HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0814 '-. .---".-. ---.----.,,-- , , f I ! []. 11 .. f [,,-,1 ! .~ [J II ." ~--.. .. _._---......-...~--- ----- . ---.-----...--.-.---- _..- - .... - _.._---'---,-~--~-- ~- -----.--- 143 th'~e'o ,.10QllQl or 10 .nrwt.. .pp.,t.lalns' ~O B&VB AB.D TO BaLD the .... ln t~ .lapl..torev.r. j 1 j 1 .04 the .ald partl.. ot the tlret part 40 oovenant wlth the .a14 partle. ot the .eoont I ~~t that they ar. i.gtul17 ..1.ed ot the aaldpr..t.ee, th.t they ~~e tree trom .11 Ino~ I j I 'r.nc;e. .04 that i ! h. ot the t1ret they bave good rlght ea. lawfUl .uthorlty to ..11 the .ame, and the ..ld part- part do hereb)' tul17 wrfao\ tbe title to ..14 land, .nd w111 det.n4 th. agalnat 'h. lawfUl olal.. ot all par.oo. wbo..oev.r. " U WIfIfBSS WHJ:UOJl. the ..1. perUe. ot fufua' part ./ ae.l. th. 4.y and y..r abov. ~1'ten. .... bay. h.reunto .., thelr hand. I land I i 1 Slan.4, S..l.. and ~llv.re. in OUr prea.noe: ... , ~anae. Maud >>eut1'7 Ulh Bob7 9 8 _, ~. Pro.a Carolina Prow. I . I ; STAT_ 07 nOBID&. ) ; i count7 ot polk. ) I HBRIBY CIRtIrY. That oa thl11 .a1 ot Maroh, A. ~. 1920. be~ore m. personally , appeere. Il: ,. ~011' ani Carolln. Prow.. hla .1to, to ae known to be the perilon. deaorlbe4 In i : ani who .zeoutet. ~e tOteaoins oonyeyanoe to .111.1.. 'rowe and lI11dtecl J. !'tow., and sneralU aokDowle4gel th. <<E'Q~tlou th.reot to b. th.ir tree aot and d.ed for tbe uaell and purpose. th.r.1n ..nt10n..; ani the ..1. Carollu. ~owa. the wite of the .ald E, T. Prowe, on a .epar- i at. .nl prlyat. ezaalnetloa taken and mad. b7 an4 betore me, al. separatelY an4 apart trom her ~ .a14 hu.lIand, did aoknowle4a. that ah. _de herself'. party to tbe aald Deed o~ Conyeyanoe fOt ; the purpoa. ot r.aounolD8. telloqulehlng aDd oonve)'1ns all her tlght, tltle and Intere.t, i wh.th.r ot dow.r or of lI.parat. propetty. a'atutor)' or aqultab1.. 10 and to the lands there1n i4.sorlb.4, an4 that lib. ezeou'" ..ld d..4 ~reely and volunt.rl1y, and wlthout any oODlltralnt, j 1 tea~, appteh.n.lon or oo.pul.1oo of or troa her 881d husband. ~ S ta te WUJOSS _ al8Dature aoa ottlol.el ..al at ~aa,~.t.he 48y and y.ar la.t efou.aid. . W. D. Oray (B.i. S..l) . Bot..ry Pub110 In and tor polk Count.y, Plor14a. ., ooamll1.1on expltes Jan. 16, 1928. . - ~) bo ..~. 11 4a7 of 00'. A. >>. 1.928, at. ~:88 p, II. \ Ct...Ct. .Seal) " I I .I 10 the Count.y ot polk, and .Ued P. C. Eldre4, Clerk C1toult Court B7'~ 1~ ~ (OJ .... .... - .-;.,. .~ ~ t~ . :~ ", !"') . '0 -"\ c.. '\. ~"...",- - - -' D. C. ... .......o.........................~ r , ~ otI8 B. P.lBD8 SPacIAL JUSTD TO KlStBB'S Dmm THIS I1lDXlrlUBE, Mad. t.he let day ot OOtobu. 1928, b.t...D ot1. B. Fa.ker, as SPECIAL J. C. WATKINS 1 >>ASTIR U CRUCDT, of t.h. flret. part, and J. C, Watk1n. of th. G900nd part: ! . ~~8, th. Clr~ult. Court ot tbe 2111\ Ja4101el Clro~l' of the state ot Ilorida. In and 1 tor t.he County ot St.. Luol.. in Cbaao.ry, on tbe 24th 4ay of ~t. 1.928, r.oorded 1n C. O. 'j !BOOk 7. >>&8' 8Va. ~QS o~h.r 'hlng. orderat. adJQ4ged 8Dd a~or.e4, 1n a o.rt.aln oaue. t.hen ! !p.D4108 1D the 881d Cour', betwe.n J. C. '''_In. oOBpla1nant. ao4 W1111am I. lye. ani pr.d P. !SOhavel, . 111081' ..a, d.tendant.. that t.he aortsaa.d pr..l.e. .eotloDed ln sald deore., and j 'h.rela.tt.r partlo\~.r17 d..Otlbe4, b. aold by ..ld ~.t.r. at. pub110 .qot.l0D, the sald Mlet.er \tlrat. g1vlDg four w..ka' notio. of the \1.. ant pleo. ~t ,.1." 1n . n.w.papar publl.h.. at I~rt Pl'ro. in the ..14 stet.., t.o-.it, the 'ort. Pl.roe Bewe-trlbna.. ! .lBJ) WIl.EJ:l8, t.he ..14 Ipa01el Msater, 0\1. B. ~rk.r aDI part.7 o~ the tln' put. to I , i the.. ,r...nh, 1n pUW.UDO' ot the .J.\d._O~lu and "or.. ot th. .att COUl't 1a Ghanolfy, Ald. J I .) -.\ ;~~;,"~~(l~:,/'::1~~i~.~-~?;i~}~E.~f~'~::fS~: .... .. 4 · . .'.~' . . . ~\5fr~~:::~~~~:~~~f::~~....: