HomeMy WebLinkAboutLANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS8' - 1/i'PIPE" Zber.meggs SHUTOFF; 05OR'OG. 3T'J EMPLOYEE. OWNERS iTidd Hoskins ` I/2' P I PE , SALES REPRESENTATIVE I , RANGE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL $r♦UT0F=�' 80;u7G•EIU y • 4103 BANDY BOULEVARD FT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 (561)465 8282 FAN (561) 468-3409 .INDIAN RIVER COUNTY (561)563-0130 u g' _ 1f2°PIPE` ORYER SHUTOFF '22,000 BTU cif� `L B - 1/2'PIPE WATER HEATER , {���-h/C,�1�.^:✓" ��t'�-3' :+ „' I SHUTOFF 35,000 oTU SHUTOFF 6 A�yorREGULATOR _IZO gal UNDERGROUND PROPANE TANK GAS R I SCR NTC �`l - r/ W7 ST. LUCIE COUNTY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS FOR THREE OR FEWER UNITS Detached single-family (including individual mobile homes not located in a mobile home park), two-family, and three-family residences must comply with Sections-17:09.03 and 7.09.04 (1) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Provisions of Section 6.60.00, Vegetation Protection and Preservation, shall always be complied with. Section 7.09.04 (1) requires that one (1) tree must be preserved or planted for every 2,500 square feet of the subject parcel of land, up to a maximum planting of 17 trees per parcel. and must meet the following standards: TREES One hundred percent (100%) of the trees/palms shall consist of native or drought a.T- tolerant species, as listed in section 7.09.04 (L)(2). (see back of this sheet for list) b. Trees shall be.a species having a minimum average mature crown spread of . fifteen feet in St. Lucie County. Trees having a mature crown spread of less than fifteen feet may be arranged or grouped so as to create the equivalent of a fifteen-. foot crown spread, however, any such group or groups shall only count as one tree for the purpose of compliance with this code. C. Tree species shall be a minimum of twelve feet (12') in height and have a diameter of two and one-half inches (2.5") measured at four and one-half feet (4 V2') above the ground at time of planting. d. All required trees shall have a minimum of .five feet (5') of clear trunk and a crown spread measuring minimum of five feet (5') --at time of -planting.. e. None.of the.following trees shall.be planted•in.SLLucie,County. Where.such,,;:,•..., species�hlreadk exist; theregremoval shall beaiconditiontof any final development(fYt <, order. Melaleuca (Melaleuca leucandra), Brazilian Pepper (Schinus j terebinthefolius), Australian Pine (Casaurina spp.). PALMS a. I Palm trees shall be clustered in groups of three (3) to count as one required shade tree., b. I All palm trees shall have a minimum clear trunk of ten feet (10') at time of planting. ` NIINIlVIUMNC7MBER"OR-PLANTED/-PRESERVED„TREES.*REQUIRED:FOR�THIS eN pERMI'Ttq ,•5. SPECIES MIX When more than ten (10) trees are required to -be pl_anted Eo-- negVthe-requireme tits of code, a mix of species shall be provided as follows: , REQUIRED NUMBER OF TREES MINIMUM NUMBER OF SPECIE) ,- { 11-20 2 21-30 3 31-40 4 41+ 5 • Fifty percent of the required trees shall be species other than palm trees, excep at on ,NQ` h and South Hutchinson Islands, the Public Works Director may approve the us8,of a mix of tree species of more than 50% palm trees, if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director that the particular site is exposed to high salt impacts or other s"i" I r tatutal conditions that are not conducive to non -coastal plant species. TREE PRESERVATION A preserved, native, healthy tree may be substituted for any of the trees ,required by the landscaping requirements of this section i.. a Credit Ratio: Preserved native trees shall be credited for required traes, pursuant to the following ratio DBH OF PRESERVED NATIVE TREE CREDIT RATIO TOWARDS UIR�D'. REM 31" — 36" 8 25" — 30" 5 { 19" — 24" 4 f 13" —18" 3 T9 — 12" 2 i. 2.5"-6" 1 , Bald Cypress Gerry Laurel .Crape Myrtle �' Drake Elm- s . ; Dahoon Holly East 'Palatka Holly Hickory Laurel Oak Lippe Oak Ligustrum Podocarpus »C Taxodium distichum Prunus caroliniana Lagerstroemia indica Ulmus parvifolia „ Ilex cassine Ilex attenuata Carya spp. Quercus laurifolia Quercus virginiana Ligustrum Podocarpus spp. it Trees" Red Maple Aced' rubrom Red Bay Peea boro lit River Birch . Befula nigrq. Slash•Pine.:; : -,Putts. ellioN Sand Pine P/hia clgusu Southern Magnglia M. gragdiflora Southern Redcadar Juniperus silicola Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflya Sycamore Platanus occidefgaUS ?f 1VIIJ CHNG STANDARDS - ulr I,uCiu`�;oyntj►-discourages the .use'of Cypress mulch'on. all°reSidentia prpjeets. r 't �� N