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1997 12'19PM FROM |noc, u b!ELLL nIx Uuwu / /u rbL rxyr r�o� 60601§03'15 ~ � ^ | DETAILED REPORT FOR' ENTIRE HOUSE ` Prepared F r.: prepared 8y: PSL PROP. TRACY PS� BLVD. | TRACY D' STEELE A/C INC. ~v -aLQ' - PSL � , FL O00OO Job Name: P5L/J0HNS0# EXPOSURE GLASS NORTH [n SOUTH EAST WEST NE/NW 6E/SW H0AZ ' TOTAL -_-_-_----�- _-_----_--_-__----�-�-------_----_----_--------__----_-__-_-_- AREA | 361 23| 100| 41| 0| 0| 0� 200� COOLING || 691' 626| 6,220| 2,I40| 0| 0| O| 8,677| HEATING | | 720! 460| 2,999/ 820/ O| 0| 0, 3,998� ---'----------------------------------------------------------------------- � BELOW WALLS NbRTM SOUTH 2AS7 WEST NL/NW SE/SW GRADE TOTAL ^ ----------�_�_--___-_--_-_-__---____-___----_--_-__-_---__-_-_�-----------_ / . AREA | 396/ ' 389. 323.` . . . 362. 0. O, / O. 1,470// COOLING ' 643' .� . 622' S24' / . 588' J' 0' . . . O/ � �07/ . ' / HEATING � � 1,S93// ` l,S65| 1,299' / ` 1,456// 0/ 0/ ' ' 0. 5,914. _-__----_-�-_-_-___-_�~-_----__-____-__--------__-_-_-_--------_-_---_--___ DOORIS NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST NE/NW SE/SW TOTAL - ---__---_�_'---___-_-_--_____----_---- / AREA | 0| 20| 0| '--_-_----_-----_-----_--_-_-_--____ -,O| O| 0| | 40| COOLING 0| 63( D| �3( 0| 0| | l26| HEATING | ' � �./ . 9S. O.. ` / / 9�. �. 0. . / . 19O/ --___-__-_�-,-----__-_-_---_--_--___-____-_-_-__-_--------___-___-_-------- � FLOOR | AREA COOLING" HEATING -_----_--_�----_----_--____---__-_--_______-____-___--_--__--__-_-___------ | | 1530 | O | 4,309 ----------�-L-------------------------------------------------------------- CEILING AREA COOLING HEATING � ---__----_J-�--_--------_-------'------------------------------------------ 1530 | � MISCELI-ANEOU9 COOLING LOADS Paoplo 5enslibla Load 900 Latent Load 6,6�36 Lights & Appl. Load 4`096 Latent Safety Stuh 664 Ventilatl Load 1,650 Duct Heat G�1n 2,716 Infiltrati 'Load 828 �enalbla Sa m--y Btuh 1,940 TOTAL SENSIB.L.E LOAD 24,060 TOTAL LATENT LOAD 7,29Y Summer ACH : 0.22 Temp' 5wlng Mult' I'00 Tptal Coolin�4 Load 31,359 8TUH Or 2'6I Tons [� Infiltration,, Load Duct Heat L �3a Minter ACH | |� /. MISCELLANEOUS HEATING LOADS ventilation Load 2,039 Safety Btuh O'44 *** Total Heating Load '36,958 STUH *** 3,080 2,265 04-26-97 60601903'15 .. ^, ` " Prepared Fo P6L PROP. PSL BLVD. PSL > SUMMARY REPORT ` ______________ � Prepared By; ' TRACY ` TRACY D. 8TEELE A/C INC' FL 00000 Job Name: PSL/JOHNSON ^ ! DESIGN CONDITIONS for FT' PIERCE . 047.26-97 60601903.15 ' OUTDOOR INDOOR uTNjTP7p SUMMER WINTER Dry Bulb \� 90 42 75-- 70 wet sulb �D 70 ' Daily 20 Daily Swing 3'0 Latit / 27 Elevation 10 / Safety Fa�tor (�\ 10 � ^ ' Latent Factor 30 **���*���**�������*�������***�**��*�**�*s��z�***��� Senslbla Room Heating Heatlng cooling Cooling Name / 8TUH CFM BTUH CFM __ --_---- --__--- _------ ENTIRE HOUSE, H0US , 26,958 1,450 24,060 1,450 / -__--_- -----_- __----_ _--_--- |� 2--,938 1,450 24,O60 1,450 | HEATING DEL T 16.9 COOLING DELTA T 16'1 � | | ` |� NOTE: Calculated Airflow is based upon load requirements. ' Verify that airflow calculated is compatible with / selected equipment requirements. **� | / 4 TOTAL P.01 ' GALE/UERO `^~�.' } . ~- '^ | PHONE NO. ' Apr. 03 1�97 11'_Q1AM p2 ' ��'`�u�`�'�� . ^ ° ` of Qommu,jt, AROjECT NAME, CENTRAL. AND ADDRE?Q_- L. New le fami.IV detached or addition CK. 3. If Multifamily -No. or Multifamily attached 2. Single-Pamily 4. If lylk,41,t.