HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0766 --.. -----....-_...----~-.. .. ~- -. .....,. ...---- -_._----~.._-~...._----..-._.-..-~ - ~_..- ....----._~.--.,...,_. - - - -..- .-. -. -.- - ..- ...- . i' 9 -- J.~...--.~ [--I - J - the 1.lloftlther.in hay. rel..... 'h. l..s.. th.r.ln 1rom lh. turth.r payment ot r.ntB.'8D~ tro. the obligatioD' to 000P.P7 an4 p.y rlDtal sua. th.reoD, and .11 aooounting. hay. b..u made bQtw..n tbe parti.s to. the mutual obligationl arillng ther.trom trom 8aoh toward the other. TBIRIlOBI. 10 OOD'ld.ration ot tbe premi.... a. .111 as the au. of ODe dol1er, lawful mooel. l~ hand to th. .aid ,. D. uarret80n paid by the said leu.or8. a~ .nd beto~. the .eal- Ing and d'llY.r'h.r~ot. the reo.lpt of whloh 18 hereby aotDowle"e4. the sald ,. D. ~arreteoD doe. h.reby r.lea.t the said 1.8S0.. trom the 8ald l.a.., and aoknowledg. that h..etotor.. a04 ~pOD the exeoutton her.ot. he. the .01d ~. D. Garr.\sOD has 8arrendere4 up to the 8aid lessora the Baid premia... IB WIi'BBSS WBmlEO'. I hereunto !la.. 8et my hand and attlx.4 my seal the day and year tiret hereinaboye meDtl~ned. 1-1' .J Exeouted in ou. prea.no.: Edith Jaokeon ,. .I). G.rret8oD (9UL) B18ir _ TIny STATR 0' PLORIDA COUNTY 0' st. Luoie I HEREBY CERTIPJ. That OD thl. day betore me per80nally oame and appeared ,. D. Garretson, who 18 to m. well toown, aDd by m. is w.ll known to be the identioal pereOD desoribed In and who exeoatod th. aboye ID.~rUlDellt, and aoknowledged to and betore me that he exeouted the 88me tor the a..8 .al purpos.. therein oontalned and expre8ae4. [- IB iYITUES3 iYHEBROl', 10'1"8.0 ; (B~P. S..l) J ~_ J ~'<'""-. :/ rlled aDd!f~06~~~~1' 12 : \ { (ct .ct .Seal) I htr.~to kava Bet my hand and attixed my seal ot ottioe thls Aug. E41 th Jaokson Notory Publlo ~lorlda Uy oommission expires Aug, 18. 1928. \. day of Sept. A. D. 1928. at 4:33 P. U. P. c. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court (J _ _ Ill' -LJ~ _ By~~ ~ , . ~ '0 '" Co- L (<J .... ,/ l D. C. ERIE LllID " IBVESTlOUT CO. TO -" ~, -- ' " . '/ ........................................ R. B. ROWEN WARRAlI1'Y DEKD THIS INDJUtTURB, Made thiB 22nd day ot l18y 4. D. 1928. BP.lllJsm' Erie Land &I Inyeatment Company a, oorporation exi8ting under the law. ot th. State ot '10rld8. havlng its prinoipal fJ ~, plaoe at bU81ne81 lD the County ot st. Luole aud State ot 7lorlda party ot the tiret part. and R, B. ROwen ot the County ot 8t. Luoi. and State ot 710rida part- ot the seoond part. WITNESSETH. fJ , that the .aid party ot the tirst part. tor and in oonald.ration at the sum ot Ten Dollar and oth.r Yaluable oonalderations Dollars. to It in hand paid. the reoeipt whereot i8 hereby aok- nowledged. has granted. bargained. .old, alIened. reml..d, released, oonveyed and oontlrmed, and by thtl. pr...ntl doth gr.nt. bargain. s.ll, allen. remiee. releaee. oonyey and oontir~, unto the .ald party ot tbe .eooDd pert and hie helrs an4 assigne tor.yer. all that oertain paroel ot l.nd lying and being iD the County ot st. Luoie and state ot 7lorida. more partioularly de80rl~e4 as tollows: All at P.lm8 Garden. Sub-divi8ion. belng a re-sabdivi810n ot Collin8 Park, and reoord- e4 4ugust 17th 1926 10 Plat Boot Jlive (6) Pege thirt7-8ueD (37) St. Luoie COUllty j a.oorde. Thie D..4 made and aooepted 8ubJeot to all taxe.. County ~nd state al4 DraiD- I , - i ~ie taxe.. I TOGErBlB with sll th. tODemente. her"lt...nta and appurtenanoe8. with .very privilege. right. I i ; ;~'~:~f~~f~ig~~\~~r{tt~~~~;~J};;\~~~x _ ___._. __--:....---""- (-.-fl.......--~--.._-. ~_