HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0828 . --- .-......_.*~_....--...--:.-..._-~. -. .._-..~............... "!"tU.T-I C'-- *--0:- -.----~.,-:----=~--.. I - ~~r?:~.~~:~;}~3~i?~:gl~:tf1-:~:~~::~t~;i ~:f~i~. ; .. o. (-1, . I. .j tJ r.1 fJ \..,--- '--- . ~ . _lllIS_L.~~-' ~'1 lI>7 - ,- Dlat.lot to. Cansl Blght-ot-way, and oontalnlng 34.1G aores, more or le.8. A180 exoept Lots One ani ~our of Bloot Two.' anA Lotll Nine, Te~, Bleven, Twelve, ant of Bloot thre., and Lot Bln.teen ot Bloot SI~, ot WUbu.e Sub41vislon a. pel' pht reoord.. J I .In Pl.t Boot Slx, at page 24 ot St. Luole County, 'lol'ida .eoorda. I TOGBrHEB with all the i.nement., hereAlta.ante and appurtenan'ea, with .very privilege, tight, I . I title, interest and ..tate, rev.r81on, remalndet and easement thereto belonglng or In anywll1' I.PPO.t.l~lD81 ~O Hlva AHD ~O HOLD tho .... 1. ~.. .1.pl.'~...y... ". And th. 8ald perty ot the tlrsi pari oovenant with the aald party ot the seoon4 part thai Ii 18 lawtully 8el.ed of the aald'prem18es; that they are treeot all Inoumbranoea, and that it , I !has goot tight and lawtul authorlty to sell the 88me; and the .aid party ot the flrst part 40es ~ . i (hereb7 tul17 ..rrant the tltle to a8i4 land, and .111 detend the aame agBlnB\ the lawful olaim. I I lot all per.ODa whomsoever., olalmlog b7. througb or unaet Wilaon-Weinert. Ino. ! ! i lB1gDe~ Isaor ary'tae d and year above wrltten. i t.S,:lJ ~ .~ ' ,. (Corpor8te , , / Seal) ; '-', i 'Aiteat: " C. Welnert I S.oretaty. I : ~IH WITNESS WHXRRO', the sald party of the tlrat pari has oaussd these presents to be oorporate seal to be atfixed, attested by Its - 1fILSOU-l'fEIUBRT, INC, By J. W. Wllson Presldent. Slgned, Sealed and Dellvered in OUr presenoe:) Angua SU1IlDet I. K. SWlDe.. i , lS'l'J.!X 0' lLOBIll4 OJ' SAIlR' LUCIB) COUlITY ! i , I I I 'ed ; I HBBBBY CBBTIPY. that on thla 11 dayot Ootober, A. D. 1928 betore me Fer8ona~ly appeat- J. W. WILSOD and ~. C. WBlUBB!. respeotlvely Prea1dent and Seoretory at I1LSON-WRUlERT, INC. ,; ~ ia oorporatlon under the law. of the State of 'lorlda. to me known to ~e the peraone des6rlbed in ; .~ and who exeouted the foregolng oonveyanoe to PORT PIERCB LM1D ~/D IUPHO~lT COMPANY. and sev- ~ . i ;erally aoknowledged the exeoutloD thereot to be their tree Got end de" B' puoh ottloers. tot , :tbe usee aDd . i .oorporatlou. j f I , State I j i p~rpQ8eS therein mentloned; and that they aftixed thereto the offlolal seal of sold and the 881d Inatrwment ls the aot aud deed of sald oorpofstlon. WITNESS my 81gnature and otfl01al seal at Port Pleroe In the County of St. Luoie a04 of ~lorlda the day aDd year last .toresald. ! i '11e4 I I I I I I ! I i I , , J ; i , t , j I of Oot. A. D. 1928. at 11:09 A. K. Jr.. K. Notary Publ10 111 oomm1aslOD Sumner (Seal) State ot Plorlda explUII: July 11- 1931 t ~ '"}- 1 ~ P. C. BUred, C1* rk CirOilU Court~ (i)__ Jt . ,J By ~ 7~. C~.~ ! - i . ded thle>1.9 day .~-,./ \ \ (Ct .Ct .sej1) \ ~ aDd ........................ . -. .. i I. ',' r I I j I t I I I i f . _____' -:..-;-.:- -.., J. - '" - ,~, --- '. ....,'.., ~ .:,' .:'~. j~.~~):~E~:ti\-