�familv, of units is this a worst 3. case (yen/no) 13-00 a. Clear W Slab in grade 10.N (R-vajue, perimeter) __ _-_ ''-~ ~.=- =,.0 insulation; ---- a. Exterior: 1. Concrete (Insulation R-value) !Oa-1 R= 4 20 1107,00 ft b.Adjacent: 2. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) 1Ob-2 R=ll'00` 162 sq--- .�en��p z�zn9 e area and insulation..' ' 11 12 Un Aira,icer attic (Insulation g-value} 11a.R=19.00 1656 00sqft . o ��zbutio� syst�ms ' ^ ---._ a. Du ts (Insulation + LocatAon) 13'Cooling [ystem 12a^ R= 6.00 , uncsnd � 13. Type: Central A/C ---- l4'Heating �ystem: SEER: 10.00 ---- 14. Type: Heat Pump ---- i5^H�t wete� system' HSPF: 6.80 ---~ Tvpe: Electric ---- | ---- i6'H�t Wate/ Creditor (HR^Heat Recovery, ^ 16EF: 0`94 ---- DP-Wdicated Heat Pump) ---- i7.Inf1ltratiqn Practice: 1, 2 or 3 17 2 '18.HVAC Credits (CP-Ceiling Fan, CV -Cross vent, 1%^ ---- "Who)e house fan. RB~Attic radiant ---- barrier^ MZ-Multizone> .9,EPI (must not exceed 100 Points) 19. 84.41 t e. Toal As-�u�lt poi�ts 19a. 23077'^24 ---- b. To�al Base points 19b. 2734036 ---- .-----_--- -_---------_--_-----_-------------------_------------------------- .--'_------- ------_----------------_----__--------~------------- � Herebv cer ify that the plar�� and 1 Review of the plans d -------------- ;pecificatio s covered by this calcu- | covered by this l a� tspec1fications ation are i/ compliance with the � compliance with ca cu�a �on indicates 'lorida Energy Code, . � Code Before��e Florida Energy construction is completed � this building will be inspacted for '-�^~`�" ,. | compliance in accordance with Section ..E� 553.908 F.S. .^e.==' -�. | .. c~~~^^a.`cwith the Florida Energy ! | ' | | !WNER/AGENT: ' _____-__-__________ | BUILDING OFFICIAL: ATE: ------- ----- DATE:__________________--------------- ------------ � . PHONE NO. � Ppr. 03 1997 11:01AM PZ ` ^ | , ��/'ari��nt of Ccmm��ity �FFIC�B1CY CODE - �ff�i�s 3N: 0050 FORM 6004' -KJFOR BUILDING CONTRUCTION s— %RDjECT~^E� sei��j Whole Buildipm Performance Method A CENTRAL. _ ILDER: PSL AND ADDRBSS� PROPERTTE� |PERMITTINI:-z i[LIMATE O'WNER^ | J��ON !OFFICE; pSL ' ^" VERMIT NO. |ZONE; 4� ( 51 |JURISD�C�lJN �O 66-200 1. New con�truct^�n or addition �~ New construction --- 2^ lY detached or Multifamily ett d - ch 3^ If Mult familv-No' of units a e 2^ 5�'mle-Famil� ---- 4. If Mult familv, is thi? a worst case (yes/no) 3 0 4^ -�-- 5' Conditioned floor area (sn'ft.) 5~ 6. Predomi�ant e�ve averhang (f 6' ^t.) 7. Porch oferhang length Eft,) ~ ^ ^ 7^ 8~ Glass a ea and a. CIear!Glass Single Pane Double p e--- b^ Tint, |film or solar screen 8a^ 0'0s= 0.0Osqft ---- 9 Floor Me and i 8b^201'2sqft 0.00sqft 10 Net Wall.\� *~� grade 'R`-^~=' Perimeter)a. Slab I 'ft ?a~R= �^ 00 , l88, �0 vne ar�a and insuIa�ion� ---- a. Exterior: I. Concrete (Insulation R-value) u' Hdjacentt 10a-1 R= 4.20. I1�7 00 ^ sq �t 2. