HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0791 I r........-....-.--... . '.'.' ,11'20 I' ~ - ---- <.-------...--..... I- I~ I" Ir ;, I f ~ ,; publio auotion, the sald Yaeter tiret giving publlo uotioa of the tlme and plaoe of sole, 1u"a newspaper published at }fort Pleroe in the 8ald State. to-wit, the rort Pleroo llews . ~rlbuoe II AND mIlmE4S, the said Speoial U8ster Baxter Ooodlett and party of the first part to theBe pres(nt8, In purBU8noe of the said order and deoree ot the 881d Court In Chanoery. did,' OD the 7th day ot Hovember,192'. oell at publlo auotloD the eald mortgaged premises, herein- after partloularly desorlbed, havlng flrst giTen prevloua notloe ot the tlme and Pl~oe of sale, wlth a desori)tlon ot the sold premis~8, ogreeable to the order aforesald: at whloh sale the sald mortgaged premises. hel'eluatter partloularly desorlbed, were sold to the sald ~arty of the aeoond part for the sum of Tw.m'TY-PIVE BlnlDRBD dollars, that belng the hlghest sum bldden for the same. IlOW, THEBEPORE, THIS IlIDEIit':JRE WITllBSSETH: That the sald Speoial U8ster, In ord~r ~{l . Ll to oorry Into etfeot the sald sale so made ao atoresald. In pursuanoe ot the sald deoree of the Bald Court ot Chanoety. In oonslderatlon ot the prerolses, and ot the sald ~m of ~~y_ FIVE HUNDRED dollara. pald at the time ot the exeoutlon hereot, by the oald party ot the aeoood part to the sald Speoial UBster, the reoelpt whereot he does hereby aoknowledge. has . . ".. !t-,,- I, granted. bargdlned and sold, aliened. released. oonveyed and oontlrmed, and by these presents doe a grant, bargaln and sell, allen, rele~se, oOllvey and oontil'1I unto the sald party ot the seooDd part, and to hls helrs and aaslgns forever, the oertalu paroel of land In the County of St. Luole, State ot Florlda, desorlbed as tollows: The Southwest quarter (SWl) of the Northwest quarter (Nit} of swt ot Seotlon Twenty-elght (28) TOWDShlp Thlrty-flve (36) south. Bange Porty (40) East. together wlth all aDd singular the rlghts, Qembers. prlvl1eges. heredltaments and appurtenonoes to the same beloDglng or In auywlse app~rt81nlng. TO HAVE All>> TO HOLD all and slngular the sald premises, above mentloned aud desoribed, and hereby granted and/oouveyed. or Intended 80 to be. with the appurtenanoes~ unto the 8ald party of the seoond part, his helrs and assigne, to the only proper use, benetit. and behoot ot the eald party ot the seoond part, his heirs and 88s1gns foreref. . IN WITIIESS WHEREO', the said Speolal Uaster in Chanoery, a8 aforeea1d. has hereunto set hls hand and seal. the day and year flrst above written. algned. soaled and dellvered.in the presenoe of:) f' Walker Llddon G. R~ NottlnghBm ) ) Baxter Goodlett (Seal) As Speolal Master ID GhaDoery, 88 aforesald. ~. STATE OP 'LOB IDA , ) ST. LUCIE COUNTY. J I, an ottioer duly authorlaed to take 8oknowledgDenie, hereby oertlty that Baxter Goodlett i8 well known to me. and known to me to be the individual deaorlbed 1n and who exeout- ed the foregolng deed ot oonveyanoe. and that he aoknowledge' betore me that he exeouted the .t1 toregoing d..d, a8 Speolal Usster In Chanoery. afore801d, for tbe purposes thereln expressed. aDd offlo1al seal. the 8th day ot Nove_ber, .~ D. 1927, in the state J] t an!! County G. R. HottlnghaID Uotary Publio; stete ot l10rlda ~ Coaaisslon expires Janl 8, 1930 I' i'Ued and ot Oot. A. D. . . - . .' 192(. at 11:A.: II. ~ P. C. Eldred. Clerk Clroult Court ' . ~.-;;_.~ .~ D. C. " . -ecOr(/ \, . eN!: ....,.......l~~~.,.,...........~. :L: !';:r~~;l :::;gr;~::5~;;.:~~.!\!~~~~~~~~~.. _ _ -_~ UIIin' ..............-.-_._--~-..............