HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODEDepartment i Community Affairs S N v 5050 _ f FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 6nOA i93 Residential Whole Building Performance Method A CENTRAL RROJE1=T NAME: HAMPTON MODEL CBS Qi lILDER2 PSL PROPERTIES AND ADDRESS: WORST ORIENTATION N !PERMITTING !CLIMATE PSL !OFFICE: PSL QONE a 41 _ 1 5 1 1 61 _ 1 - OWNER: !PERMIT hay �. !JURISDICTION RISDI+_TION f' O. 661200 1_ K 1. New ronit.r-t_act i s n or addition 2. Single family detached or Multifamily attached :3. If Multifamily -No. � �f units 4. If Multilfami ly, is this a worst case (yes/no) . 1_o ndit•i- Ined floor- area (__q. ft.. ) 6. Predominant eave overhang (ft.) .. Porch ov,erhang length (ft.) S . Glass area and type a. Clear Klass b. Tint, film or solar- screen 9. Floor t.;='p and insulation: a. Slab on grade (R-value, perimeter) 10. Net Wall type area and insulat•iong 1. 2. 3. 5 1559.00 6. 2. 00 Single Pane ;a. i_I.Osgft Sb .:345. '2sgf t• New Construction ----- S i ng l e-Fam i l y _--_ i 1 s C 0. 3AW--- Double Pa, 0, 0i_Isgft• ---- 9a. R= it. 1_I0 , 190, 00 ft. ---- a. Eater tor-: 1. Concrete (Insulation R-value) 10a-1 R= 4.20, 955.00sgft.---- b. Adjacent: 2. Wood frame (insulation R-value) 10b-2 R=11.1111, 171.110sgft.---- 1 1 1_:ei 1 ing ,type a.r-ea and ire u1at.iona a. Under- attic (Ire=_ulat•ion R-value) 11a.R=19.00 . 1753.00sgfit.---- 12 . A i r dish I ri but i o n systems a. Ducts (Insulat•ion + Location) 12a. R= 6.00 ur-cond ---- 1:3, 1_no1 ino ,system 1:3. Type: Central A/1= EER: 10.00 ---- 14. Heating 5yst•em o 14. Type: Heat Pump 15 . Hot• water r- system: 15. Type: Electric ---- EFa 0.90 ---- 16. Hot• Wat•e!r- Credits: (HR-Heat. Recovery, 16. DHP-Dyd i rated Heat- Pump) 17. infi ltrat•ion practice: 1, 2 or :3 17. 2 ---- IS. HVA1 isreidit.s (CF-Ceiling Fan, CV -Cross vent, 18. ---- HF-Wh ale house fare, RB-Attic radiant. barrier, MZ-!'riu1t•izone) 19. EPI (ml_a_t not exceed 1011 Points) 19. 99.75 ---- a. Topal AS -Built points 19a. 30988.89 . Total Base points 19b. 31068.08 ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------li--------- ---- - ---------7---------------------------------------- .I.. Hereby certify t.}-gat the plans and 1 Review ewJ of the plans and spec i f l cat :L ons• .qpi ifi atibr,•_ covered by this a1 u- 1 covered by this calculation indicates lation are in compliance with the 1 compliance with the Florida Energy " IVrlda. Enek. gy Code. 1 Code. Before construction is Completed ' this building will be inspected for PRET` A R E D BY"!. ----------- ----- 1 compliance in accordance with Sect. i or-, 7 DATE:_---�L�1-%L 1 �=�t: 8 F.S. � 1 ' I hereby certify that this building is 1 in compliance with the Florida Energy 1 Code. 1 i i , OWNER/AGENT: 1 BUILDING OFFICIAL: IAL:----------------------- �• °' ^ LATE HTE;----------------- II W I 1= i f I it W f -0 r I III I --1 I CO i u 1 .: { u ffl 1 ' I it ••,1 I u 1 rJ:l I II- I-� -'•; I it ° I n I 11 1 11 1 11 II r� 1 11 F=-• ! 1 t '•' { i i f';� !I r I 0 I_1 11 i?•: I H +�+ it cf_f I - r CO It 1 0 II I u ! I I I, i i r~+ -► u 41 ! 1_I f_f It I --.