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) 11^Ceilin9 We ---- 10b 2 � ll'80` 162 - = ` ' ^00sqft__�- area and insulation: Aira.unwer attic (Insulation 12. �-value> 11a.R=19.�0 , 1656 �0sqft ^ ois�r�ov�/cn syst�ms -..... -- a� D to (Insulation + Location) 12a. R= 6.00 13 C ' oo�zng hystem ' �ncond ---- 13. Type! Central A/C l4.Heating Lvstem: SEER: 10.00 ---- ---- � 14. Type: Heat Pump t5^Hot waterl. syst�m' ' HSPQ 6.80 ---- - , 15. Tvpe: Ele�tric 16'Hot Wata| Credztst (HR-Aoat RecovervRecovery,.l6^ _--- P-Dedicate� Heat PumF) ---- Q.Infi1trm6ien Practice: 1, Z or 3 17 18.HVAC Credits (CP-Ceiling Fan. CV -Cross vent, 2 18^ ---- HF-Wh�le house fan. RB-Attic radiant ' ........ MZ-Mult�zsn�) .9.EPI (must not exceed 100 points) 19. 04.41 a- Total As-Em�l� points 19a. 23077'^24 ---- b. To�al Base points 19b. 2734036 ---- | ---- .---_---�-----_---_-_----_-----_------_----------------------_---_------------- .~-----_---- ---- -_---------------------__-_------~-----.----_-_ � -- Hereby cer ifv that the Plans and | Review of the plant d -------------- �pecificatio s covered by this ca�cu- ; covered by this calca��ts�ec�fications t ation are i� compliance with t�--- � -~'~'�� �x ""^� ��^�w�a�zon z����a es .� de E the ' com��iRnce with the Florida Energy ~. ^ ..=^�, Code. � Code. Before construction is bompleted | this building will bQ inspocted for - :ATE: �' _ � comp1ian�e in accordance with Section �.^._-__________ 553.9O8 F.S. | hereby carlifY that this building i5 | n ccmplian with the Florida Energy � ode | . / | !WNER/AGENT: / BUILDING OFFICIAL: ATE: -------------------- ------- _______............... ( DATE:_____________ '---------------- HLE=/VEHUpHuwE,wu. 4mr+4u'J+b/�u Hpr'.10,3 iJ�/ usm,�mx ra ^' . ' SUMMER CALCULATIONS � AS -BUILT === GLASS----- ---------- ( ORIEN _------ AREAx B5PM = ---�--------------- POINTS | TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM SOF = POINTS N 22,9/� 92.2 -------------_---'--_--_---------__-------_--------_ 1982.4 i SGL TINT N 9.9 � 51.5 .75 384.0 | 5GL TINT N 11.0 51.5 .50 E 54.00 82'2 4428'8 | SGL TINT E 13'0 107'1 .72 1000'5 | SGL TINT E 35.0 107.1 .64 1035.7 | SGL TINT E 26'0 107.1 .36 999,9 8 35.20 52,2 2893.4 | SGL TINT 3.2,0 25 9 : SGL lI�� S 11.6 983 .67 7640.2 | 5GL TINT � ll.� 9�.3 .67 760'� W 89.10 BZ.2 7324'U SGL TINT N l6.2 107'1 .78 1348.7 � | SGL TINT W 9'9 107.1 .64 683.5 | 1 SOL TINT W 10.A I07'1 .72 769.6 1 SGL TINT W 53.0 107.1 ^32 1823'2 -------__-- .l5 COND ---_------_-------------_-_-------~^-_-__--_--_------------`-_---_- FLDOR / TOTAL GEASS q ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS 1 GLASS ----------- AREA -----------------------~`------------------------------------------ AREA FACTOR POINTS � POINTS '15 1, 201'20 1.141 16,538.64 13,864.90 1 10,195.13 NON GLASS-- --------- � ----------- AREA |x BSPM --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 POINTS | TYPE R-VALUE AREA SPN = POINTS WALLS------ -------- - | Ext 1107'0 1.0 1107^0 | Ext Norm=lock In 4.2 1107.1 1'16 1284.1 Adj 162.0| '7 113.4 | | A6j Wood Frame 11.0 162'0 .70 113.4 DOORS----- --------- | Ext 20.0]4.9 96.0 Ext Insulated 20.0 4.80 96.0 Adj 18.0 1^8 28.8 | ! Adj Wocd 13.0 2.40 43.2 