HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0842 ~ ,---- 'l--'-'--,""~it._- I ... I 1'[- }....J ; .. . I ; t" .. _: : l ~ .1 . '. I I. q I 1 ' fJ ('I -OJ 'I .11 , . ..-.---.. .....- .....,. -...--.----.,,----....- .', ..._1......_._..._.__...__..____ --.--.--..___........_:"'__..:-_-...,.__,.._ . '..,...__. _w__~_."__.,,...__'...... !' 17 ...; .. ., 00)", (SIAL) M7 00~.810n .xpl~..:.- .o'a~, Rubllo to~ the state ot rlori4a 0' Large. M7 C~le81on IXplr.. Pe). ., 1980 , I . ) .- I COUNty or PAI.U BBACB ) I HlRBBY CBRtIlY ,bat OD th1. day perlonally app..~" ).tote me, aD otfloer dUl, 8Qth- orl.e<< to .dalnl.'.r oath. .nd take .oknowl.dgaanta .iLl. R. BIBLS~, as Ad.lnletrator ot the Batat. ot Je... A, Ul.1..n, d.o.as." to .. ..11 known .n4 known to m. to be the Ind1vidual d..orlb.. lD aDd who .x.outed the tor.goiag 4.., and he aotnowledge<< before .e that the ex- eOQt.d the 'a.. a. Suoh Ad.lnl.trator, fr.ely and yolunt.tll1 tor tbe purpo.e. thereln eet torth. WltIlSS ., hind .nd ott101al 8e.l at Weet Pala Be8oh, .lorld., thl. 2. d.y ot Octob.r, J. W. Go041ng (SIAL) 1fotar~ PuUlo oo_ls81on .xplr..: ~ ;.:2, If~o. Botar, Pu)llo. state ot ~lorlda at Large. 111 CO_18.10n explres lIov. 12, 1930. ~ '0- o '?- Court '7 L. (. .#>--. .,~~ './ 111 .11ed 8od,r400rd.4 thi8 20 dlY ot ; (~Ct.'t~,~l) I 0, j \ / ,. " '... ,./ .;/ GooDlIl .lIJ>--aUlm RKlLn CORP. Oot. A~..8o 1928, It 11:67 A. M. P. C. Bldred, el.tk Clroult IJ, ,n' 7~ B,~ D. C. ......................... TO 11. ~. HOLlIES ADD If. A. tAYLOR WAR1WfTY DUD 'fJIIS IIDDTUR_, U84. thh l.t da, ot Ootober. ~. D. 1928, BI:rWED GOoiwla an" .88te~ r B'.lt7 Co~por.tlon. . oorporatioD .x18tlng under the lawl of the state ot rlorld., haying Itll i prlDolpal pl.oe ot bu.la.l. ID the COUDty ot St. Luole and Stote ot .lorld., party ot the flrst part. aDd II. ,. Hol... aDd. 'i. .to, ~.ylor. both ot the COWlty of st. rouoh and state ot ,10rll. pattl.. ot the .eoo04 patt,.'ITBISSBrH, that the 8814 party ot the tlrst part, tor aDd la oOD.1d.tatlon ot th. aua ot -.--------------------Doll.rl, to it In han" pa14, the re- oelpt whereof 1. hereb7.oknowl.4ged, has grante". bargalned, lold, alleDe., rem18ed, re- l..sQ'. oonv.,.. a04 oontitae4. ani by the.. present. doth grant, bargaln, .ell. alleD, r.- al.e. ..1...., oonY.7 ao4 oootlra WltO the 8814 Plrtl.. ot the lIeoond p.rt, and thelr h.lt. ! ao4 aa.l~18 tor.ver. a11 tbat oertala p.roel ot land lylng .nd belng ID the Count7 ot ~t. J Luol. aDd stat. ot ~lorlda, aore pertloular17 ....orlbel .. ~ollow.: j' , ~t 16 ot Hlook 4 ot !Uoker '.rr.... ooapr181ng .11 ot the S. E. t ot s. W. i ot S'.Uon t, ~own.hlp 86 30Qth ot _ng. .0 ..., exoept on. .or.;:1a the If. W. j. oom.r, a. per pIa' r.oor4.~ 1D th. ottlo. ot the Clerk ot th. GlrouttCourt of st. Luole COWDty, 'lorl..., in ~l.t Book 4, Page 64. , i ~OOIfHIB with .11 the "De.eot.. here41ta.ent. and appurtenanoell, wlth .very pp1vl1eg.. tight, ! tltl., interest .Dd .s,.,., r.v.~.loD, r...inder aDd .as...nt ther.to b.longing or ID auy.l.. . i 1 i appertllDloa; '10 HAQ .um 70 tiOLJ) the .... ID t.. staple tor.v.r. i i . A>>4 the .aid p.rt, of the tir8' part doth ooy.nant wlth the eald partl.. ot th. ..oond i ! part that It 1. lawtul17 ..1.... of the eald premla.8i that they .r. tree of .11 IDouabranoes. . ! i ! .04 ,bat it hi. BOot tight .nd 1.wtul allthor1t7 to ..11 the ....i .nd th. 8814 party ot the ,j tlr.t p.rt do.. here-'; tgl17 warrant th. tltl. to .814 lan4. a04 wl11 detend the .a.e agaln8t I th. 1.wtul olal.. ot.ll patlon. whoaeo.n~. ' . I II WI1'IISS 1DIJRBOP. th. ..11 p.rt, ot the tiret p8,r' .s OBUlle" the.. pre.ente to Ite I .; .1gaed 1D 1t. naa. b7 It. pr..14.at. .n4 1t. ootpor.te .e.l to b. .tttz.., .~t..t.. b7 It. I f o "~~ ~l1~7~:~:~WJ;:l:rr~;~~7J~'f~~~;f~1f..