HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0760 I I I" 1-- I I I I 89 - ,.~._'----....~- -- TV-V - - - -'---' -- . .-. - --...-. -~'...r( 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ - I stUB OJ' JLORlnl, ) 1 l \ COUNTY 0' ST. LUCII) i I BIBEBY CBR!IPt, The' on thl1 day per80nal17 appeared betore .e, an ottloer dul. au'h- ; orl.et to a4mln18t.r oath. aDd tete aotDowledgaenta. Fred Pe. and Emma M. 'ee, hi. wlte to .e - - ] ~ ; well toown .04 known to me to be the 104iVidua18 de.orlbe. iD and WhO exeouted the toregoing : deed. and they aoknowledgad betore me that they exeo~teA the .ame treely and voluntarily tor ; 'he p~rpo8e. therein expreee.d. All>> I ruRTHER Cll8TIn. That the 8Did Bmma IE. .r.e known to me to be the wite ot the sald : !Tel lee on a sepsrate 8nd prlyate examlnation taken and made by and betore me, separately and 'apart trom her aald hU8band, dld aoknow1ed8e that she Mde her.e1t a party to Bald deed tor the pur~o8e ot r~no~nolng, relinquishlng and oonveylng all her right. title and interest, ~wheth.r ot dowor. houe.tead or ot separa'. property. statutory or equitablt, 1n and to the lends ideBorlbed thereiD, a~ that Ihe exeouted the 8ald deed treely and VOluntarily and without any 'oompUl.ion, o~nstralnt. apprehension or fear at or trom her ~aid hUBband. WITBISS my hand aDd ottioial seal at .rort Pieroe, County ot St. Luoie and State ot . Plorida. t .ugaet. A. D. 1928. Jlled and '~ ~, ~. -- ",,- . .--- "-\ reoo~4ed thlB l~ day f ~ (\~~ .Ct. sea~) ) \, / '" /' '-- Edi th .. Huots Notary P~bllo, State ot ~lorldD, at Large. Uy oOIDlDIssion explres Aprll 9th. 1932, ot sept. A. D. 1928. at 10:11 A. M. Recor~J. V~rjfied P. C. Bldred. Clerk Clrouit Court By ~ 'Kt.M-V - D. c. t ............................................. . RED PEE AND ifUE TO O. O. StJl.ll&XR AllD 1fIn WARRAII'lY DEED THIS INDEltTUBB. Usde th1B 11th day ot September. A. D. 1928, BETlfEElI PRED PEE and !I8lA M. PIE, his wlte ot the Coanty ot at, Luole in t~e ~tate ot Ylorida parties ot the tlr8t part, and O. O. SUMMBB an4 CLARA T. SUMUER hIe wit. ot the ~OUDty ot St. Luole ln the State ot'lorida 'pa~tle8 ot the 1800n4 part. WITNE8SB!B;~fhat the aald parties ot the tlr8t part, tor and in oonsideration ot the , IUa at, OBE DOLLlR AUD OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS to them in hand pa ld by the 881d parties 'ot the .eCODd pert, the reoeipt whereot la hereby aOknowledged, haye granted. bargained and Bali to the sald pertie. ot the aeoond part, their ~el~B and assigns toreyer. the tollowing ;delorlbed land. sl~uat., lylDg and beiog In the COUDty ot st. Laole. State ot Florida, to-.it: IJ" .. Beginning at a point on the Uorthwe8t .1de ot 3unri88 ~oulev8rd 62.3 teet Horthesst ot the South..at oorner at Bloot 32 ot Plnew~od 8a per pla' reoorded ln Plat Boot 6, p~e.2., ~t. Luoie County ReoQrd81 thenoe ran Uorth.eBt at r~ght ongle ot SunriBe BOuleyard 166.1. teet thenoe run _!C!..,Slz'h Street at .an aDgle .132 degrees 20 .~nutell .._ #__ "_ 'n.,__. __.." . . _...... _ 9.68 tee~, more'or les81 thenoe ran South on'~Bt llne ot Slxth Street to Southweat oorDer ot sald B100t 32; Th.Doe ran Northeaaterly on liorthwB8t 8ide otSanrla. Doule- I yard to point ot be81~nIDg, tbl~ being an lrregalat ahlped lot lying at the corner ot SIxth .tre.' end Sanrie. BOu.leyard lying be'..en the land heretotore deeded to It J , :AD4 the eald partiea of the tirat part do hereby tully warrant the title to Baid land, and aeooud par'~.., by :tirst parUe. and laid Sum'lBe Boulevard aud S1xth Street. ..; ; will d.tend the 88me againl' the lawtUl olalms. at all personB whomBoever. IU WITBESS WREB101. The B8id ~8rtIeB ot the tlr8t part do hereunto Bet thelr h8Dds and ;.e.la the day ao4 year tirBt .boye written. ISlan.d, "alet ao4 dellyere. ID pre..no. ot us: ) , I i ~~~~~::~?~~:~if~}~:~~~;;~t~}~;~l~~i(~~~~1 ,.