses, hereinafter desoribed. having tirst l giyen preyiOU8 dotloe In aooordanoe ot Bald deor.e, at whiah 88le the 8aid premises. herelnafter de80ribed .er. 801d to 008 T. B. Ellis. Jr" tor the oonsideration shown in the oert8ln oertltl- oate held by 8al~ purohaser, and assigned to the second P8r~,the 8ald sum being the Bum shown iD report of 80le of Speoial U8ster and tlled with said Court. that belng the highest ~ bid itor same and Baid 881e having baeD oontirmed by the Court 8Dd oertltioate iosued and not havlng 'been redeemed, and the eaid oertitldBt.' having bl endorsment dul~ appearing on the bact there- jot. baea duly assigned. transferred and Bet over by the said purohaser thereot to the Baid iP8rtl ot the seoood part. I ; BOW, ~HlmElOR!. THIS IlIDEllTUllE T7ITlIBSSE'l'H: That the seld Speo1al Uaster in ordor to IJ :oarry 1nto etteot the aald asle so made 8S 8fore~81d. 10 pursaanoe ot the said deoree at the said Co~t .t Chanoery, in aODsideration ot the premises, and ot Baid sum a. ahown in oertitl- lost.s. p81d at the tlme ot the exeoution ot the said oertltloateB and the turther Bum ot Three :& BO/IOO ($..00) Dollars pald by the Baid pa~ty otthe Beoood part to the soid Speolal Master ;tor the ex~oatioD of thlB Deed. the reoeipt .hereot is hereby aoknowledged. has granted, bar- \gained. 801d, slleued, released, oonveyed and oontirmed, and by these presents does grant, bor- ;galn, Bell, a HElD , release, oonvey alid oOlltirm unto the Baid party ot the Beoond part and h1a lhelrs ~nd assignB foreyer. the oertain paroell o~laod .~~U8ted io state ot 'lorida, County ot st. L~o1.. desoribed a8 tollowa: IJ ~ DISCBIP!IOB BBi ot lfBt 36 n.A1'IJ! 38 ..... 3BC. 14 T1rP , Contaiaing io all 36..1 aores. more or 18SS. together with all and singular the rlght,. ;...bera. prlyilege., heredltament. aDd appurtenanoes to the 88me belonging O~ lD anywise apper- . , : / ih1D1D,. I ! THIS DIED. howevel, is subJeat to the lieDB tor all 8ubl8quln' to 1926 annual 1nstell- ;meote of~r.iuage tax.. and interest thereoD. I : TO B4V1 JU'D TO HOLD all and 8~ngalar the Baid premlses. aboye ~ntlnne4 and desorlbe4. 1 , \- .;:.)!::f5tif!f?:~Av~JNt:~; ------,.-.:-- ---' ~-