HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0785 1,,- -.-----".-- 11114 '-_.__'--_-._T--'" .....-_____...___...._~..........._ ._._....___.___ .........____.____ _'''___~"___.,,,,. ....___.. ._ !t il 'I 'l i II l! ~ .lnd lhe 1814 party ot the t1rs' part w111. and'h1e euooelsOtl shall worrent and deten~ ! the un. to la14 propn'1 unto the aald P8l"~l of the seoond part and bi8 asslgne forever, ! aga1nst the l.wful olal.. and deaands of 81,1 per80ns olal.lng.by, through or under the sald plrty ot the tlrat part. but agaInst non. other. IN WITlnmS WHEREO;, the .ald Eugene U. 08111ar4. Trustee ae .~o~e8a14. has hereunto set hla hand and 8eal at Fort Pleroe. Ylor1da. on th1s the day and y'ear tlrst above wrltten. Slgned, Sealed and dellvered In the presenoe ots AnDle J. cob_ Eugene U. Oal11ar4 1'rustee (8ell) . r-, I . W. B. Vassar I I STATE 01 'LORIDA, CO~.TY 0' SAINT LUCIE: I [, I HEREBY CERTIfY. That on thls 19th day ot September, 1928, ~ersonally appeared Eugene M. Gaillard, Tru8tee, to me known to be the person de80rlbed 10 aud who exeouted the 1 toregolng oonveyanoe to .. B. Sohroeder and aoknowledged the exeoutlon thereot to be h18 free aot and deed 8. auoh Trustes. for the use. and purposes thereln mentioned. and offl01al Beal a\ 'or\ Pleroe, in the COWlty ot St. Luole afore8ald. sod w. E. Va8Bar (Seal) notary Publlo for the state of Florlda at Large Uy Commtsslon Bxplre8 >>eo. 6, 1929 'Hed aud ''"' reoo*de4 thls 29' day t. : V ot Sept. A. D. 1928, at 11:36 A. H. Rp.corcl ~: . . _ en[I(~r1 P. C. Eldred, Clerk Ciroult Court By ~ 1~ D,C. ................................ J. G.' COATS AlID WI'E TO \WUWli'Y DUD THIS IlIDXliTURE. .LI8de th1B 18 day of )lay, A. 11. 1928. BR'.t"JUUI J. G. coatls and l'lortlloe \1. A. UACIIULTY B t: coata, hil .1te, of the County ot Salot Luole, and State of llorida. parties of the tlret pert, and 17. A.IlfAC1WLTY ot the County ot 3t. Luoie, State of i'lorlda, parties of the seoond part; WITllJS3B!B, That the sald partlls of the flrst part, tor and 10 oonslderatlon ot the IIWB of i64i.OO, to them In hand pald, the re08ipt wher~of Is hereby aoknowledged, have gr8nted~ bargained, 80ld and .transferred, and by these present8 do grant, barg.ln. sell and transfer unto the 8ald party of the seoond part and hlo helra. and ae81gna forevet. all that oertaln paroel of land lylng and, be1ng 10 the County of Saint Luole. and state. ot ~lorlda, more parti- oularly delorlbed a8 followSl LOta 11 & 12 ( ). Blook .0Ul' (4), In Westwood U8nor, a Subdlvlalon. 8S reoorde4 In Plat Book 6. page 26. a'lot Luoie County Reoords, at Nort Pleroe, 'lor1da; ~ TOGETHER alth all the tenement8. hor.dltamenta and appurtaD8Poes. wlth e78r7 prlvl1.'fl.." :righ~-" ,t"'lJt.;, .1~4J&t U4 ...~te. dower and right ot dower, reversion, telDllluder ,nd easement thereto belongl~ or In anywlse sppertaln1ng; TO HAVE ~D TO HOLD the .... In fee almple forever, subJ.ot, nevertheless. to the tOllow1ng '.'trlo1;10n8, provls1on8 and limltat10nl: u f ~ ; ~ ; ~: .; -~j k' l f; f' . 1. Bo relidenoe or any portlon thereof .hall be oOll8t~uote4 or ereoted oloser to the ---stU" on whlob 1\ abuts than 'went,-tl v. (26) feet. or 010881' to the 8ld. 11118 ot any lot (exoept for a porte-obohere) tben five (6) feet (the long 11n8 ot all oorner 10t8 ehall ~e oon8ttu~ to be the Ilde l1ne8 ot IUO~ lot.), unlesR One bul1dlng 8hall b. plaoet on more than cr ~ ~ ~t . t. .... ; ~ - . .... .,.- ': _...:..'/::1~:~~:~}~(~{~~::;~ J :tj~'J:~~f,~~.?l~~~~~:.~i)tr~11;r d~~~~~