- 11 if., ! T. D it ra I II 3 1 { II 1 II ifl 1 �•• , 1! t•-'• I D r�r u ° I -I D it ! , . it ° I !! : 1_ if I it II 1 11 t II 1 Irr II 4- If I tI I II I It I !I I II t-+• I + + it a I It =_: I i r-t I! I I! +--• I it II IJ II ,•.I ! It 4� It If e 1 Z r ,f `i i 8 '•�f I 1 J;1 = 11 i i 14 I! 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W CI ID If IZI 11 if T CL I if If if I CO 11 If 11 I I w lyI 11 OL 1 3 -4 I LO Tt I I -4 I It if I-- 11 z I I I E I C. If C, p LIJ LL <C c. if I X I 1 CL II F- W if I I I 11 u 0 D I rj if 11 II I <E Ld if I I I C) C. z 0 11 cl: If Lif I >- E I I�rji I H if rr I I In if I _r I I . . H 11 [- 11 1 1 1f cl I al C, Z to (r) w I I Lf-.1 -q I CO CC. N Tt 0". •ri LO ez 10 it H if I If -Z <[ C, LO I --I Cr Lf j 11 -_--Z 11 110 1 Tj- 11 if i.1-i Z _j Z -4 1:0 I:rj W L-. 1 0 -i H if -i 11 C, 11 _j CL I 11 <E 1 r',II - If If I Z w w (17JI z I 1 4, -n 011 Li- 11 if z I f,-. if -j I ef -171 111 t.T -7 '1 " -, , 1-1 1 If / ' ************************************************************************** | ^ WATER HEATING ********************** v | ' === BASE === � | === AS -BUILT === =========== ================================================================ INUM �=== OF x MULT = TOTAL | TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL BEDRMS | ^ | RATIO MULT --------�--------------------------------------------------------------_-_----- 3527.0 10,581.00 | 40 .90 1.000 3449.7 1.00 10,349.00 =========== =================================================================== *********** ******************************************************************* SUMMARY *********** ******************************************************************* ==� BASE === | === AS -BUILT === COOLING �EATING HOT WATER TOTAL 1 COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + pOZNTS + POINTS = POINTS | POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS �---------- i ---------- 7 -------------------------------------------------------- 11968 3 8518 7 10581.0 31 068 08 | 1``954 9 7685 0 10349 0 30 988.89 ~ i ^` ^ � ^ ^ ^ ' ***************** * EPI = 99.75 * ***************** /41,'/rdetai led info �r-mat.ion EPI rating number Alr- for any ITEM listed, ask: your Builder for - ENERGY GUIDE EPI= ` 9. 7 0 10 20 : 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ' „ r The maximum allowable EPI is 100. The lower- the EPI the more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET ITEM HOME VALUE Low Efficiency High Efficiency SINGL l=LR I BL TINT WINDOWS ..................... Single Tint. i------;>-------------- ; INSULATIiN.................. Ceiling R-Value......... 19.0 Wall R-Value......... 4.2 Floor- R-Va1ue.. o . o .. on AIR CONDITIONER ............. EER....................... 10.0 HEATING SYSTEM....... i ...... Electric HSPF............ 6.8 WATER HEATER ......... ...... Electric EF.............. 0.90 Gas EF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00 Solar- EF.............. OTHER FEATURES .............. R-10 R-30 , R-i_! R-7 '--- X , R-i! R-1 , 9.7 ' EER 16. ! i , 6.8 HSPF 12.0 , 0.88 0.96 1---- X---------------- ; 0.54 i---------------------1; _ '----------------------' 1 certify t•h-,at these energy saving features required for the Florida Energy gy Code have been installed in this house. Builder Addr ess: S i gnat.E_ar e n City/zip Florida (' . o r" 1 d a Energy Code f o t- Building Construction - 1993 Florida 1}epart.ment. of Community Affair=_. FL-EPL !