HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0856 .. , .....~. "~' -...~. --~..~-'"-...- ,~. -.. '" + ....-. - -~._._--_._------_._._~_._.' ~..~._~ ----- -- ....-.-- 185 'h..ua.. and purpos.. thareIn axpre...4 a. the aot and daad ot the 8814 oorporatioD. l! i i i ) ! 80th t., I 1 , , I I 1918. lfI'''S IV hand and ottlohl ...al at I'ort Pleroe, Bald County and Stat., 'thi. th. 111. L. Ltne'argar So'arJ Publlo 8'ate ot '~or~d. Mr. oo..lsslon expIre.: 6/22/81 .of 00'. A. D. li28, d g..,. A. II. . P. C, Bldr64. Clerk Clroult 'ourt B7 ~~-,JL.:..... "1~ D. C. r~~ f 1 l B. 8. .ILI,IAKB AHD WII'Jr t ............................ . TO BIGHI-OI'-WlY DBBD STATE ROAD DKPAB':IIlm'l OJ' PLl. r-. I i : , ant 111a~. Wl111... wlfe ot Jr. S. .ill1..., ot the ~ount7 ot st. Luole aDd State ot'lorid.., p.rtle. ot 'he tIr.t pert, and the Sta'e ~osd Depart.eot ot the State ot '10t14a, party ot : th. seOOD4 pal't, WItIlSSBTB: That the sald partle. ot the flrllt part. tor and In oon81deratlon ot the aua ot One Dollar Ctl.OO) and other yaluable oon.lderatlona to them in hand pald by the party of the a,oood Part. the teoelpt whereot 111 her'by aaknowledg.d. bath granted. bargained and 'Old. a04 bJ th.s. pte8.nt. do gran', bargalD and eell to the 8ald party of the seoond part. ! ita 81100'..Ots and a881g08. 8 rlght-of-ny and ea8.ment 'thirty three (33.0) tut wlele In Seo- . I !tl0DL1' Town.hip 86 3011th ot ~oge 40 IBs'. In st. Luole Count,. ~10rld8. de80tlbed a. tollew. ....It: tBIS IIDBlTURI, Bad. thla the 27'h del ot Ootober, A. D. 1928, between B. S. Wl111a.. S. 60 4eg. fi4 ain. W., 188.1 tee' to poInt of beglnning ot treot hereby oonveyed. 'henoe. oontln"e S. 60 deg. 64 mlD. W. ~.. feet-, thenoe. S. 1 deg. 2. mln. W., 48.. f..'-, theDoe - B. 60 4eg. ~ miD. B. 64.. fa.t, thenoe- B. 1 deg 24 aln. '" '8.. tee' to poInt ot beglDniag. oon'talnlng 6/100 oa ooe aore, more ~les.. an4 'eiD& a part ot Blook 2 ot K. X. Koo~e. ~ubdlv1810D a. teoorded In Plst book 3 ou page 11 ot st. Luole C~UDt7 reoord8, aDd lylQ8 80utherly ot th. oentre of Okeeohobee BOld. otherwl.e known a. State Ho.d ~lght. aDd tor~lng the .outherll hal~ ot right ot ..y ot lIa14 road. ~h18 dead 1. glyeo tor the purpoBe o~ oorreotlng deet prevlou.- 17 81yen b7 par'7 ot the fIrat part, In whloh ..14 deed the phrs.e w226.7 ~ee'w. reterre. to 00 thl~d I1ne of this deed was oalt'ed. Th1e 'eed 18. ude tor the pilrpO.8 of g1YIDB au!! granting to the party ot the seoond 'part, It. 'lloo..80r~, legal r.pre.eotatlyea and asalgn8, a tight-ot-way and ......ot. in aD4 to , BeglnnlQ8 a\tth. 8. W., Cor. ot th. .. W. quarter ot the South Be8t quarter ot the I. Jr. quart.r of 8.otlon 1'. ~. 86 S.. B. .0 B., theno.- Jast, 226.' teet-, thena8T I i I I i I i I , I I I I I I f . ; . , ' j"14 lau'. tor publio hlgh.a7 PlltpOS.S; aoel ls made. "-outed aud deliveted With the expres. iaDt.ts'SDding aDd oou41tloD that shoul4 'he eaa. ByeI' be ell.oontinued or abandone. a. a pUblio lhlghwsy the tItle to the aaae shall thereupon rey.rt to 80d reyes' In the partles ot the tlret ipsr', ~helr helrs or a..lgoa. ~ II WItlESS WHlREOI'. 'the ..1d partles ot the tlret part haye h~~euuto 8et thelr hands i !eocl ...1. th1s the da7 and ,.er tlrst aboys writteo. I f 1818u'4, 8eal.4 aocl deliyereel in the prellenoa ot: I I I I I i .. S. WUU..s Blla u. W1111s.. (8UL) (SIAL) 1'. 1'. B"Utt ' J, s. JaokHa ~f;~~::~~--' :~~il~;~~~i f~~~~;$~Ji~i ~:~:t~,:~~;i~j~~~~ ...... ----,. -- .. -.- --_._-_.._-~----_._._.._- . , ~ ~ . l :; .:_;-..~~:-~-~t;;:;'<I~~:.~:~~~~~>-t~7~~:.