HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0852 . "_'~'_~__M __-.__.. __....._ r-- I I ~..- .....--........'......------.... . .. ... ."'. ~ , ... ~._.-----.......~._-,_.- .-- -~....." --- ~---..-...._...- -.-.... 181 ft. ..., .11 ft) ot th. Ia.' Balt (.). ot tbe .ortbea.t Quarhr 'bt) ot the .or'h..a' quarter '.) ot 8eotloD '1, to.Dahlp M Sou'b. 11.... 8t ..., oon- [] 'elnlng 10 .ore.. .or. or 1..., Ih1e !)eet h glven ault~.o, '0 .11 .zhUft8 rlghta at ..,.. ot Drelnag. CaDel, a04 Pultllo B18b"J.. tog.'her .ith ell ,be 'en...nt, heradita..n~a and appurtenanoe. thereunto lt81008ioS or in ao,.l.. appor'alnl~ !O iian AD TO BOJd) 'ho .... in te. 8111ple torev.r, ADd 'he ..i4 par'~ ot th. tir.t par' will. and hi, WUOO.II.or8 .hell uarrant ani lefend 'he 'ltl. '0 .81t property untu the 881d part~ of th. .eoon4 part and b18 aSllgna foreyer. qain.' \ba lewtul olal.. and de_n4. of all pctreon. ohlalD8 by, through Ot under tha ."U par'~ ot tb. fir",part, but asaln.t nons other, U WItJIES WlIBIlEO.. tha old ~en. K. aa1l1arl. !rutae a. afora.aid. baa hereunto .., hl. ban4 and .eal a' 'or' Pieroe. .lorlda, on thi. the day aol yael' tlrat abov. wrltt.n. .J i . I ! lJ aiga14. 8.ale' and dellvared In the pre.anoe ot: lUSeoe M. Gal11ar4 ~rua'ea. (Se.1 ) ADDl. J. Gobb w. I. 'a8.ar 1"1 HAT. r. l1iOBIDl. COUlfTY 0' SAl1ft' LUCIE: I BI8IIY CD'Uft, !hat on ~h1e 3O'h tay of Oo'ober, 1928 paraoDelly appeara4 Eugena )(. Ga11lart. !ru.h., to .. known to be tho pareon dasorlbed In and who exeouted tbe toregoing convayanoe to Ale.Hat ~. Pa71'ot .Dd aokno..1acl8e4 the axaou~lon thereof to b. hls free aot .u' 'ead a. lIuoh !tustee. tor tha usa. ani purpolle. thereln maDtiooed. WIfllS8 ~ .1soature end otfiol.1 se.l at 'ort Pleroa. 1n the County ot St. Luole and Jear la.t Gfore.ald. State t \:. aMll, . .1104 ../r"jj\;~hl. SO 407 ot Oot. ", l (Gt .Ct .Seal) '): >: " ' ....~-...o.::..~ W. I. Vassar (Seal) Botaty Publio tor tha State ot '10t14a a' Large. M) Co__ls.ion IZplre. Dea. 6. 1i29 B7 ~ 1~ D. C. ~ ,~~ " .':) ..... c:.- L ";) .' .~ ....... :(.: .,. D. 1928. a' 11:36 A. K. P. C. aldr.d. Clerk Clroult Cour' ......................... [J J. 8. tiD:B 10 AOBJDDlJlt .leD 7BUIf COKPABY 0' f tHIB AG~~t, Interet 10to tbl. tho 30th dey ot OOtober. A. D. li28. by aod b.tweeD J. 8. auD. unmanl_, h.relDatter koown and '88ipateti fiB the party ot the tirat part. and ~CMl JBUIT COKP.lIY.a corpot.tioD, har.lnatt.r known and d'.1IDa'.. as th. party ot the .e- cond par~. lOW, THIS IJIDD'lUR. WUBISSBrB. ~', wher... th. perty of the tire' par' 1. 'he owner , I of a oertaiD oltru. trult Stove or 8tOye8, sltua'" i l 'lori'a, aora partioul.rly d..orlltet a. follow.. ! I ! l I ! I I I . ! AID. WJD8IAS. 'h. per'y ot the tir.t part 18 t..lrou o~ eO"l'lDf lato an .8f....n' ! ! .ith 'h. pal'" ot tho '.0004 wher.b~ th. 88id ol'rul"o., or 8\'0." ,loo.t.d UPOD tb. aboT. ! ! IDtha County ot 8t. Luole aDd Stete ot ..., blt at the lorth..., Quarter ot thl lorth..., Quarter. and thl .aa' Halt ot 'hI lorth...t Quarter ot the porth...t Quartet ot alotlon Plva. Iowalhip 'hlr'~-.1z aou~h ot SaOSI 'h\r'~-Dlo. Ia.', , . ~. ~~~ ~X~:~~ ~~:~~:~:~1~~~~~~f?;.f;:~:; ~.~J-~~i~~;~}~: -, ,'-_.~,~' '-~-'''-