HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0816 r- f" :......--.,-.-,.----~..-.-..-. II II I' i: ~ I' 145 B.8.1UDJB8 AIID WIl. TO COH!B.lC~ AIm AOllpailH' WBDBlS. ~h. undar.lgned ]). B, SaUD4... ani hl. w1te _ B, 8aunderll are the OWDar" CITY O. ,~ PI1!lBCI,PLA. I I]). 1 I I I 1 [ 1 . ! 'in t.. .1mple ot 'it, LO'. Bo.. G ani 6 ot Blook 18 ot A. C. Dl\t..r'. Subdlvllllon 1n the Clt, ot 'ort Plaroe, 'lorlda. :upon whloh there are out.'anllng valli and .ubsl.tlng 11eo. ot the Clty ot Yor\ Pletoe. 'lor14a . " . I . ;tOt looal laprov..ant. In the -stregete p~lnolpal BUa ot 12.964.46. .uoh taprovement. havlns heretotore 'ean lal. aud Inatalled upon Avenue .0- ani lourth Street upon whloh eald property I -:. 11 abute. ani i . , , WH!BIAS. MUrray.. Ball 1. the owner and holder of out.tandlng mottgag. agalnet Bald property In the aggr.gato aua ot '16,000.00. whioh mortgage la .ubJeot to and 10terlor to 881d out.t.nllng .a..ea.ent 11ena tor aald 10081 Improve.ent8. .nd IHI8IAS, the under.lgn.d D. B. Saundera and hla wlte Emma H. S'~nd.rB, ae ownerB ot Ball proper',. and Murr.y I, Ball. the owner and holder ot the mortgage atorella14. delllre to rl-.rrangl .nd r.-.ubdlvlda .ald lota by t.klng ~eretrom the W8.t 60 taet ot 8ald LotI B08. [ . . , 5 ani 6, thereby oaaelng th. remalnder ot aald Lot B~. 6 to taoe whollr on aald 'ourth Street. .n4 the rlmalnder of 8814 Lot 10, 6 to taoe on sald Yourth Stteet and Avenue "C". .nd eald W.at 60 teet ot 8ald LOt. 10.. 6 .01 6 to fao. .outh on .ald Avenu. "e., theteby neoe.81tatlng re- attang..ente and oh.nge. In the outstau41ng .treet ..se....nt. _galnat ,a14 loto ,10 order that they may be aore adequately so14 or dlepo.el ot. and the laid owners .nd the sold mor\gagee. havlng r.qu..ted the Clty ot ~t. Pleroe. and they do hereby r.qu.et sald Clty ot pt. Pleroe to r.l.... ,ald We.t 60 felt ot eald Lot. loe. 6 and 6 trom the I1en tor 8ald looal Improvea.nt on 8811 ~ourth Street. .nI thereby aaklng the whole of salt West 60 t.et ot eall lote 11abl. only for the a8...ement agaln.t a.14 50 feet for 881d looal imptovem.ntll Inetalle4 on lIald. ~ . i -1- Avenua .CIt. " BOW THBBEIORI, th18 oontraot and agreement made and entor.d Into on thl, the 11th day ot Ootober. A. >>,. 1928, by .n~ bet..an ]). H. SlUHDB3S Bnd hi, wlf. EKUA H. SAUNDERS. and KURRlY E. HALL, partla. ot the tlr8t pert. and the CITY or 'oaT PIERCE. a munl01pal oorporatlon ot the state ot Ylorida, party ot the .eoonl part. WITlISSB!Bz Tba~ tor an4 In oonalderatloD of thl eua of Ten Dollatll Dnd other valuable oona14eratloDa by eaoh ot the partl.a pald to the other. the reoe1pt ot whloh ls by eaoh here- bY.aoknowledge'. it ie oontraotel, stlpulated and 'greed by and bet.een the partle. hereto 88 1 " . toUo..: That the ~lty of 'ort Plero., Ilorlda does hereby ralea.e trom thl .ald Improvemcnt 11.n. for 100al Improy...n's OD rour'h Street In sald Cl'y 'he W..t 60 fe., of Lota No.. 6 and ~ )n Blook 18 ot A. C. >>ltt..r'. SubdlvlaloD. [ j -2- That the ..11 D. B. Saunder. and hiD wit. .... H. Saun4era hereby glve and grant unto ~he City ot 'ort Plaroe a lien on 8814 Weat 60 feet of aald Lot. Hos. 6 ~.6 $Ooov.r the i ~ooal laprove.eDt. abutt1Qg . . i tt .uperior dlgDlty to aald i 1 , i I i ! f.et ot ..14 lot. ahall bear anl.oarry. 11eD tor t~e 8U8 ot '627.47 tor 10011 1.provement. I tn AveDue "C". aud that th. r_1Dl136(...t potUOD ot sald lote shall boar ani 0"'.7 the out- ! OD ..14 We.t 60 teet of Avenua .C" 1n the total sua of '627.47. -8- outatanllD1 aottifage now OwnM and held by ..14 KUtI'C!Y .;11811. l' b.log the IntentloD of thl. In,truaent, oontraot and .gr....nt that the W.et 60 !;~:tE:: .~~~~.ji'~ii',::i~; ~:~r ~f~~~~~~J~~~S\ "