HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0764 -_._--~......-_...~ - .----......-.-.--..-- ------.. --...---------- ~._--_. - -------_....._------~--_.__. 93 .'; ~- -- - - or __..__~ - .Ii T ~.'W.~ -'- -.... 'l-.'_."''''''''"V-~ '...IV. .. '....i.r'<- ...~~ .._~ _.~ ~ I' I, 1 Bmuwm ~ISCHER TO UlSX !hie Lea.., lX*oate4 ~he 26th 4ay of Ausuat, 1i28, be~weeo Bernard Ii.oher, at Philadelphia B.. L. ])lJI(1l r I i I L_J i : pe., h8reinatter oalled the landlord. aDd H. L. >>noD, o~ the state of llorida, st. L~olo COUDty, hore1natter oalle4 the 'enant. WI'BI8S~H: l tJ that th. landlord has 108S8d. ,..llld an! let unto tht t.n.n~, and the tenan~ has t.teD and h1red tram the lan41or4, for ~..ideno. purpoaeB, the Qertain property, Bltus\od wlthlD the j County ot St. Luoh. State at .florida, tnoWD and desoribed 88 tolloWB: !he South BIlt at thl SoutheaBt Quarter ot the sit ot the Borthwes' QUarter,ot Seotloo Twenty (20), ~own.hlp ~hi~ty-tiY. (36) South. Henge 'ort, (40) Ba8t. lylng aoross the Publ10 Road tram land now owned by Walter Peterlon. 'or 804 during the term of 1/2 year from above date subjeot ~o terminat10n sooner, or ex'.naloD further, aa 18 hereinafter proYlded. Aod the tenant agree. to yield and pay unto the landlord. therefor, the rental sam of ; lIVE (16) dollars per month, payable 1n adY8noe 00 the f1rit day ot esoh and every mODt~ of ; the 8ald terll. And lt is underatood and agreed bet.eeu the part lea dereto, that time in the payment . f \ at the rental IUlla 1s aud shall be of the essenoe ot th18 8greemeDt. and that 1f any rental lum ahall tall due aud remain unpaid tor the spaoe of tive daY8, at the optiOD ot the land-lord this leasl shall terminete, and:the laud1~rd ..y re-enter the sald premises, witho~t notioe '0 thl 'enaDt, deolare the ent1re rent~l sum ot said term as lmmed1.~ely, due payable aud entoro- lble; and the teDaot turther agree. to ,., all ooat. and expense8. inoluding rea.onable att~- ne7'8 tees,'whloh the landlord may be pat to io 8afdwtlgg the oo~leot10D ot any and all rental eums whioh may beooa. due hereunder, and/or ~or reooYer~ or posseslloo at the premises. It le , ! 81.0 underetood that ~hie lease shall not ~e aS8ignable. nor t~e said premise8 underlet or ~b- ~ I let. by the tenant. wlthout the writteo oODseDt ot the landlord; and that any a8s1gnment here- i of or underlease ot the premiles by the tenant wilhout suoh oonsent. shall. 8t the option of the l8ndlord. 08uee this lease to term1uate. UpoD the terainatioo hereot. for any oaue8, the tenant wlll quietly and peaoeably sur- reDder up poBs.181on ot the de.leed pr.-lses to the landlord. It 18 understood that on 60 da7e notioe from lessee to landlord. by tiret 0181s mail, addre8sed to Ipudlord at 13th &r Oak LBne, PhUadl1phia, Pe _. Or trom the laDdlord. or tih'~4U, authori.e4 reDtal agQnt or attorney at law, addreesed to the lesse. at lort Pleroe, ~lorlda.- ~he 4.-1.e ot the 8ald preat.e. ..y oon'taus trGa ~nt~ to .oath, ander the e..e terms and OOD- 41tloD8 hereof. and that the 81xt7 4ay mode ehal1 applJ a. to terminating t.is lease atter the .ai4 term, it the teDant .hall oontlDue in posleseion thereat hereunder as aboye proYi4ed. ~he tenant agree. to permit 00 ..ste or ~irment ot the property. aod to giye the same up, at t.fllinatioD hor.ot, 1n as good oon4itioo 1n all re8peo~8 al DOW, reasonable ..ar and tear or dall8ge by t1re exoepted. 10 the eyeut ot del'raotlon of the prem1lea by tire or by 8torm or othlr FroYidential oauee.'hla lease ahall b. doe..d to terminate. Iu Witnea8 Whereof. 881d partie. haye hereunto .et thelr hands aod ntt1xed th;lr sea18. - ID duplioate, the day aDd year tirst hereinaboye meotloDed. ( IX_outed 10 our pres.Do.: Beraard l'l.oher (SIlL) (SBAL) ~. B. ~11. ) ) as to B. L. >>uno H. L. >>uno O. J. LOnel Bowara S. OOodman JiQrla A; Xeame, (a8 to Ber.ra 1'hoher) c:. ::::.~~:~~~~~?:~~;~<~3~.-:~~~;;:~;~~~~};::F~ 'J! '. . ..,','..'.",. ..... > ~ ..;~,~~ .~:~ "~...!..~.::~-~~_:..;:~~.:...i.#~- .~ -:'~"1'~~"'~ ~-!.~?,'~ _"_~ _.___.__~ 6-_____--.-- ~