HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0759 t ~. ii 88 .~ It It..- - - .-...."''' nt..., ~~~ ~.4" ...~~....~ r ' it; SlgDed. Sealed and " it 1\ c. P. 0'4., - - ............. . ~. T.-~~ L_ _ - -- -,~ 4e11 ..r94 1n ~he presenoe Ofl AUee\: D. O. J,(oDoup1d Cashier J. S. Jaot80D STAT E 0' J'LOR IDA ) COUNTY 01 ST. LUCIE) I HIBEBY CBB1'Il'Y. That OD th1a 16th del of )lal A. D. 1928, beton ill. personally eppea,.l ... R. n,h and D. O. J(Ol>ougsld, roeapeot1Yely Vioe Pt'e81dent 8n4 Cashior ot 101't Pieroe Bank & Trust COlDp.~. a oorporatioD un4er the law. at \he state ot Florida. to me known to be the per.onB deeoribed lD an4 who exeouted the toregoing oonveyaDoe to Yr. and )(1's. 1re4 XeYW01'th aDd e8yerally aoknowledged the ezeoutioD thereot to be thel1' tree aot and deed 8. euoh ottioe s, J } tor the U8e8 and purpoaea there1n mentioned; aDd that the, attizea thereto the ottioia1 seal r -, ot said oorporation. and the said inetl'ament i8 the .ot and I.ed ot eaid oorporatlon. and ottlo1al seal at 10rt Pieroe, in the 'ounty ot St. Luoie and year 188t atoressid, Stah of 1 .J. 8. Jaokson (Sial) Botary rubllo tor the State of 'lorida at Large Ny CommleeioD EXpires Sept. 4, 1928 -~-, 111ed and,~.oorded \~lS /. . i (ct .ct .seal) l J \: 16 dayot Sept. A. ~. 1928. at 913& A. K. " / / '. ~---- ~,_/ . ~. .>t\ \f ~rh\" Rr:-c-ord - P. C. Eldred, Clerk Clrouit Court B, ~ 1~ D. C. ..................................... ;' PRE>> 'EE .lJID WIlE TO 'iI4R.~TY DXED THIS I1fD!UTUBE, Keele this 27th day ot JIlly A. D. 1928. BmrrBlm Ired 16e and Rmma K. J. A. HAilLBY Al{D \flJl! ! I J.e~ h1s wite, or the COUDty ot St. Luoie in the State ot ~lorida, partles ot the fl1'8\ part, and J. A. Hawlel end Peal'l Hawle,. his wite, ot the Count~ at St. Luoie, state ot Plorida. partee. of the seoond part, WITUB8SBrH. That the said parties at the tirst part. tor and in oonsideration at the 8um.ot One & NO/1OO ($1.00) Dollars, and other nluable oon8ideratlon to them in hand paid by the aaid partlel ot the..eoond part, the reoeipt wh8reot 18 hereby aoknowledged. have grant- ed, bargalnld eDd laId to the sald parties of the seoond part. their heirs and assigns tor- oyer, the followlDg desoribed land. situate. lying and being in the County ot st. Luole and state ot Florida. to-wit: . sou.th 100 teet of Lots 1 aDd 2, NOl'th 90 feet ot Lot 11 and U~rth 90 teet of Weet 80 teet ot LOt 12. Bloot "1-. City of Port Pieroe. 1lor14a: exoept the East 20 teet ot S61d South oDe-~ ot Lot 1, now ueed 88 a publio street. 411 maohlnof'. truoks, turD1tare. l'olling stoat supp11es now on said prem18e8. And the aald parties ot the tiret part do hereby tully V8rraDt the tltle to 8ald land against the lawful olaims ot all perlone 01a1.ins bl 'hroQ8h or UDder the laid partlea ot the tirat J art. J IN WI~DESS WH!BEOr. !he .aid parties of the tiret part have hereuDto set their hands , aDd aeals the day and year tirat eboye ~itten. pre4 }'ee Iaaa K. Jee (Seal) (S..l) . B18Ded, Bealed aDd 4ellY8red 1n proBeno. ot UB: wa1lter L1ddoD ! I j Ii Ii I t RdUh w. Huoea ~!;.:~.!{~~[~::~t~~;~~1~;{~~!r~!~~ -~___~~_,_~ __~_._..0..4_., ......___,._~__...__ __._:::~.__. .,___. _.____..---.