CEILINGG - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - | UA 1530.0! '6 918,0 | Under Attic 1%0 960.0 1'10 � / � FLOORS----- --------- | ��lb 188.01 -3l.8 -5978.4 | | --------- | INFILTF0ATIO 1�530.0 =========== TOTAL 5"A_Hlyk ============ TOTAL x BY SUM PTS p 0 ----------- - 10.9 16677'0 1 Practim 42 1530.0 10.90 16677'0 POINTS7 | 31,�26.70 | 24,233,25 STEM = COOLING 1 TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING ULT POINT 1 COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ---------------------- i ---------- 1 --------------------------------- 31,828.70 1.37 11,775.88 1 24,233.25 1.00 1.100 .340 1,000 %063.2.4 PHONE NO. Apr' 03 1997 11:03nM P4 . ^ ` �� XSE AS -BUILT ORIEN AREA POINTS 1 TYPE SC ORIEN AREA WPM X WOF POINTS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS POINT'll, AREA- x BWPM - POINTS : AREA x WPM - POINTS 70TAL x SYRTEM HEATING TOTAL CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM Y CREDIT = HEATING . . PHONE ' . , 407+4894-6/58 Apr.' b3 1997 11:03nM P5 / . WHTER HEATING **v******** NUM OF AS -BUILT === x |MULT = �EDRMS TANK VOLUME EF TANK ----------------------------- M�===============�~=�= » uLT x CREDIT = TOTAL RATIO � _______________ MULT --------------------------------- 2 �527'0 7`��� 00 � 40 ------------- ' .=== .94 �.0�0 33�2 � 1 6,604.00 ,====.00 SUNMARy COOLING ========= === AS-OUILT === YEATINS POINTS + POINTS + HOT WATER TOTAL ========== / CODLI�1� HEATING POINTS ----------- i__-----_________ = p0HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS | POINTS + POINTS 11775.9 + PDINTS ----------------------~------- = POINTS 18510 5 , 70��4 0 . 2�,340.36 | 9�8� --------------------- ^ 2 7410 | .o 6604.0 23 07� 24 ,===.== *******"********* * EPI = 84.41 * � '' .' ' �ur�� N8� '�� � � . �� �997 1�04AM'PG , (Y GUIoE' For ._,~^l EPI^ g num�er Or for any JTEM I jsteo` ask your 8u lder for ' L EFI= 04.4 DCA Form or Form 600 -93 | ; 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9O l0� ' |------------ �a]lowable EPI i 100. Tho maximum -'----| / s . |he lower the WI the more efficient the home | ' RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET / ITEM HOME VALUE Low Efficiency High Efficin'�x | 4INDOWS SINGL CLR DBL TINT [NGUL#TION ....... Ceilir,R-Value..^,.,,~, _g 19 0 R-10 ' R-30 ,---------X-~---------| Wall R-yalye._,,, 4 2 R-0 �-7 ^ '-----------X---------| Floor R-Value...~'...~ 8.(,j R-0��---- ----------------� R-119 \IR CONDITI0NER....','....., SEER � 10^0 SEER I7,0 .....' ''~...''....^''. 10.O 'X . ---------_----_----_� Electric SpF 6 6^8 HSPF 12,0 .. .^'''''..^'. . � �><-------------_---_-�| |ATER HEATER.i.....',......'' � Electricor o'-''',..^''-... 0'94 0^88 �-------_---~_--X-----| 0^96 / Gas EF......-,....^. O,00 0-54 11-- ' 0 90 ' _--_-----_---------� | Solar EF..,...'~.....' 0.40 .-~ 0.80 . _-_-----`--_--_^--_| THEA � certify that these energy saving nergp Code featurea requiryd for the Florida hive been installed in this house. Jdr e^ ',- �°.�^m, '_______~_______________D�te�_�________ ity/Zip~___ __________~____ lorida Ener �ode for Build1ng Construction - 1993 lorids DerDarPMEIrst cyf Cnmmunitv Affairs FLIPPL CARD93