_ARD93 08-05 -98 60601903.15 SUMMARY REPORT -------------- i Prepared For:- Prepared By: HANOVER HOMES TRACY PSL BLVD. ' TRACY D. STEELE A/C INC. PSL 1 , FL 34953 Job Name: HANOVER/HAMPTON DESIGN CONDITIONS for FT. PIERCE j OUTDOOR INDOOR SUMMER WINTER SUMMER WINTER Dry Bulb 90 42 75 70 Wet Bulb ! so 70- Daily Ranges 20 Daily Swing 3.0 Latitude 27 Elevation 10 Safety Factor (%) 10 Latent Factor (o) 30 Sensible Room Heating Heating Cooling Cooling Name BTUH ------- CFM ------- BTUH ------- ------- CFM ---- Living Room: 4,283 189 3,681 194 Family Room 3,270 144 3,231 170 Dining Room 3,283 145 4,658 246 Kitchen 1,312 58 5,424 286 Bedroom 1 4,986 220 4,952 261 Bedroom 2 _ 2,565 113 1,022 54 Bedroom 3 1,856 82 551 29 Bathroom 1,311 58 274 14 Bathroom 1,133 50 287 15 Bathroom 8,794 387 4,847 256 WIC 912 40 131 7 LAUN. 966 43 131 7 MISC.HALLS 517 23 192 ------- 10 ------- 35,188 ------- 1,550 ------- 29,381 1,550 HEATING DELTA T 20.6 COOLING DELTA T 17.2 . I JANITROL 10.0 SEER HEAT PUMP MODEL CPKE-42 40,000 BTU'S NOT`' Calculated Airflow is based upon a,%iau requ:irarnent5. Verify that air -Flow calculated is compatible with selected equipment requirements. ** 08-05-98 �f� 60601903.15 •� DETAILED REPORT FOR ENTIRE HOUSE-' Prepared For: Prepared By: HANOVER HOMES TRACY PSL BLVD'. TRACY D. STEELE A/C INC. PSL FL 34953 Job Name: HANOVER/HAMPTON EXPOSURE GLASS --j_-NORTH---SOUTH--_EAST ------ -------------------------------------------- WEST NE/NW SE/SW HORZ. TOTAL AREA !i 42i. 5i 156i 64; 0! 0: 0: 267 COOLING'; 806: 1231 8,143: 3,341: 0; 0; 0; 12,413 HEATINGii 840: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100: 3,119! 1,279: 0; 0: 0: 5,338 BELOW WALLS NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST NE/NW SE/SW GRADE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 'i 408: 184: 249; 266; 0: 0: 01 1,107 COOLING'! 6621 299; 4041 432; 0; 0; O; 1,797 HEATING ; 1,641; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 740: 1,002: 1,070: 0; 0; 0; 4,453;• DOORS NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST NE/NW SE/SW TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA I; 0; 0; 0; 21: 0; -0; ; 21 COOLING ; 0; 0; 0; 66: 0; 0; ; 66 HEATING ; 0; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0; 0; 100; 0; 0; ; 100 FLOOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA COOLING HEATING j --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1675 ; 0 ; 10,455 CEILING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA COOLING HEATING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1675 ; 809 ; 2,266 MISCELLANEOUS COOLING LOADS -900 - -- ---Latent People Sensible Load Load- 8,104 Lights & Appl. Load 4,608 Latent Safety Btuh 810 Ventilation Load 2,475 Duct Heat'Gain 3,317 Infiltration Load 626 Sensible Safety Btuh 2,369 TOTAL SENSIBLE LOAD :_'9,381 TOTAL LATENT LOAD Summer ACH 0.14 Temp. Swing Mult. 1.00 *** Total Cooling Load 38,293 BTUH Or 3.19 Tons *** MISCELLANEOUS HEATING LOADS ----------------------- Infiltration Load 2,337 Ventilation Load 4,620 Duct Heat�Loss 2,661 Safety Btuh 2,957 Winter ACH 0.00 *** Total Heating Load 35,188 